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Military Operations at Laurel, MD, 1861-1865

Figure 1: Martenet's Map of Prince George's County, Maryland, 1861.

Letters and history of Laurel during the Civil War.

10/24/1862 - “*141st New York. Our Regiment is encamped at Laurel, 3 miles from the Annapolis Junction…” - Addison (NY) Advertiser, 11/5/1862 11/25/1862 - “THE ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIRST NEW YORK, Col. Hathaway, arrived in this city yesterday. The regiment has been in the field two months, doing duty at Laurel Station, guarding the Baltimore and Ohio railroad.” - Daily National Republican, 11/25/1862 7/15/1863 - “The bridge crossing the Patuxent river at Laurel Station, was also washed away, together with the stone abutments; it was about sixty feet in length and regarded as a substantial structure. On the north side of the embankment at Laurel was a block house of good size, in which a number of soldiers of the 109th New York volunteers had taken quarters. The rapidly rolling flood soon undermined its foundation and carried it off. Of those who were inside five are reported drowned.” - Alexandria Gazette, 7/15/1863 4/26/1864 - “Yesterday, Captain William R. Riddle, of the 6th regiment Veterans Reserve Corps, discovered a man lurking in the vicinity of Laurel, Md., under very suspicious circumstances. The Captain arrested the individual, who upon being questioned gave his name as Lieut. George Taylor, of Moseby's rebel guerrillas…” - Evening Star, 4/26/1864 7/20/1864 - “LOSS OF MULES. Over four hundred mules, belonging to a Government contractor, which were on pasture near Laurel Station…were gobbled by the rebels last Tuesday…” - Daily National Intelligencer, 7/20/1864 8/26/1865 - “SALE OF GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS AT HYATTSVILLE AND LAUREL STATION, BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, MD. Headquarters Department of Washington, Office of Chief Quartermaster. Will be sold at Public Auction…
At LAUREL STATION, Md., at 3 o'clock p. m., TWELVE LOG BUILDINGS averaging 16×12 feet, with board roofs, floors, and partitions…” -
Evening Star, 8/26/1865

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