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Primary Sources for the 4th Maryland Infantry

Plattsburgh Republican, September 27,1862

From the 118th Regiment.

We received yesterday a letter from Quarter-master P. K. DELANEY, dated “Camp Wool, near Relay House, Md, Sept. 22.” Lieut. DELANEY says all the officers and men of the Regment are in good health and spirits–not ten on the sick list, all told.“ We are encamped on a beautiful hill back of the Relay House, which gives us a good view of the surrounding country, here is stationed here the 138 Pennsylvania, 4th Maryland, 118th N. York, and one of BURNSIDE'S batteries commanded by Capt MCMAHAN. In this command I find all the boys that went out with Lieut. J. H. DONOVAN, except two. They have seen much hard service, but have not yet been in a battle.

The weather is warm here, the thermometer at 94 in the shade on Sunday; but the nights are cold and damp, owing to the heavy dews, which sometimes runs off from our tents like rain,”

Mr. Delaney also sent us a Secession company color, which was taken at Frederick, Md., and given to Mr. D. by a Baltimore friend. It is perforated by 28 balls. The color may be seen at this office.


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