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Military Operations at Elysville, MD, 1861-1865

ca. 8/30/1862 - 138th Pennsylvania Volunteers. “Company A was stationed at Jessop's Cut, or Hooversville, Company C at Dorsey's Switch, Company E at Hanover Switch, and Company D at Elk Ridge Landing…Company B was sent to guard Ellicott's Mills, and a detachment of Company I to Elysville…four companies remained at Relay House…” - History of the One hundred and thirty-eighth regiment, Pennsylvania … Lewis, Osceola.

9/5/1862 - “The citizens of Elysville were very kind…At 10 o'clock the regiment marched up a hill about one mile, encamping in an orchard, remaining ten days…The regiment was encamped on a farm belonging to an officer in the rebel army…On the 16th of September, orders came for the regiment to proceed to Monocacy.” - Campaign of the Fourteenth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers by Terrill, J. Newton.

9/6/1862 - “We are very pleasantly located a mile southeast of Elysville in a beautiful orchard.” - Upon the Tented Field, by Bernard A. Olsen

9/15/1862 - “…in due time we reached Eleysville, a small station on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Here the Fourteenth New Jersey…were stationed, and a detachment from the First Maryland for picket and guard duty.” - The Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/15/1862

6/24/1863 - “…the Purnell Legion and the Third Delaware are at the Relay House, and guarding the railroad out to Annapolis Junction, where they connect with Heintzelman, and from the Relay House out to Elysville, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad…” - O.R.– SERIES I–VOLUME XXVII/3 [S# 45]

7/11/1864 - “Captain Numbers, First Eastern Shore Volunteers, at Elysville, reports the enemy's cavalry in large force within five miles of that place. Lieutenant Garey, of his command, set out with a squad, met a marauding party, taking 2 prisoners and horses, and killing 1 lieutenant.” - War of the Rebellion: Serial 071 Page 0213 Chapter XLIX. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. -UNION.

7/12/1864 - “Our pickets had a skirmish beyond Elysville this morning with a squad of rebel cavalry, killing a lieutenant in command, and capturing two, the balance escaping.” - Evening Star, 7/12/1864

8/10/1864 - “Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Elysville, detachment One hundred and forty-fourth Ohio State National Guard, 60. ” - O.R.–SERIES I–VOLUME XLIII/1 [S# 90]

9/19/1864 - “Elysville: Company G, Ninety-third Regiment New York State National Guard, Capt. J. O. Gentleman.” - O.R.–SERIES I–VOLUME XLIII/1 [S# 91]

10/8/1864 - “I have but 534 infantry men in my command…There are only eighty-eight men (mostly boys) of the Ninety-third New York State National Guards at this post [Relay House], and they are now under orders to proceed to Elysville to strenghten that post.” - O. .R.–SERIES I–VOLUME XLIII/2

10/20/1864 - “The Ninety-third New York State National Guard have six companies at Elysville and one company at Annapolis Junction.” - O.R.–SERIES I–VOLUME XLIII/1 [S# 91]

elysville.1541861764.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/10 15:15 (external edit)