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units:138th_pennsylvania_volunteers [2019/02/26 19:03]
units:138th_pennsylvania_volunteers [2019/04/01 12:32]
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 +<​html><​center><​b><​u><​font size="​+2">​The 138th Pennsylvania Volunteers in Howard County</​font></​u></​b></​center></​html>​
 +Service at Relay House, 8/​30/​1862-6/​30/​1863. Company A at Dorsey'​s Switch, 4/​20/​1864-6/​12/​1864.\\ ​
 +[[138th Pennsylvania Volunteers Primary Sources|Primary Sources]]\\ ​
 +[[138th Pennsylvania Volunteers Secondary Sources|Archival and Secondary Sources]]\\ ​
 Bucks and Bedford County Bucks and Bedford County
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 The 138th Pennsylvania Infantry mustered out of service on June 23, 1865." The 138th Pennsylvania Infantry mustered out of service on June 23, 1865."
-"John F Frantz 
-Enlisted in A Bucks Co Company on the 15th day of Aug 1862 and was sworen in to the U S Army on the 26th day of the same month at Harrisburg Pa  I spent one week in Camp Curtain at Harrisburg ​ We then got A bord of the Cars and were quickly convade to the Relay House Md whare we halted and went in Camp we then began to Experience the hardshaips of Camp life although we  bore it like brave boys from the old key [Stone?] State of Pennsylvania ​ 
-Paul Pursel was shot on the 28 of March 1863 Axidentily in practis by Henry Hilbert. 
-[Pages 2&​3]\\ ​ 
-We left Camp Relay on the 20th of Aprile, And arrived at Dorcey s Switch on the same day, which was a march of five miles. 
-On the 12th June 1863. we were ordered to pack up and go to the Relay House to be ready to start on the morning of  
-the [13th?] at 5 O  clock but the order was countermanded on the afternoon of the 12th and so we wered  ordered back to Dorsey s Switch on the 15th and to keep ourselves in readyness ​ To go at any that we might be  called upon  
-We left Dorcey s Switch June the 15th and arrived at Maryland Hights ​ on the 10th after a hard march. the weather was hot. We were ordered to evacuate the Hights ​ on the 30th of June; and so we took up the line of march early in the morning and marched all day through mud and rain and when night came we were not a quarter of a mile from where we started. ​ We spent part of the night in pulling down  Cannone ​ from off the Hights"​ - From the diary of John F. Frantz, Company A, 138th Pennsylvania. http://​​ied/​records/​52231.pdf 
-<figure label> 
-{{:{{ :​138_penn_vols:​bedford_gazette_fri_sep_26_1862.jpg?​400 |img}} 
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-{{:{{ :​138_penn_vols:​bedford_gazette_fri_oct_10_1862.jpg?​400 |img}} 
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-{{:{{ :​138_penn_vols:​republican_compiler_11_17_1862.png?​400 |img}} 
-<figure label> 
-{{:{{ :​138_penn_vols:​methodist_1863-04-25_5.png?​400 |img}} 
-<figure label> 
-{{:{{ :​138_penn_vols:​adams_sentinel_6_30_1863.png?​400 |img}} 
units/138th_pennsylvania_volunteers.txt ยท Last modified: 2019/07/14 16:56 by admin