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Back to 141st New York Infantry
Chamberlin, Leander. Manuscript diary by a private in the 141st New York Infantry. Sold at auction, 2011.
CIVIL WAR ARCHIVE OF ALBERT J. WHITLEY 141ST NEW YORK, 70 items. Offered at auction, 2005.
Corning (NY) Journal, September 25, 1862
REMEMBER THE VOLUNTEERS. The importance of sending letters and papers to the volunteers is not properly realized the their friends. Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, the chaplain of the 141st Regiment, in a letter to the Elmira Advertiser, from their camp between Baltimore and Washington, thus speaks on the subject.
You would open your eyes to see the letters that pour into my tent for home - over two hundred and fifty to-day. And if you could see the men run to get the letters you'd tell people to write and send papers. I see already how cheaply you at home can do a great favor to any absent soldier, particularly in he be a private.
Take any late paper, send it to him at a cost of a one cent stamp and you make one man thoroughly happy for several days - a letter is still better.
Hornellsville Tribune, October 2, 1862
From the 141st Regiment.
Laurel Station, Prince George County,
MARYLAND, Sept, 25, 1862.
EDS. TRIBUNE :—Our ride from Elmira to this place was one long ovation. Oue continued cheer and waving of fags, Hats and handkerchiefs greeted the regiment from the moment we stepped on the cars till we arrived Here. Our march through Baltimore was one of the kind you read of. From nearly every house was displayed the stars and stripes, and the Ladies gave us a good lunch. We are encamped in a fine meadow on a sloping ground, between the Baltimore & Ohio R. R., track and the carriage road, 18 miles from Washington, our tents extending from one road to the other, and so near the track that we can readily distinguish and converse with the passengers in the cars. Our duty is to guard the R. R, and the bridge which crosses the Patuxet at this point. Our men are now engaged in building an abattis and blockhouse at the bridge. Laurel is a neat, sleepy little lazy village of one street, the houses built mostly of stone, the streets shaded, and a large old fashioned pump in the middle of the street in front of every third or fourth house. Before the war it was quite a manufacturing town, but at present there is no business of any kind carried on, and hardly a white man to be seen. Everything is different from a Northern village. The wagons are large enough to make a dozen like those made by neighbor Conderman, and are drawn around by three or four horses with a slave riding one of them Everything human is sleepy, lazy, listless and inactive— 200 years behind the North. But the country is magnificent; such fine rolling land, and not a hill to be seen.— Fruit of nearly every kind is in abundance. Our boys go out and bring in bushels of grapes and peaches that grow wild on the river bank, The inhabitants all profess Union sentiments, and appear friendly, but they don't disguise their hostility to the Lincoln Administration. There is, however, no doubt that they are anxious for the war to close, and nothing would go more against them than to have Stonewall march up this valley. The health of the Regiment is unprecedented. This morning there are but two in the Hospital, and they are laughing and talking so that I hear them now. Our, boys are all well. Doctor Robinson is undoubtedly one of the most competent and certainly the kindest hearted and most sympathizing Surgeon in the whole Army— and to his foresight and care and that of his excellent assistants are we indebted to the excellent assistants are we indebted to the unusual good health of the Regiment. His previous experience in the service didn't hurt him any. Capt. Russell and Lieuts. Barton and Collins have already become veterans in the service—and do all in their power to make the men comfortable. Of course they stand high in the estimation of both men and officers—for what else could you expect when they are always ready to do one a kindness? Our company is fast learning the drill, and under the instruction of Orderly Fred Willor, bids fair to become the crack company of the Regiment.— Frank Crane, Ed Ward, Steve Gilbert and Jas Emery are members of the medical staff, and with Hospital Steward, Harris Sawyer, form quite a little company by themselves. They are gay as larks and make the life of the Regiment. Chief Bugler, George Gray, is organizing his men, and as I write the notes of his bugle come floating on the air. The living is a little tough to one unaccustomed to it, it is true, and it takes our boys some time to learn how to live on salt pork and hard crackers, but, as Levi Doty says, “it's better than Shaw's eggs,” and as the Colonel and all the officers feed on the same, we eat it without grumbling and grow fat. Soldier life is somewhat harder than sitting on Mack Browns corner and talking about it, but I havn't found a man yet that is the least bit homesick, or that would go home to day if he could. We have plenty to eat, drink and wear, and the only thing we miss is Billy Lavallett's Barber Shop, Have any of your readers any idea of where all the soldiers go? Every day we see from three to four Regiments pass, and it would do you good to see us exchange greetings— Don't we yell? We are expecting the 161st, (Col. Harrower) down this way daily and when they come we will make them deaf. This is an odd climate. The days are as hot as Steuben in July; and the nights as cold as a frogs nose. The dew comes on like rain, and the sun pops up hot as if shot out of a gun. The sky is red tilt near midnight, and we have lots of meteors and shooting star. We don't know how long we shall stay here, and by the Baltimore papers this morning. I see that we may be ordered on soon, so that my next may be written “mid dying groans, where shells shriek and bullets whistle.”
All communications should be directed
to the name of the person, care of Captain,
141st Regt, N.Y, Vols, Washington,
D. C.
M. W. H.
Havana (NY) Journal, October 4, 1862
The 141st Regiment, (Col. Hathaway,) is stationed at Laurel, Maryland. A writer from this camp, says: “The boys have managed to capture one Secesh, and the Binghamton boys also succeeded in capturing one and shooting another through the breast. Everything is dear here—milk is 12 cents per quart, butter 37 1/2 cents per pound, and eggs 3 cents each, Our rations consist of a slice of raw salt pork, five sea biscuits, and a cup of coffee - sometimes beans in the place of pork. Our tents are poor affairs—very thing and small. Four men 'bunk' in a tent. It goes first-rate now, but when we have storm the rain will come right through and drown us out. We are now engaged in building a fort near our encampment to defend a railroad bridge. Their are not many in the hospital considering that the water is quite bad.— Some of our tents are named respectively “Montour House,” “Brainard House,” “Haight's Hotel,” “Wild Cat Tiger,” and “Fort Donelson.” The streets are named Havana, Baldwin, Third Avenue, Canisteo, Steuben, &c.”
Corning (NY) Journal, October 9, 1862
Mr. Editor - Thinking that the readers of the JOURNAL might wish to know the whereabouts and welfare of the 141st, I embraced the opportunity of informing them through the columns of your paper.
The regiment marched from the barracks to the cars on Monday the 14th inst., about 1 P. M., The boys generally seemed to be in the best of spirits, laughing, jesting and singing patriotic songs. Yet a close observer could see that beneath these noisy demonstrations was a feeling of sadness not easily concealed. Nor is it strange that men, young and old, leaving their homes, their families and their all, to go forth and endure the toils and dangers of war, perhaps never to return, should experience these feelings of sorrow. There were many little incidents in the parting between friends peculiarly touching. Aged mothers with tears streaming down their cheeks, their voice trembling with emotion, entreating their sons to be firm in resisting the evils of camp life - sisters and brothers parting with their associates in the sunny hours of merry childhood - young wives weeping with their bitter tears - raising their little ones in their arms to received the parting kiss, and say with childish accent “good by pap” - the father striving to drive back the ready tears, and hide from their loved ones the sorrow of their souls, assuring them of a safe and speedy return, but alas! many of those promises would never be realized.
Amid such scenes as these, and the cheers and blessing of thousands of citizens, the 141st left Elmira for the “land of Dixie.”
We reached Williamsport about 5 P. M., and were furnished a bountiful supper by the ladies consisting of both the necessaries, and luxuries of life. It was a gratefully received, as it was unexpected. The ladies middle-aged and young, were not as they are in many instances, above noticing the common soldiers, but were vieing with one another in cheering them with tempting smiles, and kind words of encouragement. Grateful indeed to men who had just parted with their friends, to be shut out from the privilege of female society. We left about 8 P. M., with the kind wishes, and shouts of approbation on a patriotic people, ready and willing to do a deed of kindness to the supporters of our common country. Thus have they generously fed regiment after regiment, letting none go hungry. Many thanks to them for their noble efforts, and may they soon be rewarded by knowing that our starry flag floats in triumph, in every state where the dishonored emblem of treason, now waves defiant.
We passed Harrisburg the next morning at daybreak, and reached Baltimore about noon. We marched through the city in good order, and instead of meeting an infuriated mob, saw from every spire and window our starry emblem waving. We reached Annapolis Junction about dark, and remained there until morning. We arrived at the place designated for our camp, early on Wednesday morning. It is situated along the rail road within the limits of the neat little village of “Laurel,” 18 miles from Washington; upon a beautiful meadow, situated on a slight eminence gradually descending towards the rail road. It is try and smooth, and as fine a place for a camp as one could wish for. The location is healthy and all the regiment so far, has reported very few cases of sickness. Our rations, (thanks to the efforts of our Quartermaster) are very good, and such as no soldier should find fault with.
Co. E. (Capt. Logie,) is composed principally of farmers and mechanics, men who deemed it their duty to leave their homes, and business pursuits (many of them at great pecuniary sacrifices) to aid in maintaining that government whose protection and privileges they have enjoyed, and to protect it from the assaults of traitors, or to fall doing their duty. About one third of Co. E. are professors of religion, praying men, who while performing the duties of soldiers of the Union, do not forget their duties as soldiers of the cross, but every evening together with those of other companies meet on the parade ground, for the purpose of worshipping God.
One evening while returning from picket duty, we stopped a moment to admire the beauty of the camp by moonlight. The little white tents of the men on either side of the company streets, which are laid out with soldier-like precision, gradually ascending a gentle eminence which adds much to the beauty of the camp, just back of these on the brow of the hill are the officers' tents, in the centre of which is our Colonel's, where he can like a duteous father watch with careful eye over the conduct of his numerous family. Just in front of it our colors could be seen proudly floating in the evening breeze. While gazing on the scene the grand old tune “Coronation,” came swelling up on the night air. Going toward the singing we saw a large number of men seated upon the ground singing songs of praise, and offering up fervent prayers to God. Drawing near we found an officer addressing the meeting, it was our worthy Col. who was bidding them to continue on with their good work, assuring them that they would be protected from all disturbances.
I thought if these are our soldiers, surely God must be for us, “and if God be for us who can be against us.”
Our Capts. and Lieuts. have already won the respect and love of their men, by the just and soldier-like manner in which they have performed their duties as officers.
Capt. Logie has for some time acted as drill master of the officers of the regiment, and is one of the most efficient, and acknowledged by all as the best drilled officer in the regiment.
Lieut. Shults is a professor of religion, and his example before his men is worthy of imitation, checking all improper language, and dealing with his men, in a manner prompt and decisive, yet kind and considerate. Lieut. Belding is a good officer and quite a favorite among the men, and is by his good natured humorous way, a certain cure for the disease known as home-sickness. Every night the Capt's. ten is crowded with some of his “boys” seated on nature's carpet, the Capt. reclining on his spring sofa, made of hickory poles and barrel staves, puffing huge volumes of smoke from his Potomac pipe; the portly form of Lieut. Belding elevated on a cracker box, relating in his unrivaled way, the touching love idles, and startling adventures, which occurred during the travels from the gulf of Mexico, to the mouth of the St. Lawrence, and on the wild prairies of the west, in all of which he was (of course) the hero.
Our regiment wherever it has been has received the name of being the most orderly, the most intelligent, and finest looking lot of men that they had seen. An aid of Gen. Banks recently at our camp, said that wit the exception of a Maine regiment, the 141st was the best he had seen, and that with an ordinary amount of drill, would have no superiors in the service. Of all the men that old Steuben has furnished for the war, there is none but have done their duty nobly, many of them the first to answer to their country's call. The manner in which they have behaved upon the field of battle has reflected much honor upon themselves, their officers, and their patriotic country. With such officers, and men as the 141st is composed of, it need not, and will not be an exception to that rule. And may it never be said that the 141st was the first to cause a stain upon the fame of old Steuben.
Yours, respectfully,
Hornelleville NY Weekly Tribune, October 9, 1862
From the 141st Regiment.
CAMP HATHAWAY, 141st Regiment, N. Y. Vols. LAUREL, Md., Oct. 5, 1862.
DEAR TRIBUNE: We are here yet, and with no immediate prospect of a change of location. Of course this suits the boys, as we would much rather become skilled than killed. Since my last letter, two companies, B. and C., have been detailed on picket duty between here and Washington, and every day they pick up deserters, stragglers and spies.
The good health of the Regiment continues and we have had but two accidents, one of a young boy from Chemung, who was shot in the neck by the discharge of a revolver, but will probably recover—and the other was John Burnet, of Crosby Creek, who had his fore finger and the ball of his thumb shot off by the accidental discharge of his rifle.
Last week, Sergeant Mart Zimmerman, of Capt. Doty's Co, 23d Regiment, called on us, and brought the bad intelligence of the death of Olin Bennett, who was shot in battle while nobly fighting for his country.
Yesterday our camp was honored by a visit from Secretary Seward, accompanied by his son and daughter-in-law. They entered the camp without any parade or display, and “dropped in” at the Colonels, where they spent a quiet hour, and as I passed the open tent and saw them seated at a pine table, dining on plain soldiers’ fare, I could not help thinking that before me was an illustration of the simplicity and true democracy of our government.
Tribune—I don't want to brag, but we do think that this Regiment is the most highly favored of any in the field as regards its commanding officers, Some of your readers know Col. Hathaway, and will be pleased to learn that he is fully appreciated by the soldiers of his Regiment. Kind hearted, accomplished and impartial, his command over the men is perfect, and among the thousand here in camp, gathered from every walk in life, I don’t believe there is one who would knowingly disobey the least of his orders, for we all have full confidence in his bravery and abilities as a soldier.
The Hornellsville boys are all right.—— Hospital Steward, Harris Sawyer, has start ed a Drug Store nearly as large as a Side Show, and if be only kept the dailies you could easily immagine you had stepped into the “Red Front.” The other Hospital boys are well, and strive with each other in their kind attention to the sick, and it is well understood that if a soldier enters the Hospital ever so ill, in an hour they will have him up and laughing as loud as any of them.
The nightly prayer meetings are well attended, and are increasing in interest every evening, under the guidance of our Chaplain, Rev. Thomas K. Beecher. They are held in the open air with the stars above us, and the sweetest, most natural companions of camp life, are the old familiar Hymns, sung by the soldiers, and sung from our childhood by friends at home. They have a charm here which we never felt before, and seem like whisperings of the absent ones, and the prayers, as they ascend thro’ the night air, bring before us the home circle, and the old church, and every thing that is good and manly, Tribune—it has been truly said that camp life is either the making or breaking of a man, and it is being demonstrated every day, “my boy.”— You can tell all enquiring friends that our boys are “making,” and that we are bound to be a model Regiment.
One of these days I shall try to “get to go” to Washington, and if I do I will see Denny Brannan and the rest of the boys in and out of the hospital there.
M, W. H. hornelleville_ny_weekly_tribune_1862_10_09.jpg
Corning (NY) Journal, October 23, 1862
Muster Roll, Co. D. 141st Regt.
We are indebted to W. L. HINDS, Orderly Sergeant, for the following Muster Roll of Capt. Fuller's Co.
Capt.—CHAS R. FULLER, Corning.
1STt. Lieut. WILLIAM MERRILL, Lindley
2d. Lt. JOSEPH G. TOWNSEND, Corning
Warren L. Hinds, Corning
Clemmon Osman, Lawrenceville,
James H. Wepells, Corning.
Hiram C. Turrell, “
Zalmon R. Loveless,”
John R, Rathbone, Caton.
Edwin Merrell, Lindley.
Justin W. Knapp, “
John Tanner, Corning.
John Q. Adams, “
Orvis P. Smith, “
C. A. Harradon, “
M. C. W. Cunningham “
Pulaski D. Wescott, Caton.
Elleburt Niver, ”
Henry Brown, Corning.
Burley, Charles Corning.
Cristley, Andrew “
Clark, James “
Doolittle, William “
DeCarr, Lionell F, “
Fowler, Abram L. “
Fowler, John “
Freeman, Charles H. “
Glur, Frederick “
Hunt, Timothy “
Huycks, William “
Jeffery, Thomas “
Kreemer, Jake “
Knapp, Abram, “
Lewis, Audrew “
McCalloch, Francis “
McKinney, Charles “
Millard, Miner F. “
Merritt, Andrew J. “
Moore, Lewis G. “
Pritchard, Morris “
Rose, Isaac E. “
Simmons, Andrew J. * “
Snyder, Henry M. “
Satterley, Charles “
Stewart, Samuel “
Sweitzer, Jacob “
Turrell, Cassius M. “
Thorp, Henry “
Thompson, Andrew “
Vanderworker, Cornelius “
Weldon, George W. “
Wood, Nathaniel “
Weldon, Samuel “
Weaver, Lewis “
Williams, William “
Wilson William J. “
Weeks, John “
White, Alexander H. “
Williams, Henry “
Brace, Wulliam H. Caton.
Brown, Edwin “
Cole, William “
Day, Alonzo “
Emery, Rubin “
Ellott, Elijah “
Howe Harrison, “
Howe, Francis “
Honness, Solomon H, “
Hubbard, William “
Lindsley, Levi “
Reville, Nicholas “
Striebeck, Edward “
Faggett, Nathaniel “
Thornton, Richard H. “
Wright, Peter “
Wellman, John R. “
Tobey, Preston A. “
Booth, Elijah D. Lindley. “
Countryman, Alfred Jasper.
Elliot, Israel Lindley.
Houghton, Charles “
Lindsley, George H, “
Lindsley, William A. “
Millard, Sylvestas W. “
McGillioray, Abram “
Tremain, Gilbert “
Tremain, Warren H. “
Tremain, Lyman J. “
Wales, Nelson “
Wheelter, Isaac “
Webster, Charles H. “
Reeves, James Catlin.
Russell, David Erwin.
Stevens, Darias W. + Hornby.
Stevens, George E. “
Royell, George H. Van Etten.
Taylor, Lorenzo D. Hornby.
Lewis, Edwin B. “
Woodhonse, Henry — Jacksow Pa.
Woodhouse, Zina ”
Those marked with a (*) have deserted, and those with a (+) have been drowned.
Havana NY Journal, ca. October 24, 1862
Letters from Capt. A. J. Compton.
Md., October 9th, 1862.
FRIEND LOOK:—I have had the pleasure of reading your excellent paper, which reminds me of home and its many pleasing associations, It looks like an old friend, and in eagerly sought after by the Havana boys of my Company.
I see an article, or an extract from a letter, in its columns, which I will notice. The writer says: “Our rations consist of a slice of raw pork, four hard sea biscuit and a cup of coffee; sometimes beans instead of pork.” I know not who the writer is, but should think he was a little sick of the army, and quite anxious to get home again.
The first day we arrived at Laurel Station our rations were rather limited; but as soon as our Quartermaster could possibly make arrangements to furnish the Regiment with good, wholesome food, he did so; since which time we have had good pork and beans, good corned beef, fresh beef twice a week, good potatoes, beans, rice, coffee, tea, sugar, &c. We were obliged to us hard crackers for the first week, but then have had good, soft bread. The first crackers that were given out were some wormy, but as soon as it was known they were replaced by good ones. Our Quartermaster has left nothing undone that he could do to furnish the Regiment with the best the market afford.
While I am writing I must speak of our Colonel: He is just the man to suit the times, being a perfect gentleman, with too good knowledge of human nature ever to be unpopular with his Regiment. He lives in his tent, in Camp, and has a kind word for every soldier. The same can be said of our Lieutenant Colonel and Major. I don't think there is a Regiment in the field that think more of their field officers than the 141st N.Y. V.
For our Surgeon we have a man of ability and experience, although not advanced in years, He has passed safely through nine battles, and is ready and willing to try the tenth. His assistant is also an excellent Physician, and a gentleman, and does all he can to alleviate the sufferings of the unfortunate.
I have neglected to send you a list of the names of my Company for publication, but will do so very soon.
Yours, truly,
P. S. — We are four miles from Laurel Station - or Camp Hathaway—towards Washington, doing picket duty on the rail road, and for want of a better name the boys call our Camp after their humble Captain. There are but two Companies here, of one hundred men each, and I can honestly say they all appear to be contented.
Yours, &c., A. J. C.
Md., October 14th, 1862.
FRIEND LOOK:—The first death in the 141st Regiment, N. Y. V., was in my Company. Last night, about 11 o'clock my Orderly Sergeant, George P. McCoy Tyrone, breathed his last. He was a young man 20 years of age, of more than ordinary ability, and beloved by every member of the Company. He was, sociably and morally, one of the finest young men it has ever been my fortune to become acquainted with— he had been brought up by Christian parents, and had never strayed from the path of duty. His disease was very malignant case of Typhoid fever. As soon as he was pronounced dangerously ill I sent for his father, who came immediately, arriving here on Friday last. He remained by his bedside until the spirit of the loved one had taken its flight to God, who gave it. This p.m, the Company followed his remains to Camp Hathaway, Laurel Station, and placed them on the cars, in charge of his father, to be taken home. His death has cast a gloom over the whole Company, and, it is to be hoped, has left a lasting influence in the minds of many.
He was the first to be called from this Reg't, and no other one, perhaps, was more ready to meet his Maker.
Yours, truly,
The remains of Orderly Sergeant McCoy arrived at the Havana Depot yesterday morning, and were taken to Tyrone, by Henry Page, of this village. Lieut. S. F. Griffeth arrived on the same train and went directly to Tyrone to attend the funeral. He expects to return to the seat of war on Tuesday next. [ED. JOURNAL
Corning (NY) Journal, October 28, 1862
From the 141st Regiment.
Camp Hathaway, Md., Oct. 6th, 1862.
FRIEND PRATT: I wish you to send me your paper. I can hardly think of anything so acceptable as our village newspaper, and especially the JOURNAL, excepting it may be, perhaps, a letter from our friends at home, which lack the particulars of a newspaper, (if I can judge by the complaints I hear.) Yesterday our Camp was visited by Secretary WM. H. SEWARD, which we consider an event that may mean something, or nothing, however it is productive of numerous rumors such as orders for an immediate removal from our present beautiful camp, which I think is not to be the case, for the present. The fact is, the Boys would like to be a little nearer the music that comes booming from the distance, almost every day, and even while I am writing. For myself, while I can serve my country here, I shall be content, always remembering that “distance lends enchantment to the view”, and especially projectiles. We have nightly, a series of alarms from our Pickets. Last night I found myself harnessed, and gun at shoulder, at the Adjutant's quarters, asking for cartridges, and permission to accompany the squad that were going to avenge our “murdered” picket, but “all is right on the left” came sounding in the midnight gloom, and I marched back to bed, or rather to straw.
To-day I witnessed a scene that I trust I may never behold again. The Regiment was drawn up in two lines, facing inward, six paces apart: Colonel, Lt. Co., Major, &c., all drawn up in silence. Present the Band commence playing a turn entirely new to me, which I guessed was the “Rogue's March,” the music comes near, between the two files. Soon it was near enough to show a rather large man, with one half of his head shaved, and, on his back, a board labelled “THIEF.” He was from Hornby, Steuben Co., and is known as Durfee.
We like our Officers well. Col. Hathaway will make a popular officer with his Regiment as does Lt. Col. Bonham. Our Captain (Fuller) has been sick, and is untried, but our 1st Lieut., Merrill, is much liked by the boys, so is our 2d Lieut., Jo. Townsend, and Orderly War. Hinds are liked by very man of the Company and will prove trumps on a foraging expedition, or I miss judge their qualifications. If we had our friend C. C. B. Walker for Quarter master, as we have Beecher for Chaplain, and Hathaway for Col. the 141st Regiment would be the place for a soldier. H. C. T.
Corning (NY) Journal, October 28, 1862
Co. E. 141st Regiment.
We are indebted to Lieut. SHULTS for the Muster Roll of said Company.
Captain - W. K. LOGIE, Corning
1st Lieut. - J. A. SHULTS, Coopers Plains
2d Lieut. - EMERSON BELDING, Corning
John Eccles, Campbell.
James G. McElivee, Savona.
Chester M. Wise, Savona.
Archie Baxter, Corning.
Stephen M. Aldrich, Thurston.
William H. Cornell, Coopers Plains.
Hez Fox, Avoca.
Ezekial Brown, Liberty.
Charles E. Hughes, Savona.
Charles Christler, Coopers Plains.
Emmons W. Abee, Erwin.
Alexander Bailey, Thurston.
John B. Sherwood, Corning.
Homer B. Festus, Coopers Plains.
William H. Mooers, Coopers Plains.
William H. Miller, Savona.
Charles H. Austin, Corning.
Jerome Brown, ”.
Geo. H. Davis, ”.
Benjamin G. Gildersleeve, ”.
Milo Gorton, ”.
Julius S. Haradon, ”.
Edwin Marcy, ”.
Samuel G. Moore, ”.
Mahlon M. Malford, ”.
Isaac M. Palmer, ”.
Oliver Perkins, ”.
Benjamin Smith, ”.
Allen S. Fillinghast, ”.
William S. Allen, Avoca.
Otis Cobin, ”.
James Cook, ”.
Ira C. Dowd, ”.
Artemus Dunton, ”.
Joseph W. Dunton, ”.
Michale Fitzmaurice, ”.
Emer A. Irons, ”.
Delos Parkhill, ”.
Geo. E. Robords, ”.
Lyman P. Robords, ”.
Stillman P. Robords, ”.
James E. Sears, ”.
Henry W. Squires, ”.
A. H. Van Pett, ”.
Edgar Towner, ”.
William H. Vunck, ”.
Henry Waffle, ”.
Mareus Walker, ”.
George Borden, ”.
Ira Annin, Savona.
William O. Mitchell, ”.
Francis M. Basset, ”.
James M. Miller, ”.
James M. Whittaker, ”.
Seward Aldrich, Thurston.
Benjamin M. Babcock, ”.
Isaac Bowers, ”.
Samuel J. Edsall, ”.
James Helms, ”.
Amos Jack, ”.
Eugene Martin, ”.
Lyman H. Phillips, ”.
William F. Thompson, ”.
John G. Prouty, ”.
Arlon M. Vose, ”.
John R. Austin, Campbell.
Isaac T. Ballard, ”.
Abram Carpenter, ”.
Franklin P. Carpenter, ”.
Elanson Dunkle, ”.
James Dunkle, ”.
David Franklin, ”.
Alpheus A. Goodrich, ”.
Charles F. Jenks, ”.
Edward Millard, ”.
Leander H. Peck, ”.
Nicholas Smith, ”.
Andrew Bennaway, Coopers Plains.
W. W. Jennings, ”.
Joseph G. Palmer, ”.
William C. Youmans, ”.
Charles M. Lee, ”.
Oliver Crommer, Bath.
John W. Evans, ”.
Emmons W. Jack, ”.
Geo. W. Jack, ”.
Cornelius Ocorr, ”.
Reuben Andrews, Hornby.
James Allen, Wheeler.
A. F. Lynch, Addison.
Havana (NY) Journal, circa November 5, 1862
At Laurel Station, Md, Oct. 28, 1862.
SIR:—On looking over the Journal of October 25th, my attention was rivited to an article addressed to you, but signed by one “T. L. Milnier” in which my name was dragged, and myself abused without stint or hindrence.
It seems strange, indeed; and yet this “T. L. Minier” must be the very man, (I know no other.) who, in times past, as the world goes, I have called my friend. Certain it is, that until about the 10th of September last I considered him such, and felt friendly toward him. What then occurred to mar the usual friendly relation? Why, that he, T. L. Minier,” urged upon known friends of mine, that I could “sell my Commission for six hundred dollars!” Sir, I could not sell my Commission, SELL IT! It shocked me beyond mention; bat knowing something of his intrigues to secure a Commission for a friend of his. I set him down as unworthy of my confidence or regard, and since then we have traveled divergent paths.
Now, sir, as to the article: The paragraph alluded to, by him, and all his own, above the third, I know nothing about. His following lines are all truth, as far as and including the sentence, “The Company was raised.” “He neglected to answer my letter, declined to furnish me with a list of the names; and in personal interviews Clanharty desired me to pay him the fifty dollars, which I declined to do.”
The letter above alluded to I think I never received, and certainly there was no occasion, for him to write one; for in, the interviews, spoken of by him, I told him, on two several occasions, that I could not give his the names correctly then, because I had not the Enrollment papers with me, to copy from, but that I would, when convenient, send him the names and only asked him for the money that I might pay it to them, thinking, in my unsophisticated way, that it was proper for the money to pass through my hands. But it appears he, “Minier,” did not think so, which was all very well. I never declined to furnish him the names, but always promised him I would. The only letter I ever received from him on the subject was at the hands of Sheriff Weaver, in which he alludes to a former letter, and intimates what he is about to do, and finishes with asseverations which I did not, at the time, understand.” On receipt of that letter I think I told Sheriff Weaver that I would give “Minier” the names when I could, and that he would now be likely to pay the money to the wrong men. He has so paid it, in part, to the wrong men. He should have waited until he got a list from me.
The paragraph about my father, and family, is all Greek to me. They are perfectly competent to attend to any little misunderstanding with “T. L. Minier,” and need not, in all decency, have been dragged into any controversy that might occur between “T. L. Minier” and myself.
“And I further submit, that it would have been grossly dishonorable for me to have kept the money from the Volunteers and given it to an officer with large pay,” &c. Now, then,
“T. L. MINIER,” SIR:—I am as cool as the breeze of an autumn eve, and may understanding and my recollection are as clear as the air or the starlight of this frosty morn. Now listen, while I remove the snarl from the net-work of the web of your damning subtileties. Were I there personally, you should retract every word of these most attrocious falsehoods. But listen: When you say I asked you for the money, you say truly; I did so ask, at two different times; but when you say I asked you to pay it to me to be applied to my own private uses, you utter a falsehood unpardonable and become a calumniator of the darkest dye. I never asked you for the money to be so applied. No, nor never refused to give you the names, when I could; but, on the contrary, always told you I would do so; and you help in your hand, when your article was published, a letter from me, apologizing for not having sent you the names, pleading the strange fatality that attends these papers, but that the names would come.
Your offer of the fifty dollars was haled by me with pleasure. I published it, with the conditions, on 300 bills, scattered broadcast throughout all Schuyler county, and they were probably read by every member of my Company, and the citizens of Schuyler county can see, that, having the brains of a hen, (saying nothing of character or honesty,) I could not hope to divert the money, if in my power, without disgrace. I believe, sir, my acquaintances will, at least, give me credit for more sagacity than than.
If in all of the above, you have gone out of your way to provoke a collision with me in order that you may give greater publicity to the fact that you gave me $50, in aid of volunteering, I pity you; and being so far way from you I can well afford to be cool, for I think no fleeting, unpredjudices minded man, will believe your unreasonable tale. Though you may think you have done much in aid of the war, and strike a ballance in your cash book, add units and fractions, all told, it still becomes a mere bagatelle in comparison with others, for I can show you poor men that have given, in cash, more than twelve times the amount, and their personal service beside.
I subscribe myself, quietly,
Capt. Commanding Co. A,
141st Regt. N. Y. V.
Hornellsville Tribune, October 30, 1862
From the 141st Regiment.
LAUREL, Md, Oct. 26. 1862.
DEAR TRIBUNE:—-Sunday morning opens rainy and cold, and the guards button their over-coats up to their chins, and whistle to keep the cold out. The Chaplain has gone over to Harper's Ferry on a visit, and we will have no service to-day, but the boys are improving the time, and from many a tent I hear the home like hymns. Is there any thing sweeter than a familiar hymn sung in a strange land? How eagerly one listens, and how involuntarily hums the tune, as on the air comes “Rock of Ages,” or “Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove.”? Wow they carry one back through the past, and show him the two roads that have all the time been before him, and how plain they show the good and the bad— They that follow one road shall “Walk with Him in White.”
Rain, rain. rain, beating through the tents, soaking through the coats, and trickling in little streams down the necks—but the soldiers are merry and uncomplaining, and the harder it rains the louder they joke. How it would please some of our wives and mothers if they could look in upon us this morning, and see us huddled together in our shelter tents, like chickens under a wagon.
Last week Watson Prentiss and his son Lieut. John of the 23d, dropped in on us. Of course we were glad to see 'em, and would like to see more of you down here. Why can't you come down end walk among our tents?
“Capt. Dan Ellsworth also made us a visit. He has seen severe service, and has been quite sick—but he told me he hoped to join his company and regiment soon. He is highly spoken of as being an intelligent and capable officer— and is earnest in the cause. The 86th stopped here a few moments, on its way to Harpers Ferry, and I had the pleasure of taking several of the “good boys” by the hand - among them, Corey Herrick, who was in perfect health and spirits. Company D., was left at Washington, so I did not see ether Charley or LeRoy, Orderly Tuthill, of the 104th, son of the furniture merchant of Nunda, is in Camp on a visit. He was taken prisoner at the 2d battle of Bull Run, kept days and paroled, and sent to Annapolis. He has made the acquaintance of our friend Corporal Cullier—and says that Brewer enjoys himself hugely but has never got over being mad at the Rebs, for taking away his Revolver that Doctor Robinson gave him. We expect Brewer down here every day.
When Stewart's Cavalry were on their retreat from Chambersburgh, the report came that they were to cross the line near our Camp —and we sent out a strong picket guard— among them was young John Harrison. During the night John heard a crackling among the bushes, and boldly stepping out, he cracked his gun and cried “halt!” Calling a comrade to his and they discovered a company of forty soldiers. They took them prisoners and marched them into Camp. They proved to be deserters from a Mary laud regiment, (Union) and were sent back to Washington, but John is entitled to just as much credit as is they had been Rebels.
Its astonishing how we “targets” like to hear news from home. The most unimportant events that transpire there, have an interest here never felt before, and our letters are no sooner read than we run through the Camp to “hear and tell some new thing.” One day it is—” Bemis is nominated for Assembly man by the Republicans,” or “Holliday is nominated by the Democrats”—”The Erie Co. is putting up a new building”—” The Presbyterians are rebuilding their Church “—” I wonder when the Methodists will fix theirs”? “Joe Lamphere tool a prize at the town fair.” “John Rose has gone in to business,” and so at goes all the time. To-day we received the im- portant intelligence that Major Reynolds is rebuilding his saw mill–and George Coburn says he must go home sure, for the Major will want him to mark stumps. Some like Sol. Jones, who said they couldn't draft him, for he had hired out to Clark for 2 year.
After all, Tribune, ones life is about as safe in one place as another. We are all in the keeping of an All Wise Father, and He alone knows our destiny. Of the hundred boys in our Company. not one has died, and none have been seriously sick or injured, while letters from home are constantly telling of deaths and accidents. First,a school-fellow killed on the cars, and then two neighbors buried in a sand bank.
We have a fair prospect of wintering here, and Paul Wisner's ingenuity is brought into constant requisition in building stoves, consisting of a square hole in the ground covered with a piece of sheet iron, with a barrel fora Pipe —” big thing”
Mr. Editor-our boys are well fed, and we don't want sweet cake an “such like fixens” sent to us at all—but we like letters and papers and our friends may send us as many of them as they please. When you chaps sitting around the stoves find a good thing in a paper, just put a wrapper on it, and direct it to some, “soger boy. “Do you see the point?
M. W. H.
Addison (NY) Advertiser, November 5, 1862
Letter from Lieut. Hammond.
FRIEND JOHNSON: Two months have nearly elapsed since our Regiment, the 141st, left your district for their present locality. We have not in this short space of time, as yet, been called upon to try our strength in the cause we came to fight for, and perhaps it has been justly decreed by the “powers that be” that it is even so. I suppose you, “ere this,” are aware of our present locality, but for fear you have not been informed the particulars, I will briefly give them.
Our Regiment is encamped at Laurel, 3 miles from the Annapolis Junction, on the Washington branch of the Baltimore & Ohio R. R., close by the side of the beautiful Pautuxet. Our duty at present consists in guarding the Rail Road and drilling, both of which are most certainly essential to the interest of the soldier and the cause we are engaged in.
Our Boys are just becoming efficient disciples of “Casey,” and-already present the appearance of veterans in the various evolutions of Tactics. A personal interest seems to be given by all to the advancement of military knowledge, and scarcely an exception to the rule of “Obedience is the first law of discipline” exists. All are willing to do their duty, and all perform the same evidently to the best of their ability. Our gallant Col., S. G. HATHAWAY, Jr., we hear is a candidate for Member of Congress in your District. We heartily wish our Colonel success in all his intents, but if we were to give him our influence, politically, we fear we might regret our action in that direction, as were we to be deprived of his presence with us as our Colonel, we should feel very ungrateful towards the Democratic gentlemen who nominated him. We all love our Colonel, and feel assured that in whatever position he is called to, he will perform well his part and never prove a traitor to our laws, our Government, nor our Regiment. Major Dininny is highly esteemed by both officers and privates. His rare native endowments as a soldier are ripening fast under the manifold culture of study, and of experience, seconded powerfully by his “love of country,” for which he gave himself up to the service.
Co. G (commanded by our most worthy captain, Daniel N. Aldrich) holds at present a high post of honor, being stationed at Annapolis Junction, holding military control of this point, subject [of course] to the orders of superiors. It is an important point, regarded in a military point of view. Self praise is not at all times prudent, but the question arises, Why was our worthy Captain placed in command here, if not by the conviction of our superiors that we were No. 1, by merit, though not in the order of things. Our Captain gets along admirably. The sentiment is universal with those under his command, that “There is no one like our Captain.” All have the most implicit confidence in his ability to lead us, and that a test only is required of his bravery to convince the Rebs, who dare oppose us and our constituents at home, that his deeds will be worthy of praise. We have no daring feats or exploits, as yet, to record; our career here, so far, has been a peaceable one. Brilliant Bayonet charges and other scenes of conflict, have, as yet, been to us as things to meditate upon. Rebel raids are scarce here, an order from Gen. Wool to the contrary notwithstanding to look out for one. We are waiting patiently each day for an order to march, but may be highly favored by staying at our prevent location during the coming Winter. We are expecting each day news that a battle is raging in the vicinity of McClellans army. Who can tell the decision there to be made? We trust that the hosts of Freemen there awaiting the coming conflict, will strike from the opposers of our arms the last vestige of their power.—
Though battle after battle shall yet be fought, Freemen's sons will as oft renew with vigor the contest, until Victory and Peace shall be proclaimed simultaneously. I have written to you in haste, but hope to be able to write again soon concerning our every day life.
Yours respectfully,
Addison Advertiser, November 12, 1862
THE 141ST REG - We learn from a private source that the 141st Reg. (Col. Hathaway) will probably remain at Laurel, M. D., where they are now encamped, through the winter. On Monday last they commenced building their barracks for winter quarter.
Hornellsville Tribune, November 20, 1862
From the 141st Regiment.
Nov. 15, 1862.
DEAR TRIBUNE:—The South is not all “Sunny,” for we have had snow here four or five inchees deep, and frost enough to ripen the persimmons, and turn the oak leaves a rich brown—but it didn't stay long, and only the other day I saw a little darkey riding a horse, with a bag in front from which he was sowing winter wheat.
“Click click-clikety click.” How natural it sounded as I stepped from the cars at this station, after being two months in camp, away from a telegraph office. “Clickclick clickety-click “—that spells Dunkirk, and I will just put my head in through the window and ask the news—” Election returns from New-York,” is the answer— “How is Hornellsville?” “Fifty-five for Seymour”? “That will do, Mr. Telegraph, turn off your faucet.”
After getting the news, I took a look at the Junction. Everybody has seen a junction, and some have seen a good many, and they are all pretty much alike—at least this one is. There are two taverns, a store, post office, and two or three dwellings—the rest is land. It is only important as a railroad point, and the Brigade Commissary Store and Bake shop are here, and also a large general Hospital. It is marked in the history of this war as being the place where the gallant 7th rested after their weary march from Annapolis. The Hospital has about two hundred and fifty on the list now, and numbers of the poor fellows are wandering under the trees as write this. Just across the track in a beautiful grove is the soldiers' burying ground, “where sleep the unnumbered dead.”
All trains stop at this station, and I frequently meet with familiar faces, and occasionally as I stand in the store door some one taps on the car window and calls my name, after the cars are in motion, and being unable to sea who it is, I pull off my cap and look pleased of course.
Our Regiment is down at Laurel yet, and is building barracks, and making preparations to winter there, but there is nothing certain in this war but the taxes. There is some talk of our going to Texas with Banks. Why wouldn't it be a good notion to send the whole army there? It is said the climate is fine.
Sergeant Mike Sherwood, who has been quite ill, is fast recovering—and John Granger, who has been home on sick leave, has returned greatly improved. Dr. C. D. Robinson, father of our Doctor, is here visiting his son, and seems highly pleased with the way we are conducting matters. We are having lots of company just now. Dr. Jamison, of the 86th, called on us the other day, and promised to come again. He bears the reputation of a faithful officer, and has the confidence of his men, which is the highest praise of an army surgeon. Henry Hamilton, of Canisteo, was in our camp a few days last week. Henry is an intelligent farmer, and had his eyes open. He walked over the neighboring plantations and talked with the proprietors and overseers, and can give you an interesting account of the manner of conducting farms and rising stock here. It was new for him to see a bushel of ears thrown in the mud before each “critter,” to be trampled under foot and wasted. Cornelius Conderman is also here, and I reckon it won't be hard for him to see the difference between free and slave labor.
“Little Mack” passed through here the other evening on his way to Trenton, and we had an opportunity of squinting through the car window at a clean cheeked, pleasant faced looking chap, in plain, rough clothes and a slouch hat, and a clear eye, but it was easy to see through all disguises the true hearted chieftain who breathed forth that noble farewell to his army. Why is it that the soldiers instinctively love him?
Sad and unexpected was the intelligence brought us this week by the Tribune of the death of Theodore Badger, and if there was lamentation with you at home, there was also sorrowful faces in our camp. The tie that binds us to our home, reaches to each of you, and when one of you die, we are all mourners. If death were an endless sleep, the parting would be terrible, but then—
“It cannot be:
You wore it so that man could die,
Life were a mockery, thought were woe;
Heaven were a coinage of the brain;
Religion frenzy, virtue vain,
And all our hope who meet again.”
M. W. H.
Corning (NY) Journal, November 20, 1862
The following Resolutions were adapted by Co. E., 141st Regiment, upon the death of Corporal Fox, of Avoca, at Laurel, Prince George County, Maryland.
Whereas; it has pleased Almighty God in his wise providence to take from our midst, our loved and honored comrade Corporal Hez Fox,of Co. “E”, 141st Reg't, N. Y. S. Vol.
Resolved, That while we bow with submission to the decree of Omnipotent Wisdom, it is with the deepest grief that we endure the loss of one whose character was irreproachable, whose conduct was ever patriotic and noble, and who was a friend indeed in adversity as in prosperity. A true Christian, a sincere patriot, an heroic soldier, we feel assured that he has passed from the toils and trials of this mortal life to reap the reward of the Christian Soldier, the crown triumphant of immortality.
Resolved, That we extend to the afflicted family and friends of our loved comrade, our heart-felt sympathy in this their deep bereavement, and that we trust their sorrow will be alleviated, as far as the sorrow for such a loss can, by the knowledge that our comrade went down to his grave loved and honored by all who knew him, and died the death of a Christian Soldier.
Resolved, That we feel deeply grateful to the Surgeon of this Regiment, and his assistants for taking their unremitted and kind care of and attention to our late comrade, and we feel assured that all medical skill and knowledge could avail was by them put forth in his behalf.
Resolved, That we feel deeply grateful to R. Collier, Esq., and his family for their constant and kind of our late comrade during his sickness, and return our sincere thanks for the same.
Voted unanimously by Co. E., 141st Reg't N. Y. S. Vols, Nov 13th, 1862.
W. K. LOGIE, Capt. Co. E.
J. A. SHULTS, 1st Lieut.
E. BELDING, 2d Lieut.
Sun, November 12, 1862
John Wesley Hopkins, residing in Howard county, Md, near Laurel, was arrested this morning, by order of Col. Hathaway, of the 141st New York Regiment, on the charge of aiding deserters to escape, and was sent this city and committed to the Old Capitol.
Addison Advertiser, November 26, 1862
From the 141st Reg. N.Y. V.
November 17th, 1862.
FRIEND JOHNSON: - I have for some time been thinking of writing to you and have been waiting for something of interest to write. A common letter giving a description of the country in which we are located, the kind of timber, or the nature of soil and production, would be thought to be stale, coming from a soldier in the army. He is expected to write about battles, give the plan of the battle-field, the number of bayonet charges made, and the particular fields and woods through which the enemy were driven—give the number of the killed and wounded, and his wonderful escape from the enemy. He is also expected to give all the designs of the Southern Generals, with a full description of their armies, and to say most mysteriously, that there are movements in the Federal army about to be made, which he is not permitted to make public, but when they are made known, will astonish the world, Now you know me to be a plain, matter-of-fact man, and have no power to color great deeds or cover faults.
I have not seen much service, I am becoming familiar with camp life, and am pleased with it.
An incident occurred in camp last week may be of interest to your readers, as many have friends in this Reg't: It became known to our Colonel that a deserter from the 109th N.Y. Reg't, was at Clarksville, situated about 12 miles from camp. He determined to send out a squad and bring him into camp, Lieuts. Barton and Townsend, with a Corporal, were sent out on that duty. They were ordered to report themselves at camp as early as noon the next day. Clarksville and all of the surrounding country is strongly secesh, At 9 o'clock on the next morning, (14th) they had not returned. They had time to go out and back the day they started The Colonel was uneasy and fearful they had got into trouble. He ordered Capt. Compton, of Co B, Capt. Russell, of Co. F, and Capt. Logie, of.Co. E,, to get their Companies ready to go to the relief of the absent party.
The Major was given the command— orders were given by him to provide the men with one day's ration, and be ready to march precisely at one P. M.
Twenty-five rounds of cartridges were issued, and an ambulance wagon ordered, to follow with twenty-five rounds more.
All being in readiness, at one o'clock the Major gave the command to march, and we left camp. About two miles from camp we met the absent party. All were glad that they were safe, but many were in hopes to have an opportunity of doing something in a warlike manner.
The promptness with which the men responded to the order to turn out and march, proves that men in the 141st will distinguish themselves, if an opportunity occurs.
We are in a country strongly secesh, and are coming in contact with the inhabitants considerble of late. Some have helped some of our men to desert furnished them with clothes to wear over their uniform. One such - a Walter Smith, a large and wealthy planter—was arrested by order or of Col_Hathaway, and is now in the old Capitol Prison, unless he has found bail to await his trial - by Court Martial. I hope he will have justice done him. He induced two of our men, from Hector, Schuyler county, to desert and they were arrested and now lie in irons in our Guard House.
The penalty for desertion is death, if the Court Martial shall so adjudge. I hope these a poor fellows will not suffer that extreme penalty, but that their punishment will be severe I have no doubt.
Now. my good friend Johnson, I will relieve you from any further trouble at the present time.
Addision (NY) Advertiser, December 17, 1862
From the Corning Journal.
From the 141st Reg. N. Y. V.
MINER'S HILL, VA., Nov. 29th, 1862.
MR. EDITOR: From the above you will see that we have changed our place of encampment since I wrote you last. Our Regiment left Laurel, Md., on Monday, the 24th inst. Our duties at Laurel had been light, our rations good, our quarters (which we had anticipated occupying through the winter) were very comfortable, and although anxious to see more of the country and the cause that brought us here, still it was not without feelings of regret that we turned our backs upon Camp Hathaway. While passing on the cars to Washington, many a wistful eye was turned toward our old camp, seeming to say, “good-bye, ease and comfort.” We took dinner at Washington, and leaving our sick at Trinity Church Hospital, left for our present camp at 3 o'clock P. M. It was the first marching of any length the Regiment yet the men stood it well.—
When we came to the Chain Bridge, all crossed on the double quick, each striving to be the first to tread the sacred soil of Virginia. A guard remarked, that when we came back the regiment would cross as quick marching at common time as we did now on the double quick, and judging from the manner in which the ranks of the other regiments from Steuban have been thinned, we would scarcely dispute it. From the Chain Bridge, we took the wrong road, more than doubling the necessary distance; and found it rough, hilly, and muddy, reaching Miner's Hill about 7 P. M., tired and hungry. Rolling our blankets around us, we laid down on the hillside, but discovered before morning, that in-door quarters was quite an important item in a sogers fare; and thought that the Sunny South had certainly given us the “cold shoulder.” At day-light we were awakened by the sounding of the revielle in every direction for miles around.
Our camp is situated on high ground. affording a fine view of the surrounding country. In every direction as far as the eye can reach: are encampments—not a hillside but is decked with white tents, with the “emblem of the free” floating proudly over them, while its supporters are wheeling and flanking, preparing for their post in the struggle for their country's rights. In night are many places of considerable interest. But a few rods from camp the German, and California regiments met in in the night, firing upon one another; a little farther is Falls Church, once in the possession of the Rebels, and used by them as stable for cavalry horses, just in the rear of which both Union and Rebel soldiers lay sleeping together. Fairfax Seminary Munson's Hill, the old camping ground of the 23d, and the place of their first skirmish can be seen.
The army teams that brought our knapsacks from Washington, arrived here the next morning. They had been distributed to the men, and part of the teams on their way back, when one of the boys made the startling discovery that his knapsack had been pillaged; soon the discovery became a general one in all the companies, but there are too many good lawyers among our officers to be imposed upon in such a way. Col. Hathaway ordered the teamsters under arrest, and sent after those that had left.
The investigation which followed was truly a laughable one. Officers' boxes had been opened and rifled; privates' knapsack stores opened and plundered. Shirts, drawers, socks, boots, shoes, and a variety of little articles of use and luxury were found among the booty.— One tall fellow; whose portly form contrasted strangely with his thin face, was examined and relieved of six extra shirts, &c., which reduced his rotund form to better keeping with his sharp visage:— The Colonel sent them to Washington in irons, and handed them over to the civil authorities.
During the day several of the boys were a short distance from camp, on an old camping ground, gathering bricks, to make fire-places of, when whiz, whiz, went something among them, breaking down a sapling and burying itself in the ground at their feet. One of them jumped on log, looking around with glances that seemed to inquire, “who frew dat brick;” when whiz went another ball, crashing against the log, and down he came, thoroughly satisfied with his inspection; and the manner in which they scattered for camp did great credit to their travelling abilities. It proved to be a battery practicing about a half a mile off, with shot and shell; there was some brush growing between which prevented them from being seen.
We are in Abercrombie's Division, and in Cowdin's brigade, and were inspected by the latter on Thursday, the 27th. Last night at tattoo we noticed some rockets go up, toward Washington; rising with a stream of sparks, then bursting into a bright blaze of light, presenting the appearance of a large star remaining stationary for nearly a minute, then disappearing, No one in the camp knew the nature of the signals; as we stood watching, the taps sounded when every man must be in his tent, and every light extinguished.
We had scarcely turned in when we hoard the call, “fall out for cartridges;” we laid on our arms all night, but had no occasion to use them. The health of the regiment is very good. We have not learned as yet whether we will quarter here this winter or go further south, but probably the latter.
Yours truly, A. B.