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Perrysburg Journal, May 25, 1864
May 16, 1864.
ED. JOURNAL: Today, for the first time since leaving Perrysburg, I have what may be considered a fair opportunity for writing— I shall therefore endeavor to give the readers of the Journal a brief account of the campaign of the “64th Battalion National Guards,” up to the present time.
We arrived at Camp Chase Saturday afternoon inst. From that time until wednesday, nothing occurred, save the usual routine of Camp life, the eating of army rations interspersed with seasons of drill, forming the principal labor required of us. Immediately after dinner, on Wednesday 14th Inst., the Battalion was mustered into the U. S. service for one hundred days, as part of the 144th O. N. G.
Wednesday evening we received orders to be prepared to march at five o'clock the next morning, with three days rations in haversacks. However, it was 6 A. M., Thursday before the regiment left Camp—marched to the Columbus Arsenal, where we received arms then on to Todd Barrracks, where those who felt disposed devoured a portion of the contents of their haversacks; at 3. 30 P. M., we marched to the depot of the Central Ohio Railroad, and at 5 o'clock were under way for Pittsburg.
The greater portion of the regiment were placed in ordinary freight and Cattle cars, with benches for seats. During the first two or three hours after starting the greatest hilarity prevailed but soon after dark the floors of the cars, as well as the benches, were covered with sleeping “Guards” fr the duties of the day had been such that nearly every one was in a condition to “sleep anywhere.”
During the night about two thirds of the train become detached, and was left behind - the balance proceeding ten or twelve miles before the accident was discovered. Fortunately no train was following immediately after ours or there might have result ed a disaster to the regiment, more fearful than the ravages of war.
At six o'clock Friday morning we are at Rolle Ayr, on the Ohio river, two miles below Wheeling. From this to Pittsburg the road runs along the Ohio valley at many points so near the stream that it would require no great obstacle to precipitate an entire train into the waters beneath beneath; at other places we passed beneath towering precipaces and through deep gorges cut in solid rock.
The scenery along the Ohio river is always beautiful but it was specially attractive to us, who but a few days previously had left Northern Ohio, with its bare forests and fields. The trees were clothed in green and we were constantly passing beautiful fields of grain, orchards in full bloom, and vegetable gardens far advanced. In many places the banks of the river rise almost perpendicularly, for two or three hundred feet, while in others they slope away into a succession of beautiful hills, while scattered along their sides may be seen tracts of beautiful green, surrounding cabin, cottages, and stately mansion. The winding river with its steamers, the valley with its villages, gardens, green fields and blooming orchards; and the hills, with forests, fertile tracts, and dwellings of the “rich and lovely,” all help to form a scene far more beautiful than pen can describe or painter portray.
About four o'clock Friday afternoon just as our train was starting from Rochester, Irwin Ostraw, of Company E. 144th, from Brownsville, Wyandotte county, who had been sitting on top of the rear car, attempted to get down and in doing so fell upon the track, and the last car ran over him, causing instant death. He was about eighteen years of age. His remains were properly cared for, and sent to his widowed mother in Ohio.
We arrived at Pittsburg, at 7 o'clock Friday evening, and about 9 o'clock marched to the City Hall, where we found a bountiful supply of wholesome provisions and good coffee had been prepared for us. The Hall was brilliantly lighted and beautifully decorated with flags and transparencies. Opposite the entrance, appeared, in transparent letters, “Welcome, 144.” Underneath this was “Pittsburg welcomes our Country's Brave Defenders.” In front of the gallery, over the entrance, appeared in large letters, “Pittsburg Subsistence Committee, - Organized 1861.” This Committee furnishes every regiment of soldiers which passes through that city, with a substantial meal. All honor to Pittsburg and her Subsistence Committee.
After supper was over, Colonel Hunt called the regiment to order, where he introduced Captain Cook, of Company F, who a few appropriate remarks complimentary to the patriotic people of Pittsburg. He concluded by calling for three cheers for our entertainers — which were given with as much energy as the bountiful meal we had just eaten would safely permit, Three cheers were afterward given for Captain Cook. We were then ordered to “fall in,” and marched to the cars.
Concerning the 144th, the Pittsburg Commercial, of Saturday, 14th inst, says: “The l44th Ohio National Guard arrived in the city last evening on its way to Baltimore to report to Gen. Lew Wallace. It numbered eight hundred and eighty men, was recruited in Wood and Wyandott counties, and is officered as follows: Colonel, S. H. Hunt; Lieut, Col, F. R. Miller; Major, M. D. L. Buel; Adjutant, Johnathan Ayers. After partaking of a substantial meal, furnished by the subsistence Committee, Capt, Asher Cook, on behalf of the officers and men of the regiment made a neat speech, returning the beartfelt thanks of all for the kind and liberal manner in which they had been treated by the ladies and gentlemen of the Subsistence Committee. At the conclusion of the remarks, he called for three cheers and a “tiger” for Pittsburg, her people, the ladies in particular. We have seen many regiments entertained by the Committee dating the past year or two, but none which behaved in a more orderly, quiet and gentlemanly manner. Success and good fortune attend the 144th Ohio.
After arriving at the depot, considerable time was occupied in preparing cars for our reception, and it was after 2 o'clock before we were all on board. The cars occupied by most of the regiment were freight ears, with plenty of straw on the floors and we found this a much more comfortable way of traveling, for so long a distance, than in the nicely finished passenger car. At night we lay upon the floor and slept, and when one wished a a seat, his knapsack answered the purpose admirably. This may be considered by some as not a very genteel method of traveling, and, for the ordinary purposes of railroad conveyance might not be considered as “eminently proper” — still it just suited the members of the 144th.
Between 6 and 7 o'clock Saturday morning we arrived at Johnstown-—a little village almost entirely surrounded by mountains, with iron-colored houses, the inhabitants of which seem to be principally employed at iron working.
Our ride during the forenoon was through a “wild and picturesque” region — at many points, on one side of the road might be seen “mountains of rocks” two or three hundred feet high, while on the other hand were vast gorges almost as deep.
At 11 o'clock we arrived at Altoona, Blair county, a very pretty place of five or six thousand inhabitants, where are situated the machine shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Some distance westward from Altoona, we passed through a tunnel under a mountain, the length of which I do not know, but our train was two minutes in passing through it— during which time we were in darkness “black as midnight.” Between the tunnel and Altoona we passed down a steep grade, at one point of which there is a curve so short, that our train of twenty cars, as it stood upon the track, described almost half a circle. within which was a gorge at least a hundred feet in depth.
We remained at Altoona over an hour, during which a majority of the members of the regiment made extensive additions to the contents of their haversacks — and it is doubtful if the provision groceries of that place have yet fully replenished the stock they then so summarily disposed of.
Soon after 12 0’clock we left Altoona for Harrisburg, where we arrived at & o'clock. Here we marched into a soldier's “dining hall,” where we were furnished with a supper of bread, coffee and meat. After remaining here about an hour, our train Was taken across the river-—-here spanned by two long bridges, with an island between where it remained until about o'clock, when we again started for Baltimore, where we arrived at 10 o’clock Sunday morning. Here we were furnished with a dinner of the inevitable bread, meat and coffee— after which we marched to Fort McHenry, situated on the Chesapeake Bay, three miles from the city - at least, from that portion of the city where we took dinner—where five companies of the regiment now are. The balance of the regiment have been sent to other points. Companies G and K arrived at Baltimore some hours before the rest of the regiment, and were sent to the Relay House, ten miles from Baltimore, on the road to Washington, and at the junction of the Baltimore & Ohio and Baltimore & Washington Railroads. This morning (Monday) companies E, B and I left here—two of them for Annapolis and one for Fort Delaware.
It is expected that the companies now here will remain during our “one hundred days”—as Lieut. Col. Miller has been detailed to act as Provost Marshal, and Capt, Cook as Judge Advocate of the Post. The location is a pleasant one, and it the “powers that be” ordain it, we shall not object to a three months’ residence in this locality.
I should have stated. before, that the distance from Columbus to Baltimore by the route we traveled, is somewhat over four hundred miles to travel which took us about sixty-five hours more than twice the time ordinarily required to travel that distance. Ours, however, being a special train, had to keep out of the way of regular trains–often being compelled to wait for two or three hours at a time.
TUESDAY EVENING, May 18.–One company of the 144th left here this morning—for what point I have not been able to learn–and this evening the four remaining companies received orders to be prepared to march at 6 o'clock to-morrow morning with one day's ration in haversacks–for the Relay House. Preparations for that event, forbid any addition to this letter—-which, by the way, is already too long, Respectfully,
Perrysburg Journal, June 1, 1864
May 18, 1864.
“Oh! were you ne'er a school boy,
And did you never train,
And fool a swelling in your heart,
You ne'er shall fool again?”
I don't recollect who wrote the above, yet I venture to assert that if the author's first Military lesson had been a match of thirteen miles, on hot day, carrying a musket and accoutrements, with twenty rounds of ammunition, a haversack full of rations, a canteen full of water, a knapsack containing a rubber blanket, woolen blanket, overcoat, vest, shirt, pair of drawers, socks, some writing paper and envelopes, a tin plate, cup, pocket inkstand, knife, fork and spoon, a printers rule, and a “fine-tooth” comb — I say, if the author of the above lines had performed a good half-day's march, with above mentioned fixtures attached, his song would have been from “tother corner of his mouth,” and he would have written something like the following only “more so.”
Oh! were you e'er a soldier,
And did you ever “train,”
And feel a soreness in your feet
You ne'er would feel again?”
“That's what the matter” with the undersigned to-night, as well as with numerous other members of this regiment, whom I might mention.
Companies A. F. D, and H, of the 144th, left Fort McHenry about 7 o'clock this morning; marched to the city—about three miles distant where we took a short rest, and then started for this place—about ten miles south of Baltimore— where we arrived at 1 o'clock P. M.
The impressions which I received of the country between here and Baltimore, were very warm ones; the road we passed over was an exceedingly sweaty one; and on arriving here I concluded that this was a very tired locality. However, I may hereafter form a very different opinion of this region and its surroundings.
Of the Wood county companies, F (from Perrysburg) and D (from Bowling Green) are in this camp; — Captain Hathaways Company (from Pemberville) are at Fort Dix, half a mile south of us. Concerning the remaining companies, I can give no positive information—although I believe the Gilead company is at Annapolis.
I have not learned of any serious sickness or accidents in the companies of this regiment from Wood county.
Thursday morning—Several of the boys present or very “stiff” appearance this morning; although I am “reliably” informed that it does not result from a desire, on their part, to strictly adhere to the rules of military etiquette, Judging from the movements of some of the “heavy” privates of Company F. I should think they had been “foundered” about fifty or sixty times within the past twenty-four hours.
Lieutenant Colonel Miller remains at Fort McHenry, as Provost Marshal of the Post, Captain Cook is with us.
If we remain here a “few days,” I will endeavor to give you a brief account of your situation.
The Wyandot Pioneer, June 3, 1864
From the 144th, Reg't.,
O. N. G.
May 26th, 1864.
FRIEND BRUNNER:—Why do you not send me a Pioneer occasionally I have not seen one since I left home, and if it would not be asking too much, I should like to hear from you by letter occasionally. The First duties we performed for Government, as a regiment, was at Baltimore, Md. We arrived at this city on Sunday the 15th inst, about 11 o'clock, Two of our Companies, K, and G, Captain P. W. Hathaway and Captain Wm. Frank, arrived a few hours in advance of the Regiment; and reported to Gen. Lew Wallis; and were at once detailed for duty, Company G. was sent to Ft, No. 5, near Baltimore; and Co, K. to Mt, Dix, near the Relay House, the remainder of the Regiment was sent to Ft, McHenry. On Monday morning following Co. C. E. and I. were detached. B. and I. were sent to Annapolis, Md., and Co, E. to Wilmington Deleware, thus leaving but five companies in our Command at the Port, where we remained doing guard duty, until the following Wednesday, when we were ordered to the Relay Barracks, to report to Brigadier Gen, BE. B, Tyler, Commanding the 1st Brigade Middle department. We arrived here about one o'clock, of the same day, when we took up our quarters; and expect to remain for the balance of our term of service. Relay Barracks, being only a few rods from Ft, Dix, brings Co. K, within our command, so that, we have six companies together, and the prospects are, that the other four companies, will be ordered here ere long. The Boys are well as a general thing, and in fine spirits, and say, they would have no objections in trying their metal before the enemy.— Our camp is delightfully situated on the west side of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, a few rods north of the Relay House, covering a beautiful spot of ground, gently sloping to the west ward, upon which grows large Chestnut, Oak, Ceder, Pine and other trees, affording a delightful shade Over the entire camp, We have plenty of the substantials to eat, and as for luxuries, as all it requires to obtain these in abundance, is a few greenbacks. I had green peas for dinner twice last week and strawberries once.
I noticed, by letters received by the boy from Upper Sandusky, that reports have reached them, that Col, Hunt bartered away two of his Companies for the sake of obtaining the position of Colonel. Such reports are without foundation, the Colonels actions in the Consolidation of our Regiment were honorable to the letter, I know that he made no sacrifice of his Command for the position. I think the report must have been created by some gentleman; whose patriotism oozed outs when he got to Columbus and found that he was required to take an oath, to serve his Country for one hundred days, in what ever State or States, he might be ordered.
Write me us often as you can find time to do so.
Respectfully yours,
EDITORIAL NOTE. - We have sent you the Pioneer and will continue to do so during your 100 days service. Wrote you last week will endeavor to give your weekly bulletins.
We know something of your location and envy your quiet and pleasant retreat. If you move on Frederick, remember it is an old home and don't fail to call on our folks.
Perrysburg Journal, June 8, 1864
May 30, 1864,
ED. JOURNAL: Company F, 144th O. N. G.
has again “changed its base.” On Friday evening last, 27th inst., Captain Cook received orders to asume the duties of Provost Marshal of this place—and his company was ordered here to act as Provost Guard. We therefore received orders to be prepared to move at 6 o'clock on the following morning—and at the appointed hour, we marched from Relay Barracks to the Depot, where about seven o'clock, we took the cars, and in about half an hour arrived here—and at present writing we are encamped in a fine grove of oak, a short distance from the railroad station.
We occupy “shelter tents” which we brought with us from the Barracks. For the information of the “uninnitiated” I will state that those we use are composed of four pieces of heavy cotton cloth—each about two yards square, and so made that they may be buttoned together and are occupied by four persons, On the march, the tent is taken apart–each one taking a piece. A small ridge pole, with a forked stick at each end to support it, and six stakes, are all that is actually required to pitch these tents. We have, however raised ours about two feet from the ground, filling up the sides with such timber, rails, boards &c., as were to be found in a deserted camp near us. Thus pitched, our shelter tents make very commodious, but well ventillated quarters.
So far as buildings or population are concerned this place—22 miles from Washington—is one of very little importance—it containing two hotels, a small store, and perhaps half a dozen residences, The importance which attaches to this locality is due more to the fact that at this place the railroad to Annapolis forms a junction with the road between Baltimore and Washington, In fact, I might say the “Junction” is the principal public improvement here.
In the foregoing, I speak of the place itself, aside from any improvements made by the Government-for only a few rods east of the station are fifteen or twenty one-story wooden buildings erected by the Government, for general hospital purposes.
As before stated, Captain Cook is Provost Marshal of this Post; Lieut. Frank S. Tyler is commissary of Subsistence here.
No person is permitted to go from this point to Annapolis, without a pass from the Provost Marshal, here, the War Department, or from the commander of this military department—and no person can obtain a pass without first taking the oath of allegiance. One of our duties here, therefore, is to guard the train to Annapolis, before starting, and see that no person enters the cars without a pass, We are also to assist in enforceing an order forbidding intoxicating liquors—including ale and beer—to private soldiers. Is'nt that a tolerable joke on such “high privates” as were wont at home to imbibe their “little beer” betimes? By the, way, soon after our arrival here, five of us were greeted with—“Won't you go over and take a glass of ale?” Having almost forgotten how that article tasted, we rather thought we, would accept the invitation–just to refresh our memory. The landlord, however, “couldn't see it”–whereupon the party unanimously, “Resolved,” That this assemblage is not thirsty.“
We left the companies of Captain Hathaway and Captain Kitchen at Port Dix, Relay House, There were some cases of slight indisposition among the men, but none who were considered actually sick.
Lee Klopfenstien, of Bowling Green, (a member of Captain Kitchen’s company,) while standing: guard at Fort Dix, Thursday night last, accidently discharged his gun, the ball shattering the fore-finger of his right hand — making amputation of the finger necessary. On Friday last it was taken off at that joint, close to the hand.
John Barton, of this company was left in the hospital at Relay Barracks, He was, however improving rapidly, and is expected to join us in a few days. No other members of this company are in hospital, although cases of slight illness have occurred.
I have learned nothing new, since my last, concerning the movements of the companies of Captains McKee, Smith and Black.
There are now seventy members of Company F—including officers, Thirteen have been temporarily detached for duty at other places, but are expected to join us in a few days.
As to whether we are to remain here during our time of service, I will not venture to express even a guess. We have been jogging around until we have got in a “moving way” and are rather indifferent as to what ”[…] up“.
Wyandot Pioneer, June 17, 1864
Relay Barracks, Md.
June 9th, 1864
Friend Brunner- Dear Sir:
I received yours of the 3rd together with a Pioneer for which I am much obliged. This received your letter giving a list of the men drafted in Wyandot Co. which created quite an excitement in camp. The news soon spread among the boys that I heard from the draft in Wyandot county and that some of them had been drafted, and it was but a few moments that I was entirely surrounded by the boys, each anxious to learn which among them was so fortunate as to draw a prize in Uncle Samuel's lottery. There were three lucky ones in our regiment. Among them was David Moody of Co.A. It would have done your soul good, however, to see the manly spirit with which they received the intelligence. They joke each other freely about their good fortunes & c. Not a murmur was heard from them against the government or the authorities for this calling upon them to serve for three years when they had already volunteered for 100 days. They could not constrain their gratification however at learning the large portion of Butternuts drawing a prize. They regard the result of the draft in Wyandot, taking it in a whole as a good joke.
I was at Baltimore yesterday and the day before to attend the great Union convention. It met in the Front Street Theatre and although that is a large and capacious building, it was filled to overflowing and a more intelligent and harmonious assembly was never witnessed by man and what is more and better they were nearly all for Old Abe. You have no doubt heard the particulars and result of the Convention by this time, so that I can give you nothing new. It must have been highly gratifying and inspiring to a Union man, who witnessed the city of Baltimore with her stones, clubs, and brickbats being hurled at Union soldiers in 1861, to have been there yesterday and seen the thousands of Union banners and Stars and Stripes from almost every building top and window in the city. Amidst this display of the glorious old Stars and Stripes, I noticed a splendid silk flag suspended from the portico of Barnum's Hotel immediately opposite the room occupied by the Ohio delegation, upon one side of which was inscribed in golden letters “Ohio has sent 231, 652 of her gallant sons to the defense of the country.” I tell you it makes an Ohioan's heart swell with pride to look upon that flag, and I may say just here that the Ohio delegation was the “big toad in the puddle”; they took the lead in the whole Convention.
The remains of Col. Porter of the 8th New York Heavy Artillery was brought into the city in the afternoon of yesterday, escorted by Gen. Wallace and Staff, Gen. Morris and Staff, and the 7th O.N.G. Col. Harris. The 8th was relieved at Ft. McHenry by the 144th O.N.G. and sent to the front the same day we got there. The day wound up with a grand ratification meeting in the evening in monument square at which Parson Brownlow and others were to be heard. I did not stay to attend the meeting.
Yours Truly,
J.A. Ayres
Weddell Family Papers
MS 484 mf
Transcript: Private Thomas Shanks
Letter, Co.F, 144th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Anapolis Junction
June 10, 1864
Dear Cousin:
I have sit down to answer your kind and welcome letter which I had the privilege of reading the other day. I was very glad to know that you was all well. I am a rather a four hand at writing a letter but I will do the best I can. I am well at present and get along first rate. There is some of the boys complaining Lock Scot went to the hospital last night. I think we will be able to come back soon. Our Co. has been very healthy so far and I hope that it may continue to be so. We have had a very nice rain this morning; it has made the air quite cool and pleasant. We have had some very warm weather but we have a good shower every week or so and it keeps the ground cool and nice.
Our camp is situated in a very nice and cool place and the boys can enjoy the cool shade they want. David Main and I have stand guard every afternoon at the Junction and we have the privilege of seeing a good many soldiers of the 133rd Ohio went through here last night. A good many of them is from Hancock Co. Some of them was down at Toledo last fall. I had to guard 8 deserters a while. They were hard looking men, they were in chains and they stood over them with loaded revolvers. He said he had taken over 300 and they were the worst. He had got them from New York and they were going to Baltimore. They are drafting there and paying a good pile for substitutes and they were going to hire out. There was a squad of our Co. sent out last night to try and catch some more of them but they did not get any of them. There was about 250 paroled prisoners came to the hospital they other day. I tell you they are a hard looking set of men, some wounded and some almost starved to death and there is a good many wounded in these last battles is coming here wounded in every shape and manner. It looks awful to see so many going around with crutches.
David and I had a trip down to Annapolis the other day. We went on Saturday night; we found most all of the boys all well. George was not very well but able for Denty he looks pretty well but it don't agree with him. John Dunipace is in the hospital, I think he will soon get well. He is around most of the time and is well taken care of. Everything is kept in the best of order. He says he won't try it again, maybe he has got satisfied now. David is getting along first rate; all the rest of the boys is well. John Fenton is complaining but is well again. They have a very nice camp and things very handy but it is very warm and they have a great deal of guarding to do.
We was all through the town and the Navy Yard, it is very nice. In the Navy Yard, there is a great many wounded soldiers there. I was astonished to see them so well taken care of. We got some ripe cherries down there. There is some very large cherries down there. There is lots of huckle berries here that will be ripe after a while. Now I want you to keep me well posted in the affairs at home for we don't get very many letters and how you and the girls is getting along. You must perform your duty. There is not many girls here and what is very homely. You must have some very patriotic ones at home by what I hear. I will have to close; I send my best respects.
All yours truly from your old friend,
T. Shanks
Perrysburg Journal, June 15, 1864
June 30, 1864
ED. JOURNAL: Since my last letter, nothing new has occurred, relative to the situation or the duties required of Company F - which is still act as Provost Guard here. The health of the company continues good—we have now no men in hospital, and but very few cases of slight indisposition.
The companies of Captain Hathaway and Captain Kitchen are yet at Fort Dix, Relay House. Young Klopfenstein—-the amputation of whose finger I previously noticed is doing well.
The companies of Captain McKee and Captain Black are doing guard duty at Camp Parole, two miles west of the city of Annapolis, Each of the companies have two men in hospital, viz: Samuel Holder and Caleb Older, of the former, and Ben. W. Wood and Henry Ashley of the latter company. None of them, however, were dangerously ill. But few other cases of indisposition are to be found in the companies.
Captain Smith’s company is at Wilmington, Deleware, or at Fort Deleware, near that city—at least, such is the information I have received concerning it. I have heretofore reported this company as being from Pemberville—which was an error. In the old 64th Batallion, Captain Smith commanded the company from Freedom and Webster townships, but at Camp Chase this company was broken up, and Captain Smith is now in command of the company from Bloom and Perry townships.
On Friday last, Sergeants Averill and Bates, and the subscriber obtained permission to visit the ancient little city of Annapolis—twenty miles distant, We left here at 8 o’clock in the morning, and about 9 arrived at Camp Parole, two miles west of the city, where we had the pleasure of meeting Captain McKee, Captain Black, Lieutenant Kimberlin, and numerous old acquaintances in the Tontogany and Gilead companies—all of whom seemed very well pleased with their situation. They have for quarters good commodious barracks—and are on duty as guards generally every second or third day and night, During the hour which we remained here we came to the conclusion that for neatness and arrangement, Camp Parole far surpassed all the military camps we had ever seen.
From Camp we walked to the city—which, by the way, we found to bear little resemblance to our cities of the West. The “center” of the city appears to be the State House, and from this point the streets seem to diverge in all directions— making city blocks” of all shapes and sizes, The streets are narrow, Unpaved, and apparently unworked, but they are remarkably free from rubbish and some of them are so well shaded that the branches of the trees unite overhead, forming a single mass of foliage. Ascending the steeple of the State House, we obtained a view of the city and adjoining country, the bay with its shipping, and the distant “eastern shore,” which was, to say the least, beautiful and grand, For a few moments we entered the Hall of Representatives, where a Convention is now in session for the purpose of forming a now Constitution for this State, the foundation of which it is believed will be Liberty! We afterward entered the Senate Chamber—the room wherein, I believe, Washington resigned to Congress his commission as Commander-in-Chief of the United States army. On the northern wall is a large oil painting, ten or twelve feet in length and six or eight in width representing the scene — the room represented in the painting being an exact imitation of the one wherein the picture is suspended.
By this time Hunger began to make demonstrations, and we left the State House in search of rations, A short walk took us to the “American House,” a very ancient looking but substantial building, which we were told was erected about ninety years since by the British, and was once used as the Headquarters of General Washington. Here we “ordered dinner!” Reader, were you ever a “One Hundred Days’ man,” and did you after “taking in” your first month's army rations seat yourself at a table where victuals were served up in the “highest style of art?” If not, you can form no idea of the fierce “Battle of Knife and Fork,” which raged for about three-quarters of an hour after our forces were “ brought into position.” To attempt a detailed description would be the heighth of folly—suffice it to say that after a hotly contested and sanguinary conflict, we were enabled to report the following highly-important results: Three huge beefsteaks completely out-generaled; a loaf of bread, plate of butter, and two dishes of potatoes, utterly annihilated; a dozen eggs hopelessly demoralized—to say nothing of onions, raddishes, &c., which were “sandwitched without mercy,” between the more important articles. And just as we were about withdrawing from the field, an “intelligent contraband” entered with three large plates of strawberries, thus painfully reminding us that although we were nearly exhausted, there was not a “foe to conquer!” The defiant look of the luscious fruit together with the thought that if not speedily “ put out of the way” it might strengthen the enemy, rallied our shattered energies and after a brief conflict it was “no more!” Soon afterward, by very skillful maneuvering, we succeeded in retiring from the field, with very little disorder— considering the circumstances.
During the afternoon we visited the U. S. Naval Academy grounds, where, in addition to the buildings formerly used in connection with the Academy have been erected extensive and commodious hospitals. Near the northeast corner of the grounds is Fort Severn, a round stone structure, said to be of great strength.
We left Annapolis about 4 P. M., and arrived here at 5 o'clock—having experienced what was, to us,one of the “eventful days of the campaign.”
In this connection it is proper to state that our “trio” are under obligations to Conductor Hammond, of the Annapolis and Elk Ridge Railroad, for favors and courtesies which soldiers well know how to appreciate, As one efficient, accomplished and obliging officer, “long may he wave!” We are also indebted to Sergeant Winters, of the Annapolis Patrol Guard, for favors while in the city.
It is an old saying that every man is the archetect of his own fortune “but it was only very recently that I became convinced of the fact that every man must be his own washwoman!” Such, however, appeared to be the case in Company F. last week, I tried it—took my “things,” a piece of soap, proceeded to the creek—about half a mile distant—took a position on a log, and went to work. I don't pretend to say how long I was engaged at my “little washing,” but I might have been “rubbing away” yet, if a good samaritan, who had sojered before“ had not helped me out. When I returned to camp, hung out my indifferently washed duds, and contemplated the prospects of their being blown down in the dirt, I began, for the first time, to comprehend and sympathize with the vexation which I have seen ladies manifest under similar circumstances. At the time had any “unlucky wight” caused mishap to my clothes line, the circumstances would doubtless have enabled me to read him a caudle lecture and send him, “bald headed,” to his tent in the most approved manner.
Some of the boys announce with glee, that they have found a washwoman—and if such is the case a large portion of the company will “retire from business.”
A few days since, a slight breeze was created between the Hospital Authorities here and Provost Marshal Cook,on account of the arrest of a hospital attendant for insulting language to the Provost Guard, while on duty, Without further particularizing or reflecting upon anyone, it is only necessary to add that on reference of the matter to General Tyler, the Provost Marshal was fully sustained.
An item of which the officers and some of this company feel a little proud, and which it is but proper that their friends at home should know, is the fact that citizens of this place and vicinity state that at no time since the commencement of the war has there been a company stationed here the members of which conducted themselves in so peaceable and gentlemanly a manner, and created so little disturbances, as have the members of Company F. We do not say this in any spirit of exultation over the remaining companies from Wood county, nor even over any of Ohio's National Guard—composed as it is almost exclusively, of those who were lawabiding citizens at home, it may, well be expected that they will continue to be respecters of law, wherever law calls them.
A couple of days since I was saluted by one of the jovial members of Company F. With “aint I a lucky fellow?” On being informed that I couldn’t see anything of that kind about him, he proceeded to toll me that on the day that this company left Perrysburg his family consisted of four persons, including himself, but that his family now consists of four persons without him! Considering his assertion of a squa[…]y appearance, I made no further inquiries, yet perhaps 'twas true, and and can be accounted for on scientific principles—but as I have never “figgered” in that kind of a “sum,” I leave its further consideration and solution for persons more familiar with the intricate problems of simple addition!
In the Independent of May 27th, I see that reference is made to the absence from Perrysburg of John Himmelman, with his company, Yes, “John” is here, and a few days since I heard a member of this company who has left a large and helpless family in Perrysburg, say, if Higgins was a man he would be here too.” Is that the reason “Why We Didn't Go to War,” in a nutshell?
In the same paper we notice an item concerning the catching of white bass, wherein the Independent editor tells how he “worked at the oars,” and “fully realized what it was to be a steamboat!” I suit that rather healthy talk for a man?“ who not more than twenty-three days previously endeavored to get a certificate of “disability,” to release him from the “One hundred days service,” and who, failing in his attempt at Perrysburg afterward wrote to the Adjutant General, representing himself in a very “delicate situation” whereupon he was some how released, He must have got over it remarkably quick!
In the Journal of June 1st I notice a card signed J, Tyler, Esq., in reference to a paragraph which appeared in one of my former letters. The statement which I made, and which he desired to explain, was to the effect that while a member of Company A, 64th Battalion O. N. G., he endeavored to obtain the position of Quartermaster of the Battalion–but failing in this, he also failed to make his appearance at Columbus with the company, Mr, Tyler doves not deny my statement, but claims legal exemption. Concerning the “legality” of his remaining at home, I have nothing to say— but there are a few items in his “card,” which may properly be noticed. In effect, he states that the reason why he applied for the position of Quartermaster, was because he “was informed that no exemptions for physical unfitness for service would be made,” Does Mr, Tyler pretend to say that he believed such information—did he believe that a person who had once joined the company, and since lost a leg, would be compelled to march; or that one who had lost an arm would be forced to handle a musket; or that one who was blind would be punished for not properly acting as sentinel; or that a man would have to perform hard duties, when he could scarcely “get breath enough to sustain life?” Does he, or did he, believe any such preposterous information as this? Certainly not—unless he has adopted Vallandigham’s views concerning the barbarism of our State and National authorities.
Mr. Tyler also represents that the officers of this company signed his discharge, of their “own acord”—which expression, as I understand it, means that they signed it without any invitation or request to do so—and that this took place “but a few minutes” before the company left Perrysburg. One of the officers of this company informs me that he was applied to by Mr. Tyler to sign a discharge, or an application for one, about two days before the company left Perrysburg; and, his, too, while that gentleman was yet endeavoring to obtain the position of Quartermaster; another signed it by request, about noon, on the day we left; and the other officer says he might have signed it a few minutes before the Battallion started, although he don’t recollect of signing it at all.
Does this look as though exemption was urged upon him by the officers of this company.
Mr, Tyler says that when his discharge was first made out, he hesitated whether to “take it or refuse it,” but “circumstances and the advice of friends prevailed,” and he “remained at home.” Had he been offered the position which he sought, is it probable that he would have hesitated about accepting it, or that “circumstances and the advice of friends” could have prevailed upon him to remain at home?
Let it be understood that I do not question the propriety of Mr, Tyler's exemption–that is a matter for medical man to decide, and with which I have nothing to do. But after he had made the efforts which he did to obtain the Quartermaster’s position; after he had thus urged his ability and manifested his willingness to serve his country, if he could obtain a commission and a good salary, I believe that he was bound, by all considerations of honor and self respect to fill his place in the ranks—either by person or by substitute; after this a “legal” exemption might be given him but not one which he could honorably accept.
I disclaim all desire to do Mr, Tyler, or any one else, injustice—I believe that what I have written is true, and it is just that the truth be known I do not entertain the slightest feelings of ill-will toward him—neither have I the least sympathy with that class of patriots who are always clamorous to serve their country if it can be done with honor and profit, but who are likewise the first to skirk such service when it is attended by work and thirteen dollars per month. That Mr. Tyler belongs to this class I do not assert, the circumstances are well known to the people of Wood county— let each one decide for himself; and if the facts warrant it, I sincerely hope the verdict will be unanimously in Mr, Tyler's favor.
Respectfully, H. S. CHAPIN,
Wyandot Democratic Union June 16, 1864, p.1
Relay Barracks, near Relay House, Maryland
June 4th, 1864
Editor Union:
It has been several weeks since I have written anything for publication and as I am at leisure this morning I will endeavor to give you a short sketch of the doings of the 144th Regiment of National Guards since we left Ft. McHenry. We were only in that fort several days, when the orders from headquarters sent us to Relay House about nine or ten miles from the city. The boys left with a feeling of regret, thinking that we would be stationed at a position that would not be suited as well to the inclinations and purposes of the Regiment, but that is not the case, as we are now at a place that is far more pleasant and agreeable, and all are enjoying camp life better than we did whilst confined in the blackened and time-scared wall of old Fort McHenry. When I stood upon the banks of the Chesapeake Bay, and intentively gaze out upon its smooth and glassy surface, the scenes of the bombardment of that Fort in 1812 and 14 came vividly to my mind; and I thought of the bright and glorious morning when the cannons from the British vessels were pouring their iron hail into the fort, and as the smoke and fire dimmed the horizon with their heavy clouds, one of America's noble sons was engaged in producing one of the greatest and most sublime compositions that was ever inscribed upon this nation's history, and that was “The Star Spangled Banner.” It appeared to me that I could hear the plaintive notes reverberating above the thunder of the cannon as the bright and glorious sun arose in all its resplendent glory and beauty, upon the bloody scene of carnage and death.
In passing through the Fort one day, I spied a relic of that memorable day in the shape of a shell. Upon a close examination, I saw that it was fired by the British in 1814 and weighs 216 1/2 pounds. It is the largest I ever saw, and from its appearance would do considerable execution.
We are now considerably divided, only having three companies in this camp. The others are stationed as follows: three at Annapolis, Md., two at Fort Dix, but a few hundred yards from this camp, one at Annapolis Junction about 18 miles from here, and one at Washington, Delaware. So you perceive that the 144th is scattered over a large scope of the country. But as we were ordered out into the field for the purpose of guard duty upon the prominent military posts, we have no cause to whatever to grumble that we are thus cut up and sent to different points throughout this and other states.
Court-Martial is setting in the Barracks in which they are trying prisoners and deserters from the Federal Army. There is at present, the case of a soldier pending before the court, who shot a citizen of this locality some time ago. The trial has been progressing for several days, but as yet a verdict has not been found, I am unable to say how it will terminate, as I am not thoroughly acquainted with the causes that led to the affair. When the trial is ended I shall give you the particulars.
I will give you a short description of our camp, thinking that it will be of interest to the readers of your journal. Our camp is upon the top of a hill, fronting a public road; and covered with a grove of large Chestnut trees which give us plenty of shade and a great convenience these days-for you must remember that this state is much warmer than Ohio, and the hot sun, if we would not have the trees in our camp, would cause the northern-bred boys to wilt under its scorching rays. On the west side is a valley, through which runs a small stream of water and along its banks and through the whole field are plenty of Blackberries and Whortleberries, which will soon be ripe. Taking all things into consideration, we could not wish a better location to serve the United States for a hundred days.
On the 17th of May Company A had an election for a 2nd Lieutenant caused by the resignation of the “brave Thomas,” who when duty called him forth to fight for his country, felt a little uneasy for his safety and forthwith sent in his resignation to the Governor and concluded to stay at home and watch over the destinies of the Wyandots. The result of the election is as follows:
Eli Ragon 42
D.E. Hale 25
John Stoker 1
D.M. Bowers 15
Total Vote 83
Ragon elected by a majority, over all the candidates, of one.
The boys have plenty of amusements of all kinds and the days speed quickly by. It seems such a short time since we left our homes, as each day passed away so pleasantly. All enjoy good health, with the exception of a few cases of diarrhea, but nearly all of them are well. This is a healthy country and if all of us are careful of ourselves, we need fear no disease of any kind. From the present aspect of military affairs in this locality it is the general impression that we will spend our hundred days in this place.
I have nothing of importance to write this time, only the citizens of Baltimore are making great preparation for the Baltimore National Convention.
The authorities of the state have been drafting for several weeks and are not through yet. The Governor of this state has issued a proclamation calling out two regiments of hundred day men, to be placed in the fortifications in and around the city. As I have nothing more to write this time, I will conclude, by sending my best wishes to the citizens of old Wyandot. More anon.
Yours Respectfully,
Otho J. Powell
Wyandot Pioneer, June 17, 1864
From the 144th Reg't., O. N. G.
June, 9th 1864.
FRIEND BRUNNER-DEAR SIR: I received yours of the 3d, together with a Pioneer, for which I am much obliged. I also received your letter giving a list of the men drafted in Wyandot county, which created quite an excitement in camp. The news soon spread among the Boys that I had heard from the draft in Wyandot county, and that some of them had been drafted, and it was but a few moments until I was completely surrounded by the boys each anxious to learn who among them had been so fortunate as to draw a prize in Uncle Samuel's lottery. There were three of the lucky ones in our Regiment. Among them was David Moody of Co. A. It would have done your soul good however to see the manly spirit with which they received the intelligence. They joke each other freely about their good fortunes, &c. Not a murmer was heard from them against the government or the authorities for this calling upon them to serve for three years when they had already volunteered for one hundred days. They could not constrain their gratification however at learning of the large proportion of Butternuts drawing a prize. They regarded the result of the draft in Wyandot, taking it in a whole as a good joke.
I was at Baltimore yesterday, and the day before to attend the great Union Convention. It met in the Front Street theatre and although that is a very large and capacious building, it was filled to overflowing and a more intelligent and harmonious assembly was never witnessed by man, and what is more and better they were nearly all for Old Abe. You have no doubt heard the particulars and result of the Convention by this time, so that I can give you nothing new. It must have been highly gratifying and inspiring to a Union man, who witnessed the City of Baltimere, where here stones, clubs and brickbats being hurled at Union Soldiers in 1861, to have been there yesterday, and seen the thousands of union banners and Stars and Stripes floating from almost every house top and window in the City, and amidst all this display of the glorious old Stars and Stripes, I noticed a splendid silk flag suspended from the portico in front of Barnum's Hotel, immediately opposit the room occupied by the Ohio delegation, upon one side of which was inscribed in golden letters, “Ohio has send 291, 652 of her gallant sons to the defence of our country.” I tell you it makes an Ohioans heart swell with pride to look upon that flag, and I may say just here that the Ohio delegation was the “big toad in the puddle,” they took the lead in the whole Convention.
The remains of Colonel Porter, of the 8th, New York heavy artillery, was brought into the City in the afternoon of yesterday, escorted by Gen. Wallis and Staff Gen. morris and Staff and the 7th Ohio N. G. Col. Harris, the 8th was relieved at Fort McHenry by the 144th O. N. G., and sent to the front the same day we got there. The day wound up with a grand ratification meeting in the evening, in monument square at which Parson Brownlow and others was to be heard. I did not stay to attend the meeting.
Yours truly,
Perrysburg Journal, June 22, 1864
June 14, 1864.
ED. JOURNAL: Some time since I noticed a statement - in that Wood county paper published by a man (?) who “stayed at home that he might not lose and of his “blood” or “limbs” in the service—to the effect that the “One Hundred Days Men” were not wanted by the Government; that their being called into service was entirely owing to the gratuitous solicitations of certain Western Governors; and that this force was one for which President and General Grant bad to use. In refutation of that statement-if I may pardoned for refuting such a statement, from such a source -It in only necessary to refer to the employment of the companies from Wood county, At Camp Parole, the companies of Captain McKee and Captain Black relieved a portion of a New York regiment, which was immediately sent to the front, at this place, the company of Captain Cook relieved a part of a New York artillery company, which left for Washington, a day or two after our arrival here; the companies of Captain Kitchen and Captain Hathaway, at Fort Dix, relieved a portion of a Delaware regiment which also went to the front, Whether the company of Captain Smith—now near Wilmington, Delaware relieved a veteran company or not I am not informed; but they are unquestionably doing the duties which would otherwise require the presence of a volunteer company. I may also mention the fact, that within the past few days a number of Ohio “One Hundred Days” regiments have passed through here for Washington, and some of them it is stated have already been forwarded to General Grant. Does this look as though these men were a useless appendage to the army?
Nothing of importance has occurred in Company F, during the past week—we are performing the duties assigned us, to the best of our ability, and eating our rations with regularity and fortitude; we have had no engagements with the armed enemy, but we have had a conflict or two with stubborn “masculine” beef-in which be it known, we came out triumphant.
Our order of exercises for each day, is about as follows: At 5 A. M. roll-call; at 6, breakfast; at 8:30, company drill; at 12 dinner; at 6 P.M, supper; at 8:30, roll-call; at 9 “put out lights.”
Our Company is divided into two “messes”two men in each mess do the cooking, and are, of course, relieved from the duty. Our “bill of fare” is the same as that established at all of Uncle Samuel's hotels, and embraces pork and beans, potatoes, beef, bread, and coffee served up in all the various styles which only the ingenuity of an experienced army cook can devise. We get excellent fresh broad, from a government bakery at this place. In short our rations are generally ample, but our appetites are always “equal to the emergency.”
On Sunday last, a number of the members of our company attended church at Savage-a little village about three miles west of this place. The only item about the services at church, which struck us as being at all remarkable, or unlike what we were accustomed to at home, was the fact that during the entire service-in both prayers and sermon—no reference was made to either the Government or the rebellion; no petition for divine guidance was made on behalf of the lawful rulers of the country; no prayer was offered that the nation established by Washington and his copatriots might be preserved!
The officiating clergyman, however, did desire that this “cruel war” might cease, but as no word signified how he wished it to cease, only one inference can be drawn from his silence, viz: that his sympathies, which he dare not express, were with the traitor hosts of the confederacy, It is very seldom that I venture a word of criticism concerning the religious belief of any individual, or the exercises of any Church—yet to me, that “religion” which does not prompt its possessor to pray for his country, when it is struggling for life with armed traitors, seems little else than arant hyprocrisy. I confess a wish, as I left the church, that the clergyman, and those of the congregation who admire his course, might be turned over to the tender mercies of Jeff, Davis and his conscripting officers—their presence there could hardly be more injurious to the Union cause than is their influence here.
The health of our company continues good—the now being only one or two cases of slight sickness I have not heard of any serious cases of sickness in companies either at Camp Parole or Fort Dix.
H. S. C.
Wyandot Democratic Union, July 7, 1864, p.1
Relay Barracks, near Relay House
June 22, 1864
Editor Union:
This evening, being at leisure, I will endeavor to write you a brief communication in hopes that the few items of news I shall present from the 144th Regiment National Guards will be read by all the citizens of old Wyandot. It has been several weeks since I have written anything, and in that period of time, there has been many things transpiring in this locality that the friends at home have not been cognizant of; therefore I shall make them acquainted with them as well as I can.
We are still in the old quarters, at the Relay Barracks, and anticipate from the present aspect of affairs that we will remain in this locality until our time expires. Truly we have no cause whatever to complain as we have fared very well in every respect since we were ordered to this position and the Regiment, or the part that is here, have all enjoyed themselves very much. Our duties are pretty heavy, as we have only five companies in these two encampments-this and Fort Dix; and they have all the guard duty to perform, which takes the principal part of the men. At the Fort, they have commenced artillery practice. A few artillerymen from one of the veteran regiments are drilling them. They are progressing finely, and I guess if the Rebs attempt to cross the bridge, or to tear up the railroads, that they will meet with a warm reception from the Fort.
Part of our regiment and the 2nd Maryland have been busily engaged for the past several weeks in erecting a block house on top of the hill, a short distance from here. From the amount of timber that has been gathered out and hauled there, they must calculate on erecting a mammoth structure. It is intended as a support to the fort in case of an attack from the enemy.
A short time ago I was detailed with a squad of some 12 or 15 of our comrades to go down to the depot and assist in unloading timber from the cars, and through the carelessness of some person, a soldier belonging to a Maryland regiment had his leg broken. He was immediately sent to the hospital and our surgeon summoned to attend to the fractured limb. He is now doing well and will soon be able to resume his duties.
Sunday June 12th, an order came from Brig. Gen. Tyler's headquarters, stating that he wanted thirty men, ten from each company, with a sufficient quota of commissioned officers, to go upon a scouting expedition down the lower part of the state, after some men who had been drafted in the late draft, and had concluded not to comply with the decision of Uncle Samuel and had taken a leave of absence for a short time. The boys were provided with five days of cooked rations and forty rounds of cartridges, with the expectation of doing some work but nary one was to be seen. They scouted around for several days and then returned without the loss of a man. It was a gay excursion for them and they enjoyed it very much. They were delighted with the country through which they passed and also with the hospitality of the citizens with whom they conversed. They were treated well, as far as eating and drinking was concerned, and boasted a great deal about the dinners they had at the different farm houses at which they stopped. Many of them would like to go on another such trip but I suppose they will not have that pleasure again soon.
Sunday night last, Hank had sounded the horn and the boys were all in their bunks and some had just commenced their first snooze when a corporal of one of the companies, who had been guarding some tents in another encampment, about a half mile from here, came rushing up the guard lines and stated that a number of citizens had been committing some depredations upon the premises of a widow lady several miles from camp and that said lady wanted the immediate assistance of our boys to capture the riotous chaps. The Colonel was summoned and the facts stated to him. He then ordered ten men to go the rescue and Capt. Ragon called the requisite number to put down the revellers, the entire company came rushing out, all excitement, as if the whole Rebel army was about to attack us. Their pieces were all loaded in a moment, and all ready to go; but through the carelessness of some of the boys, in the bustle and confusion incident to such a time, a gun was discharged, but fortunately nobody was hurt. They started off at a double quick and were soon at the scene of the action, and found that several of the fellows “who had throughout the day imbibed too freely of tanglefoot” and had become somewhat intoxicated, had smashed in a window and done some other damage to the house. After scouting around the country for some time, they captured one of the scamps, and triumphantly escorted him to camp, and placed him under guard until morning, when the father of the imprisoned gent came to plead for his release. He counseled the Colonel who gave the prisoner his discharge in full and sent him on his way rejoicing.
Yesterday about noon, a Rebel prisoner who had been sick at the hospital made good his escape. Several boys were sent in pursuit of him, but could get no clue of his whereabouts. The Surgeon says that he was nearly dead, and that they think his strength will not permit him to travel far ere he falls victim to the disease.
The health of the regiment is unusually good at this time. No diseases of any description are prevalent, with the exception of several cases of diarrhea, but neither of these are dangerous.
The weather is very pleasant and vegetation of all kinds are growing finely. There has not been any rain for several weeks and the earth is becoming dry, which retards the growth of the spring crops.
The farmers in this section are all busily engaged in cutting their harvest. The wheat, as a general thing, is very good.
There will be an abundance of all kinds of fruit, if nothing befalls it before it matures. The trees are loaded to their utmost capacity, and from present indication, apples, peaches, & c. will be plenty and cheap in this country. Cherries are now ripe and we have as many as we can use, of the nicest kind. Every day some of the boys go out into the country and in several hours come back with loads of them. Soldiers are sure to have fruit when it can be found no matter what the trouble to get it may be.
My correspondence is becoming longer than I had intended and without proceeding any further, I will conclude. I hope that what I have written may prove interesting to the citizens of the county and they may peruse the contents of this letter from the 144th without partiality. I shall still continue my correspondence and hope in the next to have some exciting news. With respect to all the friends of old Wyandot, I bid you adieu for the present.
Yours Respectfully,
Otho J. Powell
Perrysburg Journal, June 29, 1864
June 5, 1864.
ED. JOURNAL: On Monday last I wrote you that there were no serious cases of sickness in Company F. At that time such was my belief, and the general belief of the company. True, we had a couple of men in hospital, but we had not thought either of them to be dangerously ill. About 9 o'clock yesterday morning, however, we were startled by receiving word from the Hospital, that Leonard Snyder, of this company was dead, He had been unwell for a number of days, but remained in camp until Friday last, when he was worse, and had to be taken most of the way to the Hospital on a stretcher. His desease wan pronounced by the physicians, to be typhoid fever but members of the company who have seen frequent cases of brain fever, say that his attack, and subsequent symptoms strongly resembled it. He improved, however and on Sunday morning I am told was able to sit up, and conversed with some members of the company who called to see him although he could talk but little at a time. Since Sunday forenoon, he appeared to be deranged all the time, except perhaps a few minutes Monday morning. Early Tuesday morning a member of the company went to see him, and found him insensible in which condition he remained until about 8 o'clock, when he died.
His remains were placed in a coffin by members of the company, and at 11 o'clock this morning, we followed him to a solder's grave. The funeral procession was formed as follows:
MILITARY ESCORT~under command of Corporal Stewart, with arms reversed—composed of the following persons:
Lewis Householder, Alvin C. Austin,
Harvey Paillippe, Thomas Shenks,
Alanson Bushneil, John Priest,
Eli Scott, Isaac Smith,
Alexander Bruce, Peter Algoner,
Lewis Shaller, Charles Champion,
James Russell, William Stein,
Then followed members of the company and officers.
Arrived at the grave, the escort halted in front of it–the company standing in line in rear of the Escort, The Pall Bearers then lowered the coffin into the grave—the Escort “presenting” arms. The Hospital Chaplain then read a portion of the. Scriptures, and offered up a prayer, after which the Escort fired three volleys over the grave. The company then formed in the same order as before and returned to camp, leaving the dead soldier, so lately our associate.
“Alone in his glory!”
Leonard Snyder, was a resident of Webster township, Wood county. He was not, when we left Perrysburg, a member of this company, but belonged to the company from Webster and Freedom townships, which was broken up at Camp Chase, when he was assigned to Company F. He has resided in Webster township for eight or ten years past; has been married but was divorced from his wife, about two or three years since. I am told that he has cousins residing somewhere in Wood county but no relatives in Webster township. His father resides near Syracuse, New York, His age was 31.
I had no acquaintance with the deceased, previous to his connection with this company—since that time however, I have known him as a kind friend, and a soldier always ready and willing to do any duty required of him. Possibly–had he made as great an effort as some who were members of this company—he might have obtained exemption, and remained at home, and to-day been in his usual health; but he responded to the call of Governor Brough, and has fallen in the service of his country. And I appeal to you readers, whether the memory of this dead soldier —whatever may have been his past faults or failings —in his last sickness knew no mother's or sister's care and whose grave was watered by no relatives tear, is he not a thousand times more worthy of the honor and respect of his countrymen, than is the man who sneaked from the service of his country, and remains at home—a live, healthy coward!
“Honored soldier, rest in peace.”
The only member of Company F, now in Hospital is Robert Emmons, who was severely bruised a day or two since, by falling from a cherry tree. No bones were broken however and he is recovering. Respectfully, H. S. C.
[…] in the immediate vicinity of Company F, remain in status quo, and no “change of base” is regarded as probable, before the expiration of our term of service.
The health of the Company is good, With the exception of Emmons,— who fell from a cherry trey, but is now able to go around there is no member of the Company in hospital here. I have, however, failed to notice that Caleb Miller was some time since sent to the hospital at Relay Barracks, he having been unwell ever since we left home.
It is my opinion that we are enjoying much better than the average fare of soldiers in camp. Our duties are light, and at their leisure the boys have “reconnoitered” the surrounding country on “private account,” and been rewarded by the discovery of an abundance of cherries and mulberries—of which we are welcome to all we choose to pick,— The consequence is, that some of our Company keep up a continual skirmishing with the cherry trees and up to the present time, the advantage has invariably been so much in our favor that we have all the fruit we can eat—which, by the way, is no small amount. There is also any quantity of blackberries and huckleberries within “easy range” of our camp, which are already beginning to ripen peach and apple trees in this locality are also loaded with fruit. There need, therefore, be no fear of our suffering for want of the “necessaries of life.”
Thursday evening last President Lincoln and party passed this place, in a special train for Philadelphia—but the train did not stop. However, when he returned, on Friday, the train was detained fifteen or twenty minutes, when the President appeared on the platform of the car, bowed to the crowd, but didn't “make a speech!”
On Sunday last a collision occurred on the Washington branch of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road, about half a mile from our camp, The two locomotives were considerably injured, the front end of a passenger car broken in and a lieutenant seriously bruised; two freight cars filled with cavalry horses, were completely wrecked, the platform of one being raised off its trucks, and sliding on the platform of the other, unceremoniously scattering the horses out on either side, yet, none of them were injured, with the exception of a few slight scratches.
On Thursday morning last, in company with Lieut. Tyler and Sergts. Averill and Bates, I visited Washington; and very soon after our arrival we commenced an exploration of the curiosities of the National Capital. “Time and space” forbid that I should attempt even the briefest description of what to us was interesting and seemed worthy, of mention; yet I cannot forbear a brief general allusion to the most important “objects of interest.”
Of course, the first thing which attracts the attention of a stranger is the Capitol building — the extent and grandeur of which surpasses even the idea I had formed of it, from the many descriptions which have been so freely circulated by the newspapers. The Capitol of Ohio is a fine building, and an honor to the State, yet it would appear like an unattractive pigmy, if placed beside the Capitol of the Nation.
Among other public buildings which we visited were the Treasury Department, Post Office Department, President's Mansion, Smithsonian Institute, and Patent Office, the two latter are truly,in the fullest sense of the term, regular “curiosity” establishments. As the Smithsonian may be seen specimens of almost every known variety of beasts and birds—”stuffed,” of course— looking much more natural and lifelike than the sickly specimens to by seen in traveling menageries: also, specimens of fishes, rocks, minerals, &c. In fact almost everything to be found in air earth, of water. Our visit here was a short and one glance at the various specimens a hasty one, yet we were convinced that “Smithsonian” was one of the Interesting features of Washington. In the same catalogue however, may be enalderated the Patent Office, where may be seen models of all the machinery, implements, &c., for which patents have been issued; also many rare and curious articles manufactured in foreign countries; the original Declaration of Independence, and the Commission of Washington, as Commander-in-Chief, are to be seen - both, however, are much faded, and the signatures are very indistinct. The printing press at which Benjamin Franklin worked when a journeyman printer in London is also to be found there.
Friday morning we visited the Navy Yard, and passed through a number of the shops connected therewith, were we saw in process of construction articles for the navy, many times “too numerous to mention! “Among many others things in the relic department, were two small brass guns, brought from Spain by Cortes, and used by him in the conquest of Mexico. There was also a large number of “implements of war,” which had been captured in battle.
Our visit to the President's Mansion was unattended by important results. We found a fellow, with his feet in a chair, apparently enjoying a delightful “snooze,” at one of the windows of the “East Room” but is wasn't “Old Abe;” we concluded that it was a sleepy sentinel,” Finding doors open, and meeting with no opposition, We proceeded to usher ourselves through some of the apartments, but didn't find “Father Abraham” ~in fact he had fled—he couldn't stand this descent of “One Hundred Days Men,” and had consequently gone to Philadelphia to attend the Sanitary Fair. In his absence, however, one of “our crowd,” placed himself in a statesmanlike attitude and received the ballance of the party with “distinguished consideration.” After this we withdrew, feeling confident, that although we had not seen the President, we had see —”where he had been!“ And this reminds me of an interesting incident which once happened, away out in Illinois, but as I was not there when it happened, I will not attempt to relate it, but go for my rations.
Yours, for victuals and A. Lincoln. H. S. C.
July 1, 1864
Annapolis Junction, Md.
Friend William:
I rec'd your welcome letter last week and would have answered it sooner if I had time but better late than never. Since Monday, we have been transformed from the soldier to the farmer. Some of the boys wanted to go out and help harvesting so that they might get a little spending money. The Capt. would not allow any to go unless they would go in a squad. He called me up and asked me if I would go and take the job. I said I had no objections so we took the job of cutting and putting up hay to stack- for three dollars per acre which we accomplished in about 3 days. There was 18 in our squad; it was a big time for the boys, the change seemed to do them good, at least it was the means of sharpening their abilities.
Thomas (Shanks, Private Co.F, 144th O.V.I.) rec'd your letter today and will write soon. We had a letter from Lieut. Muir today, he says the Co. are all well with the exception of William Muir. He is on the sick list. There is nothing new transpiring in or around camp worth noticing. Am sorry to hear of what has befallen Co.K of the 21st Reg't but it should warn us of the uncertainty of life and the need for preparing for death for come it will, sooner or later. We had a letter from Camp Parole the other day. They were all well but John Smith, he has got the ague. Some of the boys have been promising to come up and see us but the last time they wrote they said they could not get away. We have good times in that respect for we have never asked permission to go anywhere and been refused.
Oh Billy, I wish you were here to take a ramble around the country and think you would say it beat anywhere you ever saw for fruit in the berry line. There are some trees which I believe have 10 bushels of cherries on them. Black berries are in abundance and huckleberries are just getting ripe. The weather here is very warm and the ground is exceedingly dry. If we can, Thomas and me are going to visit the capital week after next for I will be on duty all next in the afternoon. Could get excused for one day if desired.
Had a letter from yesterday from Robert S. Davidson and John Adams. They are both well. We were glad to hear from them for we had heard that John was wounded and had since died. It must have been a sad sight to witness after those battles for ever since we came in there has scarcely been a day passed when one or more of the trains going north loaded with wounded men. In fact, there has been more or less in all the regular trains. Sad sight to see men mangled in almost every conceivable manner. Hope I may hear from you soon, give all the news. Excuse the shortness of this note, I'll write longer next time. Yours with respect,
David Main
Direct as before to Annapolis Junction
Perrysburg Journal, July 6, 1864
June 28, 1864.
ED. JOURNAL: Monotony reigns profound in the “neck o’ the woods,” wherein Company F, has its its “abiding place.” During the past week, scarcely an incident worth noting has occurred in camp.
The health of the company continues good, Siegmund Shaller went to the hospital last Saturday, sick with intermittent fever, but he is now improving. Caleb Miller remains in hospital at Relay Barracks; and I learn that Corporal Garner — who remained at Relay House, when we came here—is now in hospital there with fever.
Persons from Relay House, state that the Companies of Captains Kitchen and Hathaway, at Fort Dix, are enjoying very good health. They have a few cases of sickness but I have heard of none which are regarded as dangerous.
On Friday last, Samuel Holder, of Captain McKee’s company, passed here, on his way home. He had been granted a furlough, on account of a lame foot, which disabled him from service. At that time Austin Bassett, of the same company, was very sick, and his recovery was considered extremely doubtful. Of his present condition I am not informed.
A few days since I had the pleasure of Meeting Captain Black, here, and at that time he stated that not a man of his company was sick.
Both of the last mentioned companies yet remain at Camp Parole.
Yesterday we received a brief visit from Lieutenant Colonel Miller, who, it will be remembered, remained at Fort McHenry, as Provost Marshal of the Post, when the 144th left there. He still occupies the position, and looks “hale, hearty and jovial,” as usual, By the way, I have heretofore failed to notice that some weeks since Colonel Miller asked to be relieved of the duties of Provost Marshal of the Fort, that he might join his regiment. Instead, however, of his request being granted, his letter was returned to him having an indorsoment by Brigadier General Morris, commanding the Post, to the effect that the General commanding respectfully declined to relieve him, as his administration had given great satisfaction, and the General then knew of no officer there so well qualified to discharge the duties of the Provost Marshal's office. Colonel Miller, however, hopes soon to be able to join some portion of his regiment—which, as I have before informed you, is considerably scattered.
A long train of wounded men passed here yesterday, and about thirty members of this company were sent to the station, to pass water to the gallant fellows, during the few minutes which they stopped. The train consisted principally of “box” cars, and most of the men having recieved what are in war parlance called ” slight“ wounds were able to walk, and in a measure help themselves. Yet in passing along the train, one could not fail to see painful sights. Many wanted cold water poured upon their wounds, and this was done when they requested it, For this purpose, one man uncovered a stump of an arm, only five or six inches of which remained; another, an arm off at the elbow; here you pour water on an arm through which a rebel bullet has passed; then on an arm without a hand; or on a hand minus a finger or a thumb, perhaps both. Yet the poor fellows were patient and cheerful, and one could not help admiring the heroic manner in which they bore their sufferings.
A portion. of these men were from Petersburg, and others from she various battlefields of General Grants campaign. They were being taken to the hospitals in Baltimore and vicinity. H. S. C.
Weddell Family Papers
MS 484 mf
Transcript: Private Thomas Shanks
Letter, Co.F, 144th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Annapolis Junction
July 7, 1864
Dear Cousin:
I now sit down to answer your kind letter which I received a few days ago. I was very glad to know that you was well and all the rest of the folks. I am well at present, hoping these few lines may find you all the same, and the health of the Co. is very good at the present and hope it may long continue. There is not a sick man in the camp at the present. There is some back which I know nothing about. We are still in camp here yet but don't know how long for there is quite an excitement here. The Rebs has got into Maryland. We got a telegraph dispatch on Sabbath night about 11 o'clock to have 3 days rations cooked so we might be ready to march at five minutes warning. So we have got all things ready to march on Monday morning but we have not got any further orders yet.
When we move, we will go in the direction of Harper's Ferry for the Rebels is coming in there pretty strong. The report was that Harper's Ferry was taken but I think not. There is a report that they are going to destroy the railroad between Baltimore and Washington and if that is true we will have to be on our lookout. This morning before we got out of bed, someone said that our 3 Co. from Annapolis was come up. So we got out of bed as quick as we could and went to the Junction and it was our boys. They were coming to meet us. I was very glad to see them but we had to make short stories for the cars did not stop for long. We saw all the boys that is in Co.I. They are all well and in good spirits. George is well and looks pretty well. I would have liked very well if our Co. went with them. It does me good to have a good handshake of an old friend's hand and have a talk with them. Where they are going they did not know but I think they are going in the direction of Harper's Ferry. They just had their guns and their blankets. I think they will return in a few days, as the news was favorable last night.
Our Co. is still on Provost duty and I suppose that is the way we are left but we may have to go in a short while. Now I must let you know how we spent our Fourth. It was a very quiet one for we did not have the privilege to run all over. There was a picnic over at the hospital but we did not get invited over to it. They sent word to the Capt. to come over but he said if they would not invite all the Co. he would not go. I want to know how you spent the Fourth and what kind of time you had at home. Write soon and let me know all the news. Excuse in five letter and all into takes from your affectionate cousin,
Tommy Shanks
Wyandot Pioneer, July 8, 1864
From the 144th O. N. G.
We received a lengthy communication from a member of the National Guards, now encamped and doing guard duty at the Relay House, Baltimore County, Maryland, a portion of which we subjoin, It will be noticed that one of the members of Company D. Captain Brayton, died from typhoid fever, and was buried with the honors of war.
He was formerly of Carey, but recently removed with his family to Putnam county.
At the grave the chaplain Rev. Mr. Baughman, pronounced the following discourse:
FELLOW SOLDIERS:—”We have another evidence before us to-day, of the brevity of human life, and the casualties of war. Although our friend has not fallen in battle, yet it is possible that he might have survived had he remained at home; but being prompted by duty, and a strong and ardent love of country, he went forth where duty called him, leaving the endearments of home, and the pleasant associations of family and friends—all to assist in putting down this cruel and unnatural rebellion inaugurated for the purpose of robbing our Government of its hearts-blood. May I not say that another martyr is added to the illustrious thousands who have fallen on the field of carnage and strife, in hospital, and various other ways, sacrificed their lives upon the alter of their country. It is to be hoped that these sacrificed are not unnoticed by Him who numbers the very hairs of our heads, and suffers not even the sparrow to fall to the ground without his notice. The all-seeing eye of Jehovah watches the movements of human events, with scrutinizing gaze and the great savior of Heaven and earth knows best, in his providence, how to dispose of the destinies of the children of men. Upon this hypothesis, I feel like cultivating contentment and satisfaction at whatever may ocurr. It is evident that we cannot comprehend the dealings of Divine Providence, and therefore, it behooves us to submit to Him who knoweth all things, the solving of those mysteries, knowing that “all things work together for good to them that walk upright.”
We would be glad to enumerate a catalogue of battles and adventures, if indeed, the dec'd had passed through such scenes, but it is sufficient glory to decorate his brow, in honor, to know that he was loyal to his Government, this is what we want to know, In refference to the state of mind our friend was in religiously, is difficult to know, as he was not rational at any time, for a number of days prior to his demise. We are informed that he is of universalist persuasion, and hoped for the ultimate salvation of all men. Whether he professed to enjoy religion or not, we do not know that he was strictly a moral man, and that his life was commendable, his example good, and worthy of imitation. Let us, then, imitate his virtues, and void his vices, if he had any.
I heartily sympathise with his bereaved companion, if she was true to him, and especially with his fatherless children. He has left a vacancy that no mortal can fill. It is painful to me to know that while we are depositing his remains in the cold and silent tomb, his loved ones at home are ignorant of the fact, that he is no more among the living. My prayer is, that the Great God of the universe, may sustain his surviving friends and relatives, so that they can bear up under this their hour of bereavement. I am happy to say, that our friend has had the Best of treatment from physicians and men, and hence we know that his death was not occasioned by neglect. We will now close his resting place, with the cold clods of the valley, hoping that in the grant resurrection morning, he maybe numbered with the “Just made perfect, who have come up through much tribulation, and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.” (Amen.)
At a meeting of Co. D, 144th Regt. O. N. G, the following resolutions were adopted in view of the death of Elkana Sherman, a member of said company.
WHEREAS; In the providence of Almighty God, one of our fellow-soldiery has been suddenly taken from our midst by the ruthless hand of death, to exchange time for eternity, and, there fore be it
Resolved, That we members of Co. D, do deeply and sincerely mourn the loss of this brave and patriotic member that has fallen a victim to disease and death, and that we will bow in weak submission to the decrees of the Great Creator, in thus dealing with us, knowing “that he doeth all things well.”
Resolved, That we sympathise with the bereaved wife and fatherless children, and that we do all we can to alleviate the heart stricken widow, of the sorrow and grief that has so lately befallen her.
Resolved, That in the loss of the deceased, we have lost a worthy and upright neighbor, and a true and efficient soldier, and that as a tribute of respect, to him, we have a copy of these resolutions, together with the discourse delivered at his funeral, forwarded to his family, and also that they be published in both county papers, the Pioneer and Union
Capt. Asa Brayton, Serg’t. David Nye,
Lt. T. B Baumgartner, “ John Lime,
Lt. Amos Stetler, ” Elx. Carothers
My correspondence is now somewhat longer than I designed it to be, therefore I will not detain the reader much longer with recounting anything that has transpired in camp for the last several weeks, only that the boys are enjoying themselves very much, and that we have but very little sickness.
The weather has been exceedingly hot in this locality for the past few days; but this morning the air is cool, and it is becoming more pleasant. every hour, Yesterday evening we had a fine rain, which came at a good time as all vegetation was becoming somewhat withered, and was suffering for rain.
The farmers are busily engaged in cutting their wheat harvest. Crops are very good, and T have understoo from farmers in this section of country, that there will be the heaviest crops of all kinds, if nothing befalls them, that has been in this State for a number of years.
With this I will close for the present, hoping what I have in my inexperienced way of writing, given your readers, may prove of interest to them, and be read by all the citizens of Wyandot county, Yours Respectfully,
W. C. O.
From the 444th, Reg't.,
O. N. G.
The following letter needs no explanation. It rings out the sentiments of the Copperheads of this county, We publish it, so that our brave boys may know how the Butternuts at home appreciate the sacrifice they are making in defending the hearth-stones from the vandel hands of southern traitors.
June 22nd, 1864.
EDITOR PIONEER—DEAR SIR. You will find enclosed a specimen of what the author has seen fit to term a friendly letter addressed to a very honorable and praiseworthy member of Co. H. 144th, Regt, O. N. G. The aforesaid member seeks this opportunity of publicly announcing to his friends, (and he thanks God that they are few of that stripe) that he was very glad to hear from than, and he is glad to know that although they differ with him a little in politics that they can still speak to him in words of kindness. It is cheering indeed to a man who has been ruthlessly torn away from his home and friends by the tyranical hands of “Ol Abe and Massee Brough,” to know that his Copperhead friends at home take such deep interest in him and his affairs. He also feels thankful for the kindly reference made to his fater, and thinks it indicative of the proper kind of feeling on the part of children toward an aged and kind parent.
He is glad to learn that they are still able to keep themselves above the vulgar level of “Nigger equality. ” As such letters are well calculated to inspire soldiers with a spirit of patriotism, the undersigned wish to announce to the public through the columns of your Journal, that such letters Will be gladly received and answered by Co. H. of the 144th, Regiment.
Very respectfully,
Capt. Jas. A. GIBSON,
Lieut. J. S. LEITH,
Lieut. A. R. INGERSON.
Samuel McClain Papers: Transcripts of Letters
Letter no.26
Relay House, Md.
July 13, 1864
Dear Wife,
I again endever to drop you a few lines to let you know that we have moved again. We came to our Regt. this morning, whare we expect to stay. We expect to see Jonny Rebs here before long. If they come there we will give them a warm reception. We are 10 miles from Baltimore near Ft. Dix.
July 14.
We are orderd to prepair for to march in one minits warning. Don't know whare we are going to. Isaac Vanhorn came in today. The boys are still coming in. Thare are 20 men gon yet out of our Co. We left our napsacks at Camp Parole & the rest of our things we had to leave on our retreat, so we have nothing but the close on our backs. At night we just lay down like a dog on the ground. We are giting use to it. We can stand it fine.
I am glad our time is coming to a close, for our men can't do much more. 14th we arived in Washington at 4 o'clock and incamped for the night in sight of the White House. 15th we marched threw Washington & also threw Georgetown. We are after the Rebs. We have a hard march. We have only a few of our company with us. Some have not come in yet, some have give out & some are sick. I expect we will have another fight. May the Lord protect us from the dedly misils of war & permit us to return home to our loved ones who are wating our return. I am writing while we are resting on our march. It is a hard way to wright, but I am ancious to let you no whare I am. I can't get a letter from you, for we don't stop long enought to get them. I hain't had a letter for 10 days. I am very ancious to hear from you. When you write, direct to Relay House near Baltimore, Md. Company B, 144 Regt. O.N.G. in care of Capt. Black, Folow the Regt.
We belong to Co. B now as we have no Capton in our co. I'll write ontil I get a chance to send this.
S. McClain
Perrysburg Journal, July 13, 1864
July 5th, 1864.
ED. JOURNAL: Your readers are doubtless aware that yesterday Was the “Glorious Fourth”—at all events, such was the case in this vicinity, according to the almanac. In the estimation of many people, that is no genuine “Fourth of July” which is not attended with the destruction of a great deal of gunpowder, the consumption of huge dinners, and the “guzzling” of measureless quantities of all the varieties of “tanglefoot!” And many a man of more thaw ordinary intelligence, measures the “glory” of the “Fourth,” by the apparent size of his head, and the “misery” of his feelings, on the morning of the 5th. According to this standard, yesterday wasn't much of a day with Company F—we caused no unnecessary destruction of gunpowder, ate only our regular pork and beans for dinner, and no member of the company had to be “held in position” at roll-call in the evening. The day, however, did not pass without an “incident,” for at roll-call in the morning we received the following “salute” from Headquarters:
RELAY HOUSE, July 4th, 1834—10:50 P. M.
CAPTAIN A. COOK: Put your Company in order to move on very short notice. Keep on hand three days cooked rations.
Brigadier General Commanding.
Preparations were made accordingly; rations were cooked; and each one made such an arrangement of his “traps” as would enable him to “move on short notice.” This done, we had only to keep near camp and await further orders,“ which we are yet continuing to do.
Aside from these preparations, but little yesterday occurred in camp. At 4 P. M. the members of the company assembled, when Captain Cook, by invitation, briefly addressed them, in a manner interesting, instructive, and appropriate to the time and occasion. At the conclusion of the Captain’s remarks, three cheers were given him by the company.
After supper, three boys, one white, and two “contraband”—appeared in-camp, and performed a variety of “hoedowns,” in a manner which would make merely ordinary disciples of the “light fantastic,” ashamed of their skill. I have frequently seen the dancing of both white and colored experts, but the performance of one of these “contraband” boys–ten or twelve years old— “settled” the dancing heretofore witnessed, I won't attempt to describe it, for that is impossible— but just imagine if you can, an ordinary-sized “twelve year old,” black as charcoal, with hair sheared close, with limbs all hung on pivots, and and bending in any direction, and get him to keeping time to music, with a promise of some money if he puts in his ” best licks;“ and then if you can fully imagine the way in which such an individual can make himself “fly,” you will have an idea of one of the “incidents” of our “Fourth of July.” During the dance, his body, from “tip to toe,” was bent in about the shape of four lengths of rail fence, and each limb had the appearance of dancing “on its own hook,” while his head fell back until his face was directly upward—when he seemed the exact personification of the darkey who,
“Had no wool on the top of his head
Nor a place where the wool ought to grow.”
It is stated to-day that all the troops stationed throughout this Department—the Middle Department—have received orders and are prepared to “move on short notice.” This is supposed to be owing to the report that a rebel force is now in the vicinity of Martinsburg, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, about one hundred miles west of here. We are liable to move at any hour, yet whether we leave this place at all or not, will probably depend on the number of the rebel raiders, and the necessities of our army in that quarter. I hazard nothing—and can not be accused of boasting— in stating that the Wood county boys of this regiment, and all other regiments, are ready to go wherever they are needed; and if we are taken in the direction of Martinsburg, we shall have the consolation of knowing that we are
“Going to fight mit Sigel.”
The weather here is exceedingly warm; but as our camp enjoys the protection of numerous shade trees, it is ” cool and comfortable,“ compared with what it would be if located in an open field.
The company is in good health—no member being in hospital here. H. S. C.
Perrysburg Journal, July 27, 1864
ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION, Md. July 19th, 1864.
DD. JOURNAL: Ere this, your readers are doubtless aware that Company I, Captain McKee, and Company B, Captain Black, of the 144th Ohio, were engaged in the Battle of Monocacy, on Saturday, July 9th, Although it was known here, more than a week since, that these companies were in the battle. I have heretofore omitted writing anything concerning them, because until recently, it has been almost impossible to obtain any relible information concerning the condition of the companies, or the casualties they sustained; and even now I can only give such information as I have been able to glean from conversation with different members of the companies engaged: No one, however, whom I have yet seen pretends to be able to give a complete list of the casualities— but the following are all of which I have yet learned:
Ebenezer Coen, Company B, killed. He was shot in the head, during a charge in the early part of of the engagement, and died instantly.
Captain McKee, Co. I, flesh wound in thigh; not serious. At Annapolis.
Emanual Gingery, Co. I, flesh wound between knee and ankle.
I, N. Kelly, of Company I, is said to have died from “sunstroke,” during the retreat.
Sergeant Lewis Company B, wounded in left arm near shoulder; slight. He is in Hospital at Frederick City, doing well.
Elias Benn Co. B, wounded in back.
Wm. Barton, Co. I, was slightly wounded and is at Annapolis.
I am told that most of the above wounded remain in Hospital at Frederick, and if others were wounded, they probable remain there.
The Ohio “One Hundred Days” men engaged in the battle, were parts of the 144,and 149th Regiment under command of the Colonel of the 149th. if I am correctly informed the main body of our army during the battle, was in the vicinity of Monocacy Junction, but these One Hundred Days men were thrown out as skirmishers to the northward, nearly to Frederick City, two or three miles from the main army, There they fought, holding superior numbers in check, for eight hours, until the main army retreated, and the rebels appeared on their right and left,as well as in front; yet they did not cease fighting until their commanding officer told them to save themselves as best they could. Then commenced, I am told, an unceremonious retreat—every man for himself. Many of the boys, however, continued firing as they ran until the rebels got so close to them that they had to throw away their guns to escape.
Many were compelled to take to the woods, and remain secreted, or travel far in an opposite direction, to avoid the rebels. In this manner the companies became very much scattered—and It is owing to this fact that so little can now be learned as to the number of prisoners taken by the rebels, or who were injured during the fight.
Lieut, Weddell, of Company I, is a prisoner.
Lieut. Kimberlin, of Company I, succeeded in escaping, although closely pursued. In company with three of his men—Chris Baker, Ogeda Wade and Wm. Winnup–he traveled northward, and arrived at Gettysburg, Pa., Mondy evening. Near that place he met Wm. H. Minton and Urban Love of Company B, Altogether, there were nearly one hundred officers and men, from different companies and regiments, who arrived at Gettysburg. Whenever they made inquiries, they heard of rebels being east of them which prevented their sooner reaching a point from which they could return to Baltimore.
Captain Black of Company B, was at first reported a prisoner, but he arrived at the Relay House on Wednesday evening last.
From the statements of different persons, I believe that fully three-fourths of each of the companies have already returned, all right, and more are yet coming in.
The regiment, with the exception of the companies of Captain Smith and Captain Cook, went to Washington, three or four days since.
I cannot at present only briefly allude to the “doings” of Company F. during the late raid. On Saturday 9th inst., the firing at the battle of Monocacy was distinctly heard in camp, and I need not attempt to tell how ardently we all hoped for the success of our arms. About 8 P. M. a dispatch was received, stating that our forces were badly beaten, and falling back in confusion before the rebels, who were rapidly advancing. We had then been ready to “march on short notice,” since the morning of the 4th, and it was then expected that we should soon receive orders to move to the “front”? would soon move up to Annapolis Junction—as parties of rebel cavalry were then only a few miles distant. Captain Cook immediately placed the company in condition to meet either emergency either march when orders came or to promptly return any compliments which the rebels might tender us. We slept on our arms at night and kept strict watch by day, until Tuesday, 12th inst,, when we were ordered to Annapolis, as an attack was also expected there. We remained there until Friday when we were ordered to return here—and “here we are!”
For further particulars of the movements of Company F. I refer your readers to a letter from Captain Cook to Lieut. Col Miller, a copy of which I send you for publication.
E. L. Palmer of Captain Hathaway's company this regiment, died at Relay Barracks Hospital, of typhoid fever, on Thursday last, 14th inst. He was, I believe, a resident of Freeport, Wood county.
H. S. C.
Perrysburg Journal, July 27 1864
Company F. 144th O,N. G, and the Late Rebel Raids ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION, Md. July 18, 1864.
EDITOR JOURNAL: A correspondent of the New York Times having written to that paper that the “One Hundred Days” men stationed here, “ingloriously fled from their post,” during the late raid, I have obtained from Captain Cook permission to publish the following letter, written by him to Lieut, Col. Miller, which utterly refutes the charge of the Times’ correspondent, and at the same time gives a clear and reliable statement of what Co. F, has been about during the great raid, H. S. C.
ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION Md. July 16th A. D. 1864.
Cor, F. R. Miller,
Dear Sir:–It may not be uninteresting to you to know what part Co. F. has played daring the Rebel invasion of this State.— They have not been idle spectators of the scenes which have transpired in this eventful period.
After the defeat of our arms at Monacacy, the enemy advanced in force to Ellicots Mills, which is within ten miles of this place, but by means of our scouts we kept open communication with the main body or our army until it retreated Baltimore. This left us entirely alone, almost surrounded by Rebels, without any reinforcements of means of defense, except in our right arms.— There were only seventy of us here; but we resolved to make a stand against the entire Rebel army, which was reported advancing on this place, We knew by our scouts that they were advancing of Ellicotts Mills, and when Gen, Wallace retreated from there it left not a man between the enemy and us. We immediately commenced preparations for the defense of the place, and for this purpose built breastworks on the bank of the Railroad, where it is cut at right angles by the County road, along which the Rebels would pass in their approach to the Junction. We also barricaded the County road, and obtained from the Surgeon in charge of the Hospitals, a six pound brass field piece, and sent for ammunition for it, but was unable to obtain any. This rendered the piece of no avail and I sent it to Col, Root, at Annapolis, for the defense of that city, which was also threatened, (he having ammunition for it,)— Daring the day we patrolled the roads and sent scouts through the surrounding country; while at camp and the Junction, we kept up a constant guard. At night the entire Company laid on their arms behind our breastworks, which we named “Fort Good-Hope.”
Thus affairs continued until about noon of the 12th of July, when the telegraph operator sent me word that the Railroad track bad been torn up by Rebels between us and Washington, at Beltsville, about eight miles from the Junction. We know from the report of our scouts that the Rebels were in strong force at Ellicotts Milis, a distance of ten miles on our right; this brought them within eight miles of us on the left, and it was at the same time reported that a strong cavalry force was passing to the rear of us to attack Annapolis.
Unwilling to rely on more report, however probable it might appear, I at once despatched a locomotive under guard of five men down the road to see where and by whom it had been cut. Capt Briggs who was lying on a train of cars at the Junction with about four hundred veterans, bound from Annapolis to Washington, volunteered to go with the locomotive and make the reconnoisance: at the same time I sent a party of three on horseback by a circuitous route for the same purpose. On the return of the locomotive Capt. Briggs reported that the Road had been torn up by a large party of rebels, who were advancing on the Junction and destroying the Road as they came; this was confirmed by the men whom I had sent out on horseback, The forces which were guarding the Road at Beltsville had retired and reported the Rebels to consist of Infantry and Cavalry, supported by Artillery.
I immediately telegraphed to Gen. Ord, then in command of the 8th Army Corps—that the telegraph lines had been cut, and the Railroad track torn up between the Junction and Washington, at Beltsville, by a large force of Rebels. I also telegraphed the same to Col. Root, in command at Annapolis. From Gen. Ord, I received the following despatch:
“BALTIMORE, July 12th 1864,
CAPT A. COOK:—Take to the woods and come into the Relay House, and report to commanding officer. Bring all you can with you.
E. O. ORD.”
Col. Root ordered the train of soldiers which Was waiting here for Transportation to Washington, to return at once to Annapolis, and sent me the following despatch:—
“ANNAPOLIS, July 12th 1864, Capt. Cook, comd'g Post. —A train will leave here at once to bring your command and the public property here. Be ready.
Col, Comd'g.”
Notwithstanding we had made every preparation to defend the place, and the boys, anxious to exchange shots with the Rebels, this order had to be obeyed. It was imperative and allowed of no evasion, It had come to us unsought and undesired, Gen. Ord, acting from his knowledge of the situation, deemed it for our own, as well as for the public interest, to retire from a place where we had an army of over twenty thousand in front, With its wings resting on the Railroad on each side. of us, while we were absolutely at their mercy.— We therefore made preparation to obey this order and retire, By these orders it will be seen that there were two ways of retreat offered us—one on foot through the woods to the Relay House, which would have involved a loss of all the Company property, and an abandonment of the public stores—the other by Railroad to Annapolis, by which all could be saved. I chose the latter, believing it to be for the public interest, for in going to Relay House we could have been of no service: to the country, as that place was in no danger, the enemy having passed there and gone to the North East of Baltimore. While by going to Annapolis, I hoped to be of service, as it was reported the enemy was advancing on that place, and Col, Root had verbally requested me to come to his aid if he was hard pressed and compelled to fall back.— Indeed, at Annapolis, at this juncture of affairs the danger was so imminent that Col, Root had declared the place under martial law, and ordered every able bodied citizen into the trenches. On our arrival there we were assigned to duty, where we remained until the morning of the 15th, when we were honorably relieved by the following complimentary order:
“Special Order
NEAR ANNAPOLIS, Md. July 15th 1864.
Capt. Asher Cook, Co. B, 144th Regt. Ohio National Guard, will at once proceed with his Company to Annapolis Junction, Ma, and report by telegraph to Gen. Ord for duty.
The Col. commanding desires to express his earnest thanks for the zealous and excellent manner in which Capt Cook and the men belonging to his company have discharged the arduous duties assigned them while in this command, By order of Col, A. R. ROOT. 94th N. Y. Vols., Comd'g Post.”
The Col. was so well pleased with the conduct of the Company that he was unwilling to part from them by the above formal note as thanks, but visited the men, and in person, thanked them for their gentlemanly and soldierlike bearing, and added: “You are entitled to great praise for the firmness with which you remained at your Post, and refused to leave without orders. When it was reported and believed you were entirely surrounded by the enemy,”
This is briefly the part which Co, F has acted during these exciting times, and the position and credit it has won in military circles, and the praise which it has received from those best acquainted with the valuable services the Company has tendered.
But the rebel residents here are very much mortified and chagrined because we went to the relief, of Annapolis, and did not remain here until they had spread the net for our capture by their friends, the Rebels in arms.
To this brief statement I have no flourishes of Rhetoric to add—”The truth speeds best when plainly told“ but I may add without flattery that the men under my command have shown as great fortitude in bearing up under intense excitement, and the fatigues incident to long and continued watching; by day and by night, as any in the service, and have not the slightest reason to doubt but they would do as good execution in battle. At least I do not ask for better of braver men to stand by and defend me. The false reports in circulation here eminated from Rebel sympathizers, whom Co F. has compelled to assume the virtues of Union men, though it is evident they secretly repudiate the oaths of loyalty, which their coward hearts Have taken to avoid the just desserts of traitors. Our temporary absence and the rebel supremacy afford- ed them an opportunity to glut their vengeance by lying, the way to them of all others the most pleasing and natural. They are quiet now, however, and as fawning as sycophants ever were, and you may rest assured Co. F, will keep them so during our stay amongst them, and should the Rebels come again we will ask the commanding Gen. to leave us here, that we may hang Rebel and Rebel sympathizer together, I have the honor, Sir, to be
Your Obedient Servant,
Capt, Co, F, 144th Regt. O. N.G.
Perrysburg Journal, August 3, 1864
July 25th, 1864.
ED. JOURNAL: :—The latest information I have been able to obtain concerning Companies I and B, (from Tontogany & Gilead) of this regiment, show that their losses in the Battle of Monocacy are mach less than at first reported—in fact, less than they were believed to be a week since.
During the last week Lieut. Kimberlin, of Company I - who is now at Camp parole - has succeeded in learning the whereabouts of all of his men; and I am indebted to him for the following list of the wounded and prisoners of Company I, which is believed to be complete. No member of the Company was killed during the battle.
The wounded were:
Capt. Mckee, flesh wound in right thigh.
Wm, Barton, flesh wound, slight.
E. Van Horn, left side, slight.
E. Gingery, severe, flesh wound in right leg, below knee.
Jonathan Walters, severe, flesh wound in left leg, just above knee.
The following were taken prisoners, and are supposed Now to he in the hands of the rebels:
Lieut, George Weddell.
J. F. Reams, I. Macklin, I. Long, C. H. Dewese, J. Burket, A. Jolley, I. N. Kelley.
It was last week reported and believed here, that I. N. Kelly died from “sunstroke” during the retreat, It now appears that he is among the prisoners.
As I wrote you last week, Company B, (Captain Black) had one man—Ebenezer Coen- killed. I have since been informed that […] Coen's body was buried after the battle by two members of his Company. The rebels had taken the shoes from his feet, and stolen whatever be had in his pockets nothing remaining but a few letters he had received.
The following are all the wounded of Company B, of which I can learn:
Sergt. C, F. Lewis, flesh wound in arm, near shoulder, slight.
Jacob Frankfather, severe flesh wound in leg.
Wm. Benn, wounded in. back.
I am informed that four members of Company B are prisoners in the hands of the rebels, but have been able to learn the names of only two of them, viz: William: Anglebeck and E. Jones.
Of the wounded of the two Companies, Lewis, Van Horn, Gingery and Walters, were in Hospital at Frederick City a few days since. The others are at Annapolis.
Captain McKee's wound is healing rapidly; he is now able to walk with a cane, and hopes to be able to join his Company in a couple of weeks.
The 144th Regiment, except the companies of Captain Cook and Captain Smith, was sent to Washington more than a week since, and when last heard from, by us, was in the direction of Leesburg. The majority of Companies B and I were with the Regiment, under command of Captain Black.
Letters for members of Companies B and I, will probably reach their destination mere quickly if directed to Camp Parole, Annapolis, as it is thought these Companies will return there soon; and if such should not be the case, letters will be forwarded to the proper address of the Companies, by the members now remaining there.
The late raid in this State has proved that the rebels still know how, to treat their prisoners in a barbarous manner. A few days since I saw four members of the 149th Ohio, who were taken prisoners at Monocacy, on Saturday, 9th inst. The rebels kept them, and made them march with their army, until Monday evening, the 11th inst., without giving them a mouthful of food At that time these men fell down in the road from exhaustion, when the rebel parolled them. They were also robbed as soon as taken, of everything of value they. had about them—money, watches, knives, pocket combs, &.; and in some cases, articles of clothing were also taken.
I am told that Americus Wade, of Company I, was taken prisoner, but couldn't stand the march, and “gave out” from exhaustion, when the rebels threatened to shoot him, unless he kept “marching on.” He concluded that they could “shoot” if they wished to, but he couldn’t march. They finally parolled him.
Affairs in the vicinity of Company F are very quiet, and the countenances of the “secesh” in this locality, which during the raid were so “jovially joyful,” have resumed their lank proportions and woe-begone appearance, They have started a rumor, however, that their friends are already on their way North on another raid, with the intention of making their permanent residence in this locality.
The health of the Company continues good. Two or three members of the Company are unwell; but there are no cases of sickness which are considered at all dangerous.
A long train of cars, loaded with rebel prisoners—genuine “graybacks” passed through here Saturday afternoon last, for the North. Through the “kind consideration” of “somebody,” a couple of barrels of ice water were placed on the railroad: platform, for their entertainment. “As luck would have it,” however, a train load of Union soldiers came along. just ahead of the secesh and the boys of Company F turned in and dealt the ice water all out to the soldiers - in consequence of which, what water the ” graybacks“ get was of the “ordinary” kind. H. S. C.
Perrysburg Journal, August 5, 1864
From the 144th Regt O. N. G.
Battles of Monocacy Junction and Stonebride.
Mr. Editor:—
Having written nothing for your paper since I left with the Marseilles Co., I thought I would drop you a few lines about our late campaign, and a brief account of the actions of the 9th just as they passed under my view. The afternoon of the 4th we received marching orders, but were not ordered to leave Camp Parole until the morning of the 6th, About 2 o’clock of that morning we received orders to be ready to take the cars in 20 minutes, with 3 days rations in one haversack. Not having any provisions cooked, we filled our haversacks with hard tack and raw “sow belly” and started, we knew not whither. We arrived at Annapolis Junction, (I believe it is called,) where we changed locomotives, and again stated for an unknown destination, We stoped for a short time near the Relay House, where Col. Hunt and the most of our Reg’t. is stationed, and conversed with some of the members of the Carey Co., but their names I did not learn.
As soon as the train for which we were waiting had passed, we again started, and in a few hours were landed at the Monocacy junction, the most important station on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Here was our destination, to assist in protecting the Iron bridge across the Monocacy river at the Junction.
Our command consisted of three Companies of the 144th, and three Companies of the 149th, O. N. G., all under the command of Maj. Rozel, of the 149th.
We were marched to the North of the Junction, and ordered to pitch our tents. but scarcely had this been done when the order was countermanded, and we were ordered into line and each man received 100 rounds of caltriges, This bespoke something. We were then ordered to load our pieces, and then await further orders We remained in this position under a sweating sun for about one hour, during which time horsemen and cannon were seen hurrying in every direction, when we were ordered to rest at will, We were not long in seeking shade, and thus we took our ease until about four 4 o’clock, when our Co. (Co. G, from Marseilles,) was ordered to report at head quarters, Capt. Frank, reported with his Co., with his usual promptness and we were sent about 3/4 of a mile in the direction of Frederick city, and stationed on picket duty. Soon the booming of canon was heard the direction of Frederick, and for the first time we began to realize the presence of an enemy. The firing continued for about 1/2 an hour, when the roar of musketry was plainly heard to mingle with that of artillery. There was very little intermission in the firing from this until dark, when all become calm, and what, a short time before that might have been considered a battle field, now seemed enfolded in the arms of morpheous. The gathering storm seemed to have passed away, and all around was calm as a summer morning. But the calm was but of short duration, ere the night had half passed away the heavy trundling of artillery Wagons was herd reverberating along the hills and awful sound reverberating the far distant roar of the terrible storm as it first burst on the ear of the listener. This noise remained a mystery to us until the next morning, when we ascertained it was the trampling of some 2,000 of our cavalry, passing forward to engage in the hand to hand conflict of the coming day.
About 8 a m., of the 8th, we were ordered off picket duty, and again reported at Head quarters, we were ordered to stack arms, and six of our men were detailed to guard some rebel prisoners just brought in, in the meantime, our detachment had been ordered to Frederick, and in a short time our Co., was ordered there also. We were put on the cars with the 11th Md., home guards, (100 days men) and run to Frederick where we were marched to the field. Here we found our detachment, which had been joined by the remainder of the 149th drawn up in line of battle, Our Co., was ordered to the right of the Reg’t. and formed in line of battle. We were then ordered to cap our pieces, and await further orders.
The roar of canon was distictly heard on the other side of the mountain, and we were assured by this that the deadly conflict was hot far distant. Everything seemed to be uproar and bustle; artillerymen were urging their horses to their utmost speed, the sounding of bugles was heard in the distance, and horsemen were seen running in every direction: Soon we were ordered to left face, we marched a short distance, then we were marched from the field, while a portion of the 6th corps took our places. We marched about 1/4 mile, where we found another line of battle formed. We were formed on the left of this, in a hollow, but, scarcely was this done, when we were ordered off the field to guard the Baltimore Bridge. We arrived at the Bridge just before sundown exhausted by the fatigues of the day, some sick, some given out and others lagging behind. Serg’t. Worley, of Little Sandusky, Serg’t Brazer, Marseilles, and myself were about gone up we encamped in a pasture field close to the bridge, but scarcely had we got out suppers eaten, when the Reg’t. was again ordered to move. Our officers consulted, and concluded to rest awhile any how, and if no further orders come, to stay there all night. We were glad to snatch a minutes rest anywhere threw ourselves upon the ground, but ere an hour had passed away, the detachment from the 144th consisting of Co. B, commanded by Capt. Black, of Wood County Co, I, Capt. McKee, also of Wood, and our company, was ordered to march without a moments delay to the junction, a distance of about two and a half miles. The 11th Md., was ordered to accompany the detachment, Serg’ts Worley Brazer and myself, as we were not able to go, (at least we thought so,) were joined by three or four others who had given out.
About 2 o'clock, A. M., an order came for the 149th to immediately march to the bridge,and hold it at all hazards; and I was told to take the men left with me to the Junction, as soon as possible. We all started, as sick as we were, but none of us thought much of sickness. We got within 1/2 mile of the junction, where we were put on the wrong road, we did not find it out until we arrived at the river, Here we lay down in the rain, (for it had commenced raining,) and slept soundly until morning. We awoke about daylight and shortly picket firing commenced all around us, but at some distance. We started for the junction, where we found our Company all right. The picket fire soon ceased, and we supposed it was nothing of any importance.
Our Detachment was goon ordered to head quarters, Where we stacked arms but scarcely was this done, when Gen. Tyler arrived in company with the Adjutant of the 149th, and our detachment was ordered to the support of that Reg’t, as it had already become engaged with the “Johneys.” We started on our back track for the bridge again, but had not gone over 1/2 mile when we were ordered to leave all encumberances and double to the battle field. Corporal Clark, J. O. Neal, and myself were left to guard our baggage. This was the last I saw of our Co., or detachment. But I was told by surgeon Burcison, since I came to this place, (Frederick city,) they arrived on the field just as the 11th Md., and 149th were charging the rebs and went immediately under fire. They never flinched but went at it like old veterans. They drove the rebels from their position, and held their ground against superior numbers until after the defeat of Wallace, when the rebs were reinforced, and turning our flank, we were obliged to give way, I saw the retreat for I was driven from my post with the rest, and arrived at the bridge just in time to see our men flying from the host of demons that was swarming all around them. I will not pretend, at present, to give you even a faint idea of the terrible sight which was presented to the beholder. When I commenced writing, I thought I should, but I cannot. Suffice it to say, we were defeated, but not until five times our number were brought against us. We met with some loss, and those to whom we deeply regret. Corporal David Lindsey was shot through the bowels during the charge, and died the next day. He was burried near the battle field. Orderly Aaron Kenedy received a flesh wound through the left arm. Private Edward H Reubins was shot through the right arm. His arm was amputated just above the elbow, he is doing well,so is Kennedy, Reubin Willard, (bugler,) and privates John Emmon, J. Crisher and I. B. Fisher were known to be taken prisoners. Lieut. I. Kenedy, John McGahey and myself are all of the Co., who are not wounded and who have arrived here. Where the Company is, we cannot tell, but think it has probably gone into Penn., or to Baltimore, but we hope to get together as soon as communication is reestablished.
Perrysburg Journal, August 10, 1864
Tuesday August 2, 1864.
ED. JOURNAL: I yesterday had the the pleasure of meeting Major Buell and Captain Black (of Company B), of the 144th O. N. G. and learned some facts concerning our absent comrades, of the regiment, which may not be uninteresting to your readers.
Both the above officers were unwell, and when I met them, were on their way from Harper's Ferry to Annapolis. They hope in a few days to be again able to join their regiment.
As I have before written, the 144th Regiment- except the Companies of Captain Cook and Captain Smith–was sent to Washington about the 15th of July; and it formed part of the force which left that city — on the morning of the 17th, I believe—for Snicker’s Gap, in pursuit of the rebel raiders. They marched to the Gap–a distance of between fifty and sixty miles–and after the pursuit was abandoned marched back to Washington; there they rested for three days, when — on Tuesday last—they started on a march for Harper's Ferry—a distance of between seventy and eighty miles, I believe——where they arrived Friday last. At this place Captain Black and Major Buell left the regiment. They report that it has since been sent up toward Pennsylvania in search of the late rebel raiders.
In these last expeditions the Command of Captain Black has been composed of parts of his own company, Company I, and a Company of the Regiment from Wyandotte county. These companies were in the fight at Monocacy, and the men of each who had returned previous to the departure of the Regiment for Washington, were temporarily consolidated, and placed under command of Captain Black, Lieut S. J, Lamb, of Bowling Green, is now in command of the above company.
Captain Black reports the Wood county boys with the regiment to be nearly all well, yet “worn out,” with the hard marching they have done since first leaving Washington, They have all the time been hunting rebels, and have consequently been pushed to their utmost “marching powers.” He states that veterans from the Army of the Potomac, Who were with the expedition, say they had never before done “any such” marching.
The following men, who were with Captain Black, are reported on the sick list: In Hospital, at Washington W. A. Beuschoter, Co. I, J. Gundy, and J. Kelley, Co, B, At Harper's Ferry– Sergt. C, Burton, Corp. S. Beverstock, and John Mathews, of Company D, None of them were regarded as dangerously ill, The regiment has been in no engagement since the Battle of Monocacy.
During the late marches, quite a number of cases of “sunstroke,” have occurred some of them fatal — but I can learn of none among the boys from Wood county.
The following is believed to be a complete list of the prisoners taken from Captain Black's company, at the Battle of Monocacy, and now held by the rebels: J. B. Phillips, E. Jones, J. Soash and Wm. Anglebeck.
Company F, still “holds its position,” at this place, enjoys good health, and is jovial and contented “as could be expected” in war times.
H. S. C.
Perrysburg Journal, August 17, 1864
Wednesday August 10, 1864.
ED. JOURNAL: Notwithstanding the fact that for nearly two weeks past—according to the papers—a large rebel force has been daily “advancing” and “retreating,” on the upper Potomac, in Maryland and Pennsylvania, yet the situation of Company F, remains unchanged; and aside from the usual routine of duties, nothing of importance has lately occurred here, However, it is doubt- less now proper to mention the fact that an “important movement by the company, in force contemplated, and it is hoped that we shall have the co-operation of the other companies of this regiment, which composed the old 64th Battallion O. N. G. Without exceeding the bounds of military propriety I may state that their movement is nothing less than a “raid,” on Wood county; and unless the “exegencies of the service” should require a delay, the aforesaid “movement” will probably be inaugurated about the 19th inst, How soon thereafter the “invading force” maybe expected to appear within the limits of “Old Wood,”I am not at liberty to state.”
IN short, the “one hundred days” of the 144th O. N. G. will expire with the 18th inst.; but whether we shall be relieved from duty here before, or precisely at that time it is not now possible to state. It is probable, however, in consideration of the forthcoming draft, that we shall be returned to Ohio as soon as possible after the expiration of our term of service.
I have before mentioned the fact, that when this regiment left Fort McHenry on the 18th of May last, we were compelled to part with Lieutenant Colonel Miller, who had been detailed by General Morris, to act as Provost Marshal, of that Post, Although Colonel Miller made repeated efforts to be released from that service that he might rejoin his regiment, it was not until Saturday last that his request was granted, and he was relieved from the onerous duties of Provost Marshal at the Wort. He arrived here on Sunday evening last, and left following morning for Washington; returned here Monday evening and Tuesday morning left to rejoin the regiment–supposed to be somewhere in the vicinity of Harper’s Ferry.
Some days since I was informed that a rumor had somehow reached Perrysburg, to the effect that Colonel Miller bad been detached from the regiment and was remaining at Fort McHenry of his own request, Such a rumor concerning any officer implies at least that be has willfully abandoned command, and prefers to shirk rather than whatever dangers and hardships it may encounter in the field. It is unnecessary for me to add that such an imputation concerning Colonel Miller is wholly unfounded and unjust; and if such a rumor has prevailed there, I am inclined to believe that it originated in a thoughtless remark rather than a deliberate intention to do him so great an injustice, If I am correctly informed, officers are not detailed for Provost Marshals, and for other similar servise, by their own request; and an officer making such a request, would—unless in special cases—be fully as likely to be placed under arrest as to receive the appointment—perhaps more so! This fact at once disposes of any furor that Colonel Miller sought the appointment; and his efforts to obtain release from that office manifest his desire to shave whatever fortunes might befall the men who left home under his command. Under the circumstances, his detention at the Fort for so long a time after the departure of his regiment, can only be regarded as an acknowledgement by the commanding General that the duties of the office were faithfully and satisfactorily performed.
During the rebel raid in July, many of the secessionists in this locality plainly “showed their hands” making no effort to conceal the joy they felt at the apparent success of their friends, and the prospect of the Union forces being driven from this locality. As a natural consequence, after the raid was over, many (if not all) members of the company felt less inclined than formerly to respect the “rights” of rebels to certain eatable articles which are welcome in camp, and such being the case, sundry “appropriations” were made, as occasion offered, Some may denounce this action of members of the company as wrong— but is it wrong for a Union soldier to take from a secessionist, articles which would gladly be given to an armed traitor, if an opportunity offered?— Possibly so — but I “can’t see it!”
On a certain night, one of the guards discovered an ” unknown“ person approaching, when the following ” military“ conversation ensued,
Guard —”Halt! who comes there?“
“Unknown”— “A friend with geese!”
Guard— “Advance, and deposit geese in the cook shanty!”
The admonition of the guard was very promptly complied with and in like manner, on other occasions, “friends” made similar deposits of now potatoes, chickens, &c, it has since transpired that the aforesaid “friends” wore “Federal blue,” and were “wonderfully at home,” about the camp.
One afternoon three or four left camp with their empty canteens, for the ostensible purpose of hunting a spring, from whence a cooling draught might be obtained. While prosecuting their search, they accidentally come across a number of cows—the sight of which seemed to banish from their minds all thoughts of “springs” for they immediately commenced filling their canteens with milk, At this critical moment another party of soldiers, on a similar expedition, come in sight, discovered the “situation” and with all the skill and coolness of “veterans” they immediately executed a brilliant “strategic” movement. By roving cautiously and quickly, party number two succeeded in reaching some bushes, near where party Number One, was “operating” and from his cover they shouted fiercely, “You had better let those cows alone!” The “milkers” were panic stricken,and possibly beheld visions of the “guard tent,” with themselves for “internal ornaments “they quit their milking, and went at once, and as the surest way to get away was across a creek, they unceremoniously skedaddled through water a couple of foot deep, to the satisfaction and amusement of party number two, who at once occupied the “positions” thus evacuated, filled their canteens, and returned to camp just in time to witness the arrival of their “moist” but outgeneraled companions.
On Monday evening last Lieut, Bacon —of Capt. Hathaways company—passed here en route for Hospital at Annapolis. He was not seriously ill but hard service and indisposition had rendered him unfit for duty.
A serious collision occurred about a fourth of a mile south of this place, on Monday last, between two passenger trains from Baltimore and Washington. A baggage master on the road, and Michael Sullivan of the 8th Indianna regt, were killed; two locomotives and two baggage cars were demolished and six or eight other cars were considerably injured. But few persons were wounded— none seriously, Lieut, Col, Miller and Sergeant J. H. Kuder were on the train from Washington, but escaped injury. This makes the third collision which has occurred on the Baltimore and Washington road near this place, since we have been stationed here, The second occurred on Saturday morning last, but resulted in no personal injury.
Members of the company are, as a general thing, enjoying good health; likewise an abundance of apples, pears, melons, peaches and green corn.
H. S. C.