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units:69th_new_york_state_militia_primary_sources [2019/05/24 12:34]
units:69th_new_york_state_militia_primary_sources [2019/06/14 16:04]
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-<figure label> +//New York Daily Herald//, May 1, 1861 
-{{:{{:​69th_nysm:​new_york_daily_herald_wed_may_1_1861.jpg?​400|img}} + 
-<​caption>​new_york_daily_herald_wed_may_1_1861</​caption>​ +LETTER FROM A PRIVATE. 
 +ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION, Md., April 28, 1861. 
 +The Troops on their Way to Washington—The Sixty-Ninth Guarding the Road—Casualties on The Route—Arrest of a Secessionist Spy—Public Feeling in Maryland—The People Devoted to the Union, but Attached to the South— The Communication with the Capital, &c. 
 +My last letter gave a brief account of the trip of the steamer which conveyed the Eighth, Thirteenth and Sixty-ninth regiments from New York to Annapolis. 
 +The Sixty-ninth regiment was the first to land, which it did early on the morning of the 26th, and before the Twelfth, which had arrived a day or two previously. It was followed by a regiment of Massachusetts infantry, and by the Twelfth and Eighth of New York, and Thirteenth of Brooklyn. The Twelfth immediately proceeded to Washington, whither the Seventy-first had proceeded the day before. The Sixty-ninth,​ Eighth and Thirteenth Were ordered to remain at Annapolis till orders should arrive from headquarters. The Sixth New York regiment had landed the day before, and was quartered partly at the barracks and partly at a fort in the bay. 
 +Amongst the casualties of the route, the most melancholy are the drowning of two members of the Sixty ninth regiment and one of the Eighth. Insanity is supposed to have been the cause. I shall send you the names as soon as I can ascertain them. The health of the troops is generally good. 
 +An officer of the Sixty-ninth regiment today arrested a spy who was, under false pretences, engaged in procuring government despatches, and conveying them to the secessionists. This regiment also arrested yesterday some members of an independent military company of this State that attempted pass their pickets; but on being assured that they were on no unfriendly or disloyal mission, the Colonel release them.  
 +It is not easy to express a correct opinion of the feeling of the inhabitants of this State. They seem to have some regard for the Union, but a strong attachment for the of the South. I have talked with them a good deal. They do not generally justify the attack on Sumter but they denounce more bitterly the course of the abolitionists within the last ten years. I think it improbable that Maryland will leave the Union. Her interest will be too strong for her sympathies. 
 +The communication with Washington through Baltimore is expected to be open to-morrow. This will greatly expedite the transmission of news to New York, and you may expect to ear from me very soon. Tell the people of New York city that her soldiers are the flower of the militia, for good order, discipline and efficiency. 
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 +//The (NY) Sun//, May 3, 1861
-<figure label> +News of the 69th Regiment. 
-{{:{{ :​69th_nysm:​the_ny_sun._may_03_1861.jpg?​400 |img}} + 
-<​caption>​the_ny_sun._may_03_1861</​caption>​ +A SECESSIONIST SHOT. 
 +We have the following from an actual observer, and can vouch for the correctness of the news contained therein:\\  
 +Sunday afternoon, April 28th, the 69th regiment were ordered out to guard the railroad from Annapolis to Annapolis Junction, and by 9 P. M. they were posted in companies of 18, 6 and 2. The officers had their quarters at the junction, having with them a map of the surrounding country, showing the streams, roads houses and farms throughout the entire line for 20 miles, and by midnight they had built their guard-houses of fence rails and bushes. During the night they saw a man attempting to draw the spikes from one of the rails, when, in accordance with previous orders, he was immediately shot. Later in the night a pistol was stolen by a man who crawled up through the bushes, and when discovered he disappeared from sight. A party of 18 were immediately sent out in search of the thief, and in a short time they returned with him in their charge; upon whom they found the stolen pistol, and several letters, showing his connection with the rebel troops. 
 +Still later in the night a suspicious character was observed prowling around, whereupon he was immediately arrested and upon searching him, letters containing valuable information were found upon his person, respecting the movements of secessionists in that quarter. The 69th in concert with other regiments have borne the hardships of the march and camp duty, without a single rumor or expression of dissatisfaction but have seemed determined to [...] their brethren in arms, in their strict obedience to orders and their readiness to serve their adopted country in whatever duty they may be called upon to perform. On Monday afternoon two trains from Baltimore arrived at Annapolis Junction, but were detained by Lieut. Col. NUGENT of the 69th Regiment, until he could telegraph to General SCOTT for orders respecting them, and upon receiving Gen. SCOTT'​s reply they were immediately sent back to Baltimore. 
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 +//The Baltimore Sun//, May 4, 1861
 +Letter from Annapolis Junction.\\ ​
 +[Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun.]\\ ​
 +ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION, May 3, 1861.\\ ​
 +The Sixty-Ninth Regiment of New York—Colonel\\ ​
 +Corcoran—Entertainment of Baltimoreans—\\ ​
 +Address of the Rev. Mr. Mooney—Interesting Pastimes, &​c.\\ ​
 +On my return from Washington yesterday, I was unexpectedly detained at the Annapolis Junction, and spent several hours there very pleasantly. Soldiers and civilians were curiously grouped together, and all apparently on the most friendly terms. The chief amusements observable were drilling, dancing and singing, varied by religious services.
 +I found here the 69th regiment of New York, under the Command of Major Corcoran, who is a gentleman of fine feeling and accomplished manners. His men were in excellent health and good spirits. They are a fine looking body of men. mostly young, and of great physical strength. ​
 +There were five or six Baltimoreans in company with your correspondent,​ detained here in consequence of the irregularity of the run nines of the trains, and as the government has entire possession of the buildings, track and ears, there is no chance of obtaining refreshments,​ except through the hospitality of the soldiers. As soon as Col. Corcoran, however, heard of our detention, he ordered supper for the entire party, and gave them a soldier’s cordial welcome to all he had, including good coffee, bread and butter, besides a bottle of Scotch ale apiece. ​
 +The Baltimoreans were also kindly received by the Rev. T. J. Mooney, pastor of St. Bridget'​s Church in New York, who is the chaplain of the regiment, numbering about 1,400 men, all Irishmen, well disciplined. Rev. Mr. M. is exceedingly popular with the men, and pays constant attention to their spiritual welfare. ​
 +During our visit he made an eloquent and very feeling address to the men, during which he called their attention to the fact that they were now on the soil of Maryland—a State noted for her devotion to civil and religious liberty, distinguished for her hospitality,​ and held in grateful remembrance by every son and daughter of the Emerald Isle, for the reason that her citizens promptly dispatched provisions and other necessaries to the starving people of Ireland during the famine of 181s. His remarks in this connection were strikingly beautiful, and elicited the profound attention of the whole regiment. The eloquent speaker closed his remarks by citing a song which he wrote on his passage from Ireland to the United States, in 1848, during the famine, intended to show the gratitude of the Irish heart towards the American people for their contributions to relieve the sufferers by the famine. As the song was recited all the soldiers and the band joined in the chorus. The scene was truly inspiring, and elicited the greatest enthusiasm. ​
 +The closing scenes of the evening during our stay consisted of cotillons and jig dances around blazing bon-fires, in which the whole regiment participated. A more whole-souled,​ joyous party has not been seen for a long time. Ont of the whole 1,400 men, not more than five voted for Lincoln, but they believe it is their duty to defend the capital of the nation. Towards the people of Maryland and the South generally, they entertain the most kindly feeling. They proceeded on to Washington last night, and the Baltimoreans parted with them on the best terms, all expressing the hope that civil war may be avoided, and peace and fraternity speedily restored throughout the entire country. R.  
 {{ :​69th_nysm:​the_baltimore_sun_sat_may_4_1861_1_.jpg?​linkonly |}} {{ :​69th_nysm:​the_baltimore_sun_sat_may_4_1861_1_.jpg?​linkonly |}}
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-{{:​{{:​69th_nysm:​the_new_york_times_mon_may_6_1861.jpg?​600|img}} + 
-<​caption>​the_new_york_times_mon_may_6_1861</​caption>​ +//The New York Times//, May 6, 1861 
 +The following letter from Col. M. CORCORAN, of the Sixty-Ninth Regiment, received on Saturday by a gentleman of this city, will show the duties on which that Regiment was employed up to the day previous to its march for Washington: 
 +ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION, Md., Wednesday, May 1, '61. 
 +MY DEAR FRIEND: Pardon me for not writing sooner, but really, I have not had time to sit to my meals; and as for sleep, I assure you I have not had twelve hours since I left the steamship James Adgar, and these few hours were hurried moments on the roadside, with a wood block for a pillow. 
 +The Regiment has had its share of duty to perform, and never have men done it more cheerfully, some brief notes may not be uninteresting to you, and particularly ​ as I see by last Monday'​s Herald that the road from Annapolis to Washington was guarded by troops, and omits to say what Regiment. 
 +The first duty we were called on to perform was on the evening of our arrival in Annapolis, when Gen. BUTLER ordered me to put one of my Companies under arms immediately and proceed to the railroad depot, to the assistance of the baggage-guard of the Twelfth Regiment, which he was informed had been attacked. I took a detail from each Company, making in all one hundred and twenty five, rank and file, and sent them off in double quick time. The rumor was unfounded, and they returned to camp quite disappointed,​ as they had confidently expected a handsome brush. 
 +I marched from Annapolis next morning, by orders of Lieut-Gen. SCOTT, to take possession then of the railroad and defend it from attack and on Sunday evening, we were in possession thereof, and extending our lines twenty-seven miles, with sentinels all along at convenient distances, and having an officer and from ten to twenty-five men as a reserve on which the men on guard could rely. The sentinels are placed in groups of three men. We have the telegraph in charge here at this point. 
 +With love to all friends I must close, as I cannot keep the train longer. I am yours very truly,\\  
 +//New York Phoenix//, May 18, 1861 
 +Letter from a Member of the Sixty-Ninth. 
 +WASHINGTON, May 5th, 1861. 
 +DEAR FENIAN—I would have written sooner than this but that we were nearly all the while on the march, and, until now, have not had settled quarters, When we left Now York, on that Tuesday, we did not reach Annapolis till the following Thursday, and had rather a rough time of it, sleeping on deck all the way, I got very seasick and, as a matter of course, had but little inclination to eat, which was very fortunate, for we had nothing but biscuit, and sometimes a little poor coffee; however, I was satisfied and got over it like a soldier, I will give a synopsis of our journey to Washington, but it will be but a weak attempt at the facts. When we arrived at Annapolis, on the 25th of April, we were landed before the regiments who left New York on the Sunday before us, and were then reviewed by tho government authorities and got some bad meat and cracker to appease our appetites. It was a scorching day, and we had to stand exposed to the sun for about four hours. We were then quartered in a few empty houses, which was a relief, but, eventually, it was thought too good for the Irish, and we were again ordered under arms to change our quarters; we were marched—(where?​)—to a musty old stable outside the town to remain for the night. Being, shortly after, ordered out for inspection we preferred to sleep in tho open air, "with our martial cloaks around us," the ones we received In Prince street (blankets). Next morning we formed in line, and marched eight miles under a scorching sum to a place called Brownsville,​ where we lay on the ground all night, with our muskets loaded, waiting for an attack, but, unfortunately,​ none occurred. Next day, Sunday, "we were again under orders for a march, to open communication on the railroad, which the insurgents had broken up. The regiment was stretched, one man dropping out every 100 paces to keep guard on the track and telegraph wire, till the regiment extended fourteen miles. This was a hard duty; the men of my section, under the command of Lieutenant Fay, kept guard for twenty-four hours without eating a bit or sleeping a wink—we having no relieve guard—in a wild, woody, marshy waste of land, not knowing the moment we would be pounced upon (Indian-like) by the enemy. Here we were for three days, when we were ordered for a place called the Junction, the head quarters of the regiment, and had to camp here, in the open air, under rain and storm, ​ plenty of which we had one night, The Now York Zouaves, Fire Department, passed by on the cars, and many a lusty cheer Passed between us. That night we received the happy intelligence that we were to march to Washington. The Colonel—accompanied by Father Mooney, the Chaplain of the regiment, who is a regular brick—telling us that no man should lay a razor on his face, under pain of punishment, until We returned to New York, it ever we do. 
 +While waiting for the cars in the village we had a great time of it. It was a regular Donnybrook, and were each served with large bottles of prime ale, bonfires were lit in all directions, the band playing jigs and reels. ​ Dancing went on in all directions, in which the Colonel joined with all his heart. In the course of the amusement Father Mooney sang a song, composed by himself, something about the "​Flag,"​ which was certainly par excellence; and, his hilarity increasing, he gave us the old ditty, "Come Landlord Fill a Flowing Bowl," chorussed by close on 2,000 voices. Other groups were at different amusements, and everything was carrying on in the old country style, when the whistle announced the approach of the cars on board of which we all went, and, being tired, I fell asleep and awoke in the long-looked for city of Washington, at about two o'​clock in thy morning, where we were quartered in empty houses, and remained so till yesterday, when we were sent to where we are now--the Roman Catholic College of Georgetown, a regular palace—where no regiment would be allowed to be quartered but ourselves. 
 +The drum rolls for me to Divine Service, and I must away, we are put through the same as regular soldiers. 
 +We do not know how soon we will be ordered to Virginia, which State I am now looking at from my window, with only about three hundred yards of water between us. Write soon, and believe me, yours truly, 
 +E. J. O'D. 
 + {{ :​69th_nysm:​new_york_ny_phoenix_5_18_1861.jpg?​linkonly |}}
units/69th_new_york_state_militia_primary_sources.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/16 12:13 by admin