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units:cook_s_battery_boston_light_artillery_primary_sources [2019/05/23 13:07]
units:cook_s_battery_boston_light_artillery_primary_sources [2019/06/27 14:39]
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 +//Boston Evening Transcript//,​ May 16, 1861
-<figure label> +THE BOSTON LIGHT ARTILLERY IN MARYLAND. The following letter from one of the professional gentlemen attached to the Boston Light Artillery Company, will be road with interest, although it was not written with the view of publication.
-{{:{{ :​bla:​boston_evening_transcript_-_may_16_1861.jpg?400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​boston_evening_transcript_-_may_16_1861</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +ELK RIDGE LANDING, RELAY HOUSE.\\ ​ 
-{{:{{ :​bla:​boston_evening_transcript_1861-05-27_2.png?400 |img}} +Washington Junc., in Camp, May 10, '​61\\ ​
-<​caption>​boston_evening_transcript_1861-05-27</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +Dear G: We had got very comfortably settled at Annapolis, under a roof in a good room, with steam when it was cold and rainy; and gas, when it was dark. A good cuisine and proper beds were only wanting to make it like a watering place. Our men had fine, level parade grounds, upon which to drill, and "every thing was lovely"​ We expected to remain there permanently;​ but the fates and the exigences of war willed it otherwise. At half-past twelve o'​clock Saturday night, the Major came to our room with orders to start. The bugle sounded, and "all up" was the word. Then took place that "​hurrying to and fro" we read about, and at seven o'​clock A. M., Sunday, we filed out of the gate with full battery and what impediments we could carry on two baggage wagons. 
-{{:{{ :​bla:​glc01898.02_00001.jpg?​800 |img}} + 
-<​caption>​Letter page 1</​caption>​ +The march to this place was 40 miles tong, and for the first 30, over the worst roads mortal man ever travelled—gullies,​ holes, water and mud. We called a halt at noon, of two hours, refreshing man and beast; pushed on then over the Baltimore and Washington Turnpike, and arrived here at 9 P. M. just before the rain commenced. I rode here a part of the way and part on the wagons, and walked a little. That was a forced march with a vengeance, and some who had not rode for a time were pretty well used up. Principal objects of interest on the way, niggers and pigs. 
 +The 8th New York were ordered also, and went in cars. The 6th Massachusetts also, from Washington, We were quartered that night in an old deserted hotel, unfurnished,​ dirty and reputed to be haunted. The ghost of the murdered Bryce Hobbs did not, however, disturb the slumbers of the B. L. A. We made up fires the available fire-places,​ spread our blankets on the floor, and slept the unbroken sleep of the tired soldier. 
 +It rained all night and all day Monday the troops on the hill, having no camp equipage, suffered exceedingly. They now have tents, huts, &c. The medical corps remained in that house till Friday night, when we removed to our lodge the wilderness, a board hut which we arranged so that it is quite comfortable. I have my doubts, though, about its ability to shed all the rain that may fall. 
 +Our battery is in position on this hill and the immediate neighborhood. Two pieces command quite a sweep of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, two the valley opposite, and two lying around loose for contingencies. The muzzles of these in position look smilingly out from behind "​illigant breastworks.""​ In the local dialect, they are "right smart, ‘deed they are" 
 +The country about here is exceedingly beautiful and romantic. Hill, valley and water course. Vegetation profuse, cliff, bridge and sand-bank. All the elements of a Switzerland,​ except the glaciers. 
 +At twilight Wednesday, a soldier of the 8th, who accidentally shot himself, was buried with military honors. It was a most impressive scene, heightened by the echoing roll of the muffled drums and the measured tramp of the procession, as they bore him to his resting place. He died as honorably as if upon the field of battle. He war drawing the charge from a Minie rifle, after guard duty. 
 +Crowds come out here from Baltimore every day Many ladies, to whose society we, of course, have no objection. We are now experiencing all of the varieties of comp life, without the elegancies of the muster field. We may stay here some time, and we may be ordered away before I finish this. We fire at a target with striking success I trust some of the secessionists will get before our guns ere long—down they go—a ten strike every time. 
 +It rains again, and, alas, our shanty looks like a sieve. We just this A. M., received orders, and four companies of the Sixth and two of our guns have started toward Harper'​s Ferry on a scout. We (medically) need a surgeon'​s wagon for occasions like this. 6 P. M.,the men returned. No trouble, aside from hard work in loading a captured infernal machine—a steam gun, that sows shot like seed, on the centrifugal principle. Four mules and three men prisoners. The mules and the "​masheen"​ are at our camp—the men gone to Annapolis. 
 +Tell Ned that I find frequent occasion for therapeutics,​ but not much military surgery as yet. The men are continually banging, cutting and bruising themselves. Farewell. LEBARON. 
 +{{ :bla:​boston_evening_transcript_-_may_16_1861.jpg?​linkonly|}} 
 +Letter of Caleb Mortimer, ca. May 16, 1861, Gilder-Lehrman Collection 
 +Relay house Md, 1861 
 +Dear Wife 
 +I received a letter from you today 
 +dated April 29 and also my pipe and 
 +it made me feel glad to get a letter from you 
 +and the old pipe was like seeing an old friend 
 +where the letter has been I am at a lose to 
 +know since I wrote to you we have moved 
 +from Annapolis a week ago last Saturday night 
 +about twelve o’clock we were waked up and ordered 
 +to pack traps and prepose to start and about 
 +half past six in the morning we were on the road 
 +and marched all day about thirty miles through 
 +one of the worst roads one ever did see and 
 +the last part of our journey in a drenching rain 
 +and when we arrived here you never did see 
 +a man more completely used up set of men and horses 
 +you cannot Imagine we put up that night in an  
 +old house said by neighbors to be haunted 
 +but you better believe the ghosts did not haunt 
 +us much that night and the next day we moved 
 +on the hill about half a mile from the house and 
 +commenced a camp and now we are encamped here 
 +in my next letter I will give you a description  
 +of the camp and how we live about a week 
 +ago I need orders to get my section ready 
 +and in a half an hour we were ready to start 
 +and marched down to the depot and putting 
 +our two pieces aboard the cars and started 
 +towards harpers ferry and when about ten miles 
 +from this place we disembarked and took possession 
 +of the renowned steam gun and four mules which was 
 +on its way to harpers ferry to the sesesion army there 
 +and brought it safe back to our camp and we 
 +have it here now and it is quite a curious machine 
 +and if is does what its inventor claims for it is 
 +a murderous weapon throwing three hundred balls 
 +per minutes and if such is the case it is better in our 
 +hands than that of an enemy. ​ It is a big machine 
 +looking about as much like a shark as anything I can 
 +think of and weighing about four or five tons. 
 +Last Monday while we building a shanty I received 
 +an order to have my section ready to march in 
 +twenty minutes and you better believe we dropped the 
 +tools and went I walked in double quick time and 
 +started for the depot again and getting our pieces 
 +aboard the cars together with our horses and on 
 +the same train the Sixth Regiment of Mass. and 
 +apart of the Eight Regiment of New York and learned 
 +that our destination was Baltimore and as we neared 
 +that city every eye was on fire and every tooth set for 
 +we expected a warm reception we arrived about seven 
 +o’clock in the evening took our pieces off the cars and 
 +the Infantry disembarked and formed units 
 +a hollow square and my sections of artillery in the 
 +centre and wo be to the party that had attacked 
 +that regiment that night but we marched through  
 +the city without the least disturbance and halted 
 +on the top of Federal Hill about a mile from the 
 +centre of the city and just as we stopped then 
 +came up on of the hardest thunder storms I ever 
 +did see and not a sign of a shelter for horses 
 +or men and it never rained harder finaly we 
 +found a place to ty our horses to a fence and 
 +a room about twelve feet square for the men 
 +and we had hardly got our horses unharnessed  
 +when the long roll was beat which summons every 
 +man to arms and the horses was harnessed again 
 +and every man in the camp was turned out in 
 +the storm expecting an attack as the officers heard that 
 +there was a row going on downtown and might 
 +come up to catch us napping but if they had they 
 +would have met with a terrible reception as my 
 +guns was placed one commanding one street and 
 +the other gun commanding the other and we were 
 +well flanked with Infantry but nothing came but 
 +we stood at our guns all night in the drenching 
 +storm the men built about fifty camp fires on 
 +the hill and the way they piled on the wood was 
 +a caution to the city folks it was the wildest scene 
 +ever witnessed the men was lying on the ground 
 +with a cord wood stick for a pillow and in the 
 +morning a harder looking set you never did see 
 +but the next morning came out bright and 
 +warm and dried them up somewhat and 
 +in the afternoon the camp equipage arrived 
 +including tents and cooking utensils and the next 
 +night we passed as comfortable as could be 
 +in the afternoon. ​ I was busy writing as mounted 
 +orderly for General Butler and rode almost 
 +all over Baltimore delivering dispatches and without 
 +the least trouble in fact the city has entirely 
 +changed the next day Major Cook sergt Wright 
 +and myself as escort to the General and staff 
 +accompanied him to the Gilmor House which is by 
 +the way the Revere House of this pace to dinner 
 +and your husband had the honor of taking 
 +dinner with the General and also as escort 
 +the party back to quarters. I am getting short of 
 +paper and must stop the next time I write I 
 +will give you some more of our adventures in the city 
 +and also of our return give my love to father and 
 +mother and the children and all friends. 
 +Write often for nothing is so pleasant as to get a letter 
 +from home direct your letters the same as before to 
 +Annapolis and I shall get them from your affectionate Husband 
 +Caleb Mortimer\\  
 +Gilder-Lehrman Collection 
 +Boston Evening Transcript, May 27, 1861 
 +Relay House Camp, via Washington, May 27. The Massachusetts Sixth and Eighth Regiments, together with Cook’s battery of Flying Artillery remain here under Col. Jones. The men are all in good health, and ready to march at ten minutes notice. Picket guards are kept out in the direction of Harper'​s Ferry. [Despatch to Journal.  
 +Letter of Caleb Mortimer, June 15, 1861, Gilder-Lehrman Collection 
 +10 oclock PM Relay Camp June 15 1861 
 +Dear Wife 
 +I take my pen in hand to write you a few lines the last you will receive from me from this place as we have received orders to pack up and start tomorrow morning Where the lord only knows although our first stopping place is probably Baltimore but whether we are to stay there for any length of time I am in doubt. I have an Idea that the next time you hear from me I shall be down to Fort Munroe or further down in old Virginia the Boys are in high spirits at the Idea of going into active service and having an opportunity of making a mark for the sake of old Massachusetts. I sent you By Mr Converse the Noburn Express a daguerotype of my horse which you will get in a few days after you receive this keep it to remember on who never forgets you nor the little ones I have left at home You wrote to me to know what I intend to do about staying for three years I will answer if the Battery is accepted by the government You may depend upon it I shall never leave the Boston Light Artillery if the company comes home at the end of three months I shall come with them if not I shall not although I would give anything to be once more with my loved ones and kind friends that I have left behind me I cannot forget that I have a sacred duty to perform and do not shrink from that duty and hope that while life lasts I shall always be found at my post and when duty calls then you will find me I have been with the company in fair weather and have spent may happy hours with them in time of peace and you know me well enough to know that I shall not forsake them in the hour of danger I hope I shall be spured to be always at my post and do nothing to cast a shadow on the bright halo that now hangs over my childhood'​s home give my love to father and Mother and the children also to all enquiring friends it is getting late and I much close I will write again the first opportunity. 
 +from your affectionate Husband\\  
 +Caleb CE Mortimer 
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-<​caption>​Letter page 2</​caption>​ 
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 +//Boston Evening Transcript//,​ June 18, 1861
 +THE BOSTON LIGHT ARTILLERY IN BALTIMORE. A member of this corps, writing from the Relay House, gives the following particulars of the visit of the Artillery and the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment to Baltimore, on the day of the recent election.
 +The train which was to convey us to Baltimore not being on hand, we seized three trains, but they did not have cars enough for us; but while waiting for another the train intended for us came up, and in twenty minutes our whole battery, horses and men were loaded on the cars, officers and all taking hold and helping. We then started, and stopped within half a mile of the city, and went on a hill with the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment. The New York Thirteenth, with a drum corps of twenty drums, soon after arrived (3 P.M) from Annapolis, 1250 strong. They joined us on the hill, where we waited until six o'​clock,​ our whole force amounting to 2500 men, when news came that the Union candidate was defeated. We were then formed into line, with half of the Sixth in advance for our right flank, and the remainder in our rear for our left. The order was then, "​Forward,​ double quick, march!"​ and away we went on a dead run into the city, into Pratt street, where our soldiers were fired upon on the 19th of April last, the same that were with us. The New York Thirteenth remained on the hill as a reserve. We were all under command of Col Jones. Gen. Banks lay back in Fort McHenry, waiting for the mob to fire on the Massachusetts boys again.
 +We rushed through the streets at full gallop, with the gallant Sixth in our front and rear at double quick time. We went through the maneuvres of street firing and charging bayonets, firing down cross streets, advancing, firing again, and again charging bayonets, the whole length of Pratt and East Baltimore streets, and it was all done by us on a gallop and by the infantry on the run. Such an exciting scene I never saw before. The people were silent, and many very much frightened; some of the women fainted, thinking we were intending to attack the city.
 +About dark we returned to the hill and bivouacked for the night, and at nine o'​clock the next morning returned to our old quarters at the Relay House, feeling much better for our trip, and leaving more Union men in Baltimore than we found there, I think. ​
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units/cook_s_battery_boston_light_artillery_primary_sources.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 14:39 by admin