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units:60th_new_york_infantry [2019/03/11 14:44]
units:60th_new_york_infantry [2019/03/17 14:47]
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-WIKIPEDIA - "The 60th New York Infantry ​was organized at Ogdensburg, New York beginning July 5, 1861 and mustered ​in for a three-year enlistment on October 30, 1861 under the command of Colonel William B. Hayward.+<​html><​center><​b><​u><​font size="+2">​The 60th New York Infantry in Howard County</​font></​u></​b></​center></​html>​
-The regiment was attached to Dix's Division to March 1862. Railroad Brigade, Army of the Potomac, to June 1863. 2nd Brigade, Sigel'​s Division, Department of the Shenandoah, to June 26, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, II Corps, Pope's Army of Virginia, to August 1862. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, II Corps, Army of Virginia, to September 1862. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, XII Corps, Army of the Potomac, to October 1862. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, XII Corps, to May 1863. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, XII Corps, Army of the Potomac, to October 1863, and Army of the Cumberland to April 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, XX Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to July 1865.+Service at Relay House11/​9/​1861-6/​1862\\  
 +[[60th New York Primary Sources|Primary Sources]]\\  
 +[[60th New York Secondary Sources|Archival ​and Secondary Sources]]\\ ​
-The 60th New York Infantry mustered ​out of service July 171865.+The 60th New York Infantry ​was mustered ​into the Union army in late October ​of 1861 in St. Lawrence Countyon the banks of the St. Lawrence Seaway. The majority of men in the unit were from St. Lawrence County, but men from all three of the northernmost counties of New York were represented. Like many other newly formed units, the 60th was detailed for guard duty rather than combat. The 60th was assigned to General John A. Dix's Division after mustering in, and left for Baltimore to join the Railroad Brigade, tasked with guarding important railroad sites between Baltimore and Washington, D. C.
-Detailed service+Travelling to New York City on steamers and barges, they were greeted by crowds at every stop - and in between. In New York City, they marched in a parade and received ceremonial flags. Then by railroad to Jersey City and Philadelphia,​ and then finally through Baltimore to Washington, D. C., where they camped on Kalorama Heights, three miles from the city. A week later, the regiment moved back north to the Relay House, in present day Elkridge, Md. 
-Left New York for Baltimore, Md., November 4, 1861. Duty at Baltimore, Md., and between there and Washington, D.C.; also at Relay HouseMd., and Harpers Ferry, Va., until June 1862"+Historians researching the 60th New York are particularly thankful that their chaplain was a man named Richard EddyEddy went on to be a well-known clergyman ​and wrote several books on UniversalismHe wrote regular letters to home town newspaperthe //StLawrence Republican//​ throughout the War, and after the War wrote a history of the 60th New York.
 +In his first letter to the //​Republican//​ he describes joining the regiment in Washington and describes their duty guarding the Railroad, bridges, and mills outside of Baltimore. He tells this interesting story:
-Company A - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\  +"Our camp has been over run with peddlers, some of whom would not only like to take our money, but also our livesThis morning as one of the men was about preparing to cook a cabbage, he had bought of our visitors, he noticed that a portion of the pith had been cut out, and some black powder-like substance had been inserted, and the plug again nicely fitted to its placeDrGale gave it as his opinion that judging from appearance, the foreign substance was CoboltIt was sent to the city to be analyzedShortly after another vegetable of the same sort was found infected ​in the same way, whereupon an awful decimation of Cabbage heads ensuedThey were terribly cut up and scattered."
-Company B principally recruited in StLawrence County\\  +
-Company C - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\  +
-Company D - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\  +
-Company E - principally recruited in Franklin County\\  +
-Company F - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\  +
-Company G - principally recruited ​in StLawrence County\\  +
-Company H - principally recruited in Clinton County ​and St. Lawrence County\\  +
-Company I - principally recruited in St. Lawrence County\\  +
-Company K - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\ ​+
 +Fear of poisoning by the local "​Secesh",​ as the pro-Southern locals were called, was rampant in the Northern troops. Other units nearby report attempts to poison the soldiers as well. In addition, soldiers were regularly shot at while standing guard.
-<figure label> +Eddy also describes a horrific injury suffered by William HMcDonald, of Brasher, NYMcDonald made the mistake of lying down on the railroad tracks where he soon fell asleep. Unfortunately a train came by and mangled his right foot, which had to be amputated. Injuries such as these were fairly common in the camps.
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​the_advance._november_22_1861.png?400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​the_advance._november_22_1861</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +A few weeks later, growing discontent among the officers of the unit towards the conduct of their Colonel, William B. Hayward, boiled over. A letter was sent to Hayward, signed by every Captain and Lieutenant in the unit, asking the Colonel to resign as commander of the 60th New York. The letter stated"You, Colonel, have shown a want of coolness and discretion, and excitability and irritability,​ a disregard for the comfort and welfare of the men, and an utter want of humanity, which combined with your overbearing conduct, and lack of common courtesy to the men and officers, is the immediate cause of all this dissatisfaction and discouragement."​ This dissatisfaction would eventually lead to Hayward'​s resignation on January 1st.
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​daily_dispatch_1861-11-23_4.png?400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​daily_dispatch_1861-11-23</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +A correspondent to the //Advance//, newspaper, who signed his letters as "​X",​ detailed the far-flung nature of the 60th's duty. "Co. F... is now stationed some four miles below the Relay House; Co. A...a mile or two nearer Baltimore; Co. H... near the Viaduct Bridge; Co. the Mount Clare Freight Station, in the city; Co. C...near the Camden Passenger Station, in the city; and Co. the Locust Point Freight Depot. A part of Captain Day's company (B) are at Ellicott'​s Mills, above the Relay House. The remainder of Company B, and Companies G...E...and K... are at "Camp Rathbone,"​ a little beyond the Viaduct Bridge."​ "​X"​ also describes several soldiers sick with measles, which would soon become rampant. Henry W. Powers, of Russell, N. Y., a drummer in Company C, died.
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​ogdensburgh_ny_st_lawrence_republican_1861_11_26.jpg |img}} +
-<​caption>​ogdensburgh_ny_st_lawrence_republican_1861_11_26<​/caption>​ +
-<figure label> +On December 5th the men were paid off$15,000 was paid to the Regiment, a majority of the money was immediately sent homeA sum of $460 was given to the Regimental Band, with a promise of $500 more, so they could purchase instrumentsAaron Geer of Company D died of typhoid fever and was buried in Loudon Cemetery.
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._december_03_1861.png?400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._december_03_1861</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +A few weeks later, a member of Company B accidentally shot a solder of the Maryland Home GuardThe men were "​playfully encountering each other" when they pointed their guns at each other and pulled the triggerThe Home Guardman'​s rifle was unloaded - the New Yorker'​s was notThe member of the Home Guard died a few hours later, after absolving the other soldier. Henry W. Dunn, of Company C, died of fever. An unsigned letter in the //Courier and Freeman//, of December 18, 1861, counts fifteen to twenty cases of measles in the camp, and says the malady is gradually increasing. ​
-{{:{{ :​units:​the_advance._december_13_1861.png?400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​the_advance._december_13_1861<​/caption>​ +
-<figure label> +"A RUSSELL VOLUNTEER",​ writing the //The Advance//, describes the men's rations. "We have bread, beef, pork, beans, potatoes, rice, "​Hominy!",​ sugar, coffee, and, last, though not //least// - //tea//. Our bread is the Baltimore aerated, unfermented article, and is the best //bread I ever saw//"​..."​ He also described his duty"...our task is arduous, standing on post every other day four hours on and eight hours off, for twenty-four hours." Mortimer Stevens, of Company F, died and his body was shipped home. Samuel P. Melvin, of Company E, died December 19th.
-{{:{{ :60th_ny_inf:​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._december_17_1861.jpg |img}} +
-<​caption>​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._december_17_1861</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +More disasters occurred in DecemberPrivate WH. Morgan was shot and lost two fingers on his right hand. Private Edwin T. Porter was run over by a train, apparently while sleeping on the tracks. At the end of the month Holley Meacham (or Meachand), of Company K, died of Typhoid and was buried. Louis Dussie (or Dupra), of Company A, died of measles. Both men were buried in Loudon Cemetery.
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​courier_and_freeman._december_18_1861.png?400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​courier_and_freeman._december_18_1861</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +Colonel Hayward'​s resignation on January 1, 1862 sent a thrill through the RegimentThough acknowledging that Hayward did his best for the Regiment and was following proper orders, Eddy was nonetheless happy with his dismissal. "​SKID",​ writing to //the Advance//, described the moment the Regiment heard the news:
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​the_baltimore_sun_mon_dec_23_1861.jpg?400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​the_baltimore_sun_mon_dec_23_1861<​/caption>​ +
-<figure label> +"At an early hour this morning as the different companies were drawn up for inspection, they were told that their Colonel'​s resignation,​ had been accepted, and he, ColWBHayward had been discharged from the service in Uncle Sam's ArmyAt this announcement of good news, there arose three of the heartiest cheers and a tiger, that has been given since we left Camp Wheeler."
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._december_24_1861.jpg?400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._december_24_1861</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +By early January the men of the 60th had just about finished building their winter barracks in various locationsGuard duty continued through January, as did the occasional deathJohn Forward, of Company F, was hit by a train, but survived with minor injuries. Lieutenant Colonel Goodrich took over for Hayward.
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​the_advance._december_27_1861.png?900 |img}} +
-<​caption>​the_advance._december_27_1861</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +A humorous event occurred in JanuaryA soldier on guard was approached in the dark; he was told to halt several times and, failing to do so, was shot by the picketUpon investigation it was found that the guard had shot a wandering bull-calf. The soldier was kidded about the event the next day.
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​frontier_palladium._january_02_1862.png?400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​frontier_palladium._january_02_1862</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +More deaths were still to come. Ozro C. Dunton died at the end of January. A few days later Edmund Mason died of "​Congestion of the brain."​ Both were were members of Company K. However, the health of the Regiment was improving, and few men were in the local hospitals. Snow fell in February and turned the camp streets into mud.
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​the_baltimore_sun_tue_jan_7_1862.jpg |img}} +
-<​caption>​the_baltimore_sun_tue_jan_7_1862</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +Idle hands are the devil'​s plaything, and the 60th was no exception. A General Court Martial was called in late February to hand out punishment to wrongdoers. Eddy describes three charges, without naming the men. One was for "​Drunkeness when upon post as a Sentinel, profane and disrespectful language to his superior officer, and riotous conduct."​ The soldier was sentenced to loss of pay and a dishonorable discharge. The second soldier was found guilty of "​mutinous conduct"​ and was dishonorably discharged and sentenced to hard labor in prison for two years. A third man, from Company D, was convicted of being absent without leave, "​conduct subversive to military discipline, contemptuous and disrespectful language to his superior officer, violation of ninth article of war, and conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline."​ In addition to a loss of pay, a dishonorable discharge, and prison time, the solder was was ordered to wear a twelve pound ball and chain for twelve months during his incarceration.
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​the_baltimore_sun_fri_jan_10_1862.jpg |img}} +
-<​caption>​the_baltimore_sun_fri_jan_10_1862</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +Eddy, a chaplain, attributed these offenses to rum drinking"Our guard house would be all empty if it was not for intoxicating drinks, but I am pained to write that more men will in all probability be ruined by liquor while engaged in this war, than will be maimed or killed by powder and ball."
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​the_advance._january_10_1862.png?400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​the_advance._january_10_1862</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +By March, rumors of an upcoming move had started. Men were still dying, Lieutenant H. C. Eastman, of Company K, died of typhoid. A new Colonel was appointed, Geo. S. Greene. Initial suspicion was soon replaced by respect, as the men got to know their new leader. Guard duty continued, and companies were moved around regularly along the railroad. Their new Colonel received a promotion and Goodrich became Colonel of the 60th.
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​ogdensburgh_ny_st_lawrence_republican_1_14_1862.jpg |img}} +
-<​caption>​st_lawrence_republican_1_14_1862</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +In May the Regiment finally got their orders to move outSix companies started for Harper'​s FerryThere they met soldiers returning from battle "with horrid tales of the defeat of our men and the cruelties of the rebels to our sick, wounded and prisoners..." The 60th New York Infantry was finally going to War. They would eventually fight at 2nd Bull Run, Antietam, and Gettysburg, before moving West and participating in Sherman'​s March to the Sea.
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._january_21_1862.png?400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._january_21_1862</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> 
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​the_advance._january_24_1862.png?​400 |img}} 
-<figure label> 
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​the_advance._january_31_1862.jpg?​600 |img}} 
-<figure label> 
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​the_new_york_reformer._february_01_1862.png |img}} 
-<figure label> +Recruiting Locations\\ ​ 
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​frontier_palladium._february_06_1862.png?​400 |img}} +Company A - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\ ​ 
-<​caption>​frontier_palladium._february_06_1862</​caption>​ +Company B - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\ ​ 
-</​figure>​ +Company C - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\ ​ 
- +Company D - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\ ​ 
-<figure label> +Company E - principally recruited in Franklin County\\ ​ 
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​courier_and_freeman._february_12_1862.jpg?600 |img}} +Company F - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\ ​ 
-<​caption>​courier_and_freeman._february_12_1862</​caption>​ +Company G - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\ ​ 
-</​figure>​ +Company H - principally recruited in Clinton County and StLawrence County\\ ​ 
- +Company I - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\ ​ 
-<figure label> +Company K - principally recruited in StLawrence County\\ ​
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._february_18_1862.jpg?​400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._february_18_1862</​caption>​ +
-</​figure>​ +
- +
- +
-<figure label> +
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._february_25_1862.jpg?​400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._february_25_1862</​caption>​ +
-</​figure>​ +
- +
-<figure label> +
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._march_11_1862.jpg?​400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._march_11_1862</​caption>​ +
-</​figure>​ +
- +
-<figure label> +
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​st_lawrence_republican_3_18_1862.jpg |img}} +
-<​caption>​st_lawrence_republican_3_18_1862</​caption>​ +
-</​figure>​ +
- +
-<figure label> +
-{{:{{ :​units:​frontier_palladium._march_27_1862.png?​400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​frontier_palladium._march_27_1862</​caption>​ +
-</​figure>​ +
- +
- +
-<figure label> +
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​courier_and_freeman._april_23_1862.png?​400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​courier_and_freeman._april_23_1862</​caption>​ +
-</​figure>​ +
- +
-<figure label> +
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._may_06_1862.jpg?​400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._may_06_1862</​caption>​ +
-</​figure>​ +
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-<figure label> +
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._may_27_1862.jpg?​400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._may_27_1862</​caption>​ +
-</​figure>​ +
- +
-<figure label> +
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​frontier_palladium._may_29_1862.png?​400 |img}} +
-<​caption>​frontier_palladium._may_29_1862</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> 
-{{:{{ :​units:​courier_and_freeman._june_04_1862.png?​400 |img}} 
-<figure label> 
-{{:{{ :​60th_ny_inf:​st._lawrence_republican_and_ogdensburgh_weekly_journal._june_10_1862.jpg?​400 |img}} 
units/60th_new_york_infantry.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/21 17:27 by admin