Units by State:
Units by State:
Possible service at Annapolis Junction, 6/1861
Primary Sources
Archival and Secondary Sources
“The following is taken from Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Military Statistics of the State of New York, Albany: [The Bureau], (C. Wendell), 1866.
The Thirteenth regiment is in the Fifth brigade, Second division of the State militia organization, and was organized in the city of Brooklyn. The following were the field officers.
Colonel—Abel Smith.
Lieutenant Colonel—Robert B.Clark.
On the 20th of April, 1861, by Special Orders No. 59, from the commander-in-chief, General H. B. Duryea (commanding Second division N. Y. S. M.) was directed to detail two regiments for immediate service to report forthwith to the President, and to serve until relieved by other regiments, General Duryea to procure the requisite transportation by fastest steamer, and one month's supplies. The regiment went on the 23d of April by steamer Marion to Annapolis; strength at time of departure from State, 486.
On the 7th of May, 1861, General Duryea was directed by Special Orders No. 132, to cause to be mustered into the service of the State a number of men sufficient to raise, the strength of Col. Smith's (Thirteenth) regiment to 793 men; and after they should be properly armed and equipped, they were ordered to proceed by railroad or steamer to join their regiment, then serving at Annapolis, and there to be mustered into the service of the United States. The Thirteenth served at Annapolis under command of General Butler until the 19th of June, quartered in the buildings of the United States Naval Academy. During that time, detachments from the regiment were employed in searching for the light-ships which had been removed by the rebels. Two were found, recaptured and brought to Annapolis. Expeditions were also sent to the eastern shore of Maryland,? which were successful in finding many stand of arms there concealed. The engineer corps of the Thirteenth was engaged in rebuilding the railroad from the station at Annapolis to the pier of the Naval Academy. This branch was opened May 17th, and the event was celebrated with great rejoicings. On the 19th of June the regiment was ordered to Baltimore, where the balance of its term of service was passed—the members voluntarily remaining ten days longer than the term of their enlistment, at the request of General Dix. ”