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1st_michigan_infantry_sources [2019/06/14 11:10]
1st_michigan_infantry_sources [2019/08/06 13:07]
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 +Letter from David Stanway to Alice Alcott
 +Beltsville, Md,\\ 
 +December 5th 1861
 +To Miss A. Alcott
 +Dear Friend
 +It affords me much pleasure to learn that my small and rough
 +Sketches are acceptable to yourself and my little pet "​Floy."​
 +Forgive me for not writing a few lines sooner. The only excuse
 +I have to offer is that since we have been on Detached Service I have
 +scarcely had time for anything,
 +I went to Baltimore this morning, It is a beautiful city and
 +there are quite a number of beautiful buildings.
 +Thinking that a view of some of them might be interesting ale
 +procured what they call the Rose of Baltimore being views of all, or
 +at least the greater part of the principal buildings in Baltimore.
 +I hope this will find you enjoying good health.
 +We were quite sorry when we heard you had been suffering from
 +We are all in very good health.
 +The Captain sits writing on one side the table and I on the other.
 +But I must conclude.
 +Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when they
 +I Remain,
 +Yours Truly
 +D, Stanway
 +To Little Floy
 +Dear Little Floy
 +I looked all through Baltimore to find some little article that
 +I might send in a letter for a Christmas gift but I could, not find any
 +so I will send you a little Bright gold  and Ma-Ma will buy you
 +somethings for old Santa Clause when he comes. Next time Ma-Ma sends
 +a letter to Pa-Pa you must write me a few lines and I will write to
 +you again.
 +Good night little Pet and God Bless. Your Pa-Pa and I often talk about you.
 +Alcott, Russell and Stanway, David, Company A, 1st Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Letters, April 1, 1860 to April 6, 1864\\ ​
 +U. S. Army Heritage and Education Center
 //Michigan Argus//, December 6, 1861 //Michigan Argus//, December 6, 1861
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 +Letter of Abner Van Dyke to the Editor of the //​Statesman//​
 +Headquarters 1st Mich. Infantry,​\\ ​
 +Annapolis Junction, Md.,​\\ ​
 +Dec. 6, 1861.
 +Editior Statesman — Dear Sir,​\\ ​
 +Although I nothing very interesting to enumirunicate at this time, yet, to obviate the necessity of writing to numerous friends, who are anxious to learn our whereabouts,​ what we are doing, &c., I have thought it best to drop you a line.
 +Our regiment is now encamped at Annapolis Junction, Md., and our camp has been very properly christened "Camp Michigan"​. We are beginning to feel almost at home here, and although our drill and guard duties are somewhat tiresome , the most at of the boys are pretty well contented, and a good degree of health prevails among them.
 +A few days since we were saddened by the sudden death of Lieut. Peavey, who had but just joined our Regiment. His fellow officers are now wearing the usual badges of mourning as a tender tribute to his memory. Lieut. Comstock accompanied his dead body back to his home, which he so lately left with high and manly resolves. But now, alas! his career on earth is closed, and that home is o'​ershadowed with woo! Peace to his memory, and may bright angels bear his spirit to realm of bliss!
 +Today we buried with military honors a private in Co. D. one of the recruits from Detroit, who died of Typhoid fever, after a short illness. The funeral services were well conducted, and a nice coffin furnished, even though to a private soldier. Our good old flag was folded over the dead, and as I gazed up in its silken folds sadly drooping down and fluttering in the silent breeze, I almost wished that it might be my lot thus to die, and thus to be buried. In the silent forest we laid our comrade down to rest, and after firing a salute over his lonely grave, returned to camp to mingle in our usual duties. ​
 +I am forced from lack of time to give you a very brief letter, but I hope the little I have written may be acceptable to you and your numerous readers who are so anxious to hear from their friends in the army.
 +Truly Yours,
 +Abner Van Dyke
 +And the generations yet unborn, will bless the heroes name: letters and poetry of Abner Van Dyke, 1st Michigan Infantry, 25th Michigan Infantry, U.S. Colored Troops\\ ​
 +Letter from David Stanway to Alice Alcott
 +Head Quarters Co "​A"​\\ ​
 +Beltsville Md.\\ 
 +December 22nd/61
 +Dear Friend Alice,
 +The Captain has just finished writing home and I make bold to
 +inclose a few lines to you and little Floy, Wishing you a Merry
 +Christmas and a Happy New Year,
 +We have all had invitations to take breakfast on Christmas
 +Morning with one of the citizens of Beltsville (a Mr. Simms) and I
 +rather think there will be but few who will take advantage of the
 +invitation. I wish you could have seen our company this morning when
 +they fell in for inspection, They all received their New Dress Coats
 +yesterday and the company looked splendid this morning.
 +I went to Washington yesterday, I went to the Smithsonian
 +institute and the Patent Office, The Institute is a Splendid Building
 +built in the Italian Style of Architecture and contains curiosities
 +from almost every country in the world, I will send you a picture
 +of it in the next if I can get one. The Patent Office is a very large
 +Building built in the Grecian style of Architecture and contains
 +Patents of every description,​ from a pistol to a plough and from a
 +Can to a Coffin. I did not see all the things in the office for I
 +had not time. It would take three days to look at all articles, the
 +Principal objects of interest were the sword coat and pants, of
 +Washington and the coat of General Jackson.
 +I hope you have quite recovered from your late, sickness. We felt
 +quite sorry when we heard of it.
 +I Cannot write more at this tame as I am on guard tonight.
 +But Believe Me\\ 
 +Yours Respectfully,​\\ ​
 +D. Stanway
 +To Miss\\ ​
 +Alice Alcott\\ ​
 +On the 4th page:​\\ ​
 +Dear Little Floy,
 +You would scarcely know PaPa now if you saw him with his new hat
 +on with two black plumes.
 +We all love Floy's PaPa very much but perhaps not as much as
 +Won't Floy write me a letter and send it to me next time MaMa
 +writes to PaPa.
 +Good night Little Floy. I love you almost as much as though I
 +had seen you. Love MaMa and PaPa. Be kind to your school mates and
 +write soon to your    ​
 +Loving Friend\\ ​
 +D, Stanway
 +Alcott, Russell and Stanway, David, Company A, 1st Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Letters, April 1, 1860 to April 6, 1864\\ ​
 +U. S. Army Heritage and Education Center
 +Letter of Abner Van Dyke to the Editor of the //​Statesman//​
 +Camp Michigan,​\\ ​
 +Annapolis Junction, Maryland,​\\ ​
 +Dec. 25th, 1861.\\ ​
 +Mr. Editor:
 +After several unsuccessful attempts. I at length succeeded in obtaining a pass to visit Washington, and left camp at 5 '​o'​clock A.M., Dec., 16th. It had long been a day dream of mine to visit the Federal City and move around among  er public buildings so full of historic interest. But little did I think one year ago, as sat in my western home reading some favorite speech in Congress, that that wish of mine would so soon be granted—but such are the fortunes ​
 +of war. I stepped from the cars just as the first rays of the morning sun were gilding the lofty dome of the  Capitol, and passed in front of that stupenduous structure — when finished it will be an ornament to our nation and a  it temple for those master-minds who meet and mingle there. As the hour was too early to visit the public buildings, walked leasurely along from one street to another, and at length stopped at a barber shop to be relieved of an uncommon growth of nature'​s covering. The dextrous little man, of shears and razor, gave me what we soldiers term a   ​fighting ​ clip," and after washing and brushing up I fancied I looked well enough to visit Uncle Abe or anybody ​ else. (I must here inform you we have just drawn our waist suits, which are made of good material, and fit us nicely.) As it was now about nine o'​clock. I thought I would visit the War Department. On the way I fell in with a commuicative citizen who kindly offered to show me through the public buildings, and I found him an agreeable companion and a great help through the day. Stopping at a corner where, said he, "is where Sickles'​ shot Key," and pointed out the tree into which the ball entered after passing through the victim. The tree is now dead and as I gazed upon its withered branches, I could not avoid the reflections which the same suggests to the mind. Thus, thought I, it is with vice and folly. Beauty, health, and vigor vanish and decay before their blighting touch. From the description which I read in the papers at the time, I readily recognized the spot.  The house in the distance from which the "​waving handkerchief"​ was seen, all; all are there, and it is a poor imagination which cannot bring the tragedy again to light. But I drop this from something more worthy, and I trust more interesting to your readers.
 +In the park just across the way is the Bronze Statue of Andrew Jackson seated on his war horse. The old hero never looked more war-like in all his life. As I looked upon the horse and his rider, it seemed as if they were going to make a spring in some direc­tion,​ but alas! "We start, for soul is wanting there." ​ It is well thus to perpetuate the memory of the good and great. Long may it remain to inspire the heart of the Americans with new courage in the defence of the liberty of his country. The War Department is the smallest and most inferior looking of any of the public buildings, but just now is the grand place of attention. All is bustle and confusion, and no one gains an entrance without special business. After walking round the yard and looking at the various models of tents and blankets—things ​ which  interest ​ us soldiers -we started for the "White House,"​ which is hut a few rods distant. I had heard that only Congressmen or other distinguished people could gain an entrance there. But Uncle Abe is a good old fellow and his house is open to all his boys—and such a house, such splendid furniture, carpets, sofas, looking-glasses,​ chandeliers of dazzling gold—all is so rich and costly, that it makes one proud of his country and fills the soldier'​s heart with a new resolution to fight manfully for its maintenance. ​
 +We next visited the Patent office, and here my pen fails me, for should I attempt to describe one ten-thousandth of the strange and new which at every turn meets the eye, it would fill many volumes, and I will therefore confine myself to one or two particulars,​ and leave the reader to his. own reflection. Among the many interesting rooms none is so much so to me, as that which contains the statue of the Father of our country, and those little relics which his grateful countrymen have here collected together. Let me note the articles in their order—First,​ there is a fragment of the old tent which Washington used during the Revolution. A card is fastened to it on which is written in a plain hand, "A portion of the canopy that sheltered the Father of his country in his country'​s darkest days." — Blest fragment! you shall be kept sacred by his grateful children; next in order is his traveling secretary, which is a plain, substantial article, and hears marks of service; next the coat he wore when he resigned his commission at Annapolis. It is not as fine or showy as the one I had on—what a contrast between the fortunes of the soldier then and now!  It does seem wicked that any should complain about their clothes or fare and yet they do. There are many other interesting memorials in the same case with his, about which I might speak, but for fear of wearying your readers, I will drop the curtain and ask them to come and see for themselves. As Congress was now open, we started towards the Capitol. First I went into the House; the question seemed the propriety of raising more troops for Kentucky. After gazing on the splendid building, and listening to the debate which was growing pretty warm, we started for the Senate, the great place of interest to me. It is vain to attempt a description of my feelings as I entered the gallery of that "​consecrated Hall." ​ As I looked around me I almost fancied I could see the spirits of the departed great hovering over the place. Alas! how lamentable is the fact that we have lost some of our mightiest men who made their marks upon the age. True, there are some giants in the Senate, hut their number is growing small. I noticed Charles Sumner in his seat and as I looked upon him bent in anxious thought, I was reminded of the brutal assault made upon him by a cowardly ruffian who could not answer his arguments. That kind of thing is not "​played out"​—the battle ground is no longer the Senate, but the field, and before this contest is settled I trust the chivalry will be convinced that the Northerners are not all cowards. I noticed many vacant seats on one side of each House, and they spoke of "​States dissevered, discordant of a land rent with civil fends and drenched in fraternal blood."​ God grant that this miserable rebellion will soon be quelled, and peace with all her blessings return once more. I would gladly have tarried longer, but my friend admonished for it was nearly car time, and I was forced to leave. After a few moments the train started and in a short time I was again in camp, feeling that I had lived "A Life time in one day." We are now busy building barracks for winter quarters, and everything looks like staying here till spring. The measles are prevailing to some extent among us, and I am a victim with the rest, hut we have a good, comfortable Hospital, ​ and kind attentive nurses, and are getting along finely. I am still quite weak, and have already written quite enough—so for the present I will hid your readers good day. Yours truly,
 +Abner Van Dyke
 +Co. E. 1st Michigan Infantry
 +And the generations yet unborn, will bless the heroes name: letters and poetry of Abner Van Dyke, 1st Michigan Infantry, 25th Michigan Infantry, U.S. Colored Troops\\ ​
 ---- ----
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 //Detroit Free Press//, January 10, 1862 //Detroit Free Press//, January 10, 1862
-Praiseworthy.—The First Michigan ​Regtment, at the Annapolis Junction, Md., on the+Praiseworthy.—The First Michigan ​Regiment, at the Annapolis Junction, Md., on the
 last pay day, sent home $9,000 to their families; 2,000 being contributed by one company. last pay day, sent home $9,000 to their families; 2,000 being contributed by one company.
 {{:​1st_mi_inf:​detroit_free_press_fri_jan_10_1862.jpg?​linkonly|}} {{:​1st_mi_inf:​detroit_free_press_fri_jan_10_1862.jpg?​linkonly|}}
 ---- ----
 +Letter of Abner Van Dyke
 +Camp Michigan,​\\ ​
 +Annapolis Junction, Maryland,​\\ ​
 +Jan. 17th, 1862
 +Pay day is with us again, and it is surprising what an invigorating and enlivening effect it has on the Regiment, which has been considerably afflicted of late by measles, fevers and other diseases, incident to camp life. The old man forgets his weight of years; the sick their infirmities to a great extent; all, all are suddenly possessed with new life and courage. If we could he led forward to battle now, you might expect to hear good tidings of the "​Michigan First."​ Several companies have already been paid, and the happy soldiers are showing their money to those who are next in order. We are paid in Treasury notes, no gold or silver being used except for purposes of change. A great many complain at this arrangement,​ and some are willing to pay high premiums for specie, hut I still have sufficient confidence in my country to trust her "​promised to pay." We are having very singular weather here; one day it will he warm and pleasant, the next cold and blustering, but most of the time, the mud is so deep it is almost impossible to get around without carrying too much Maryland soil. We have to drill in barracks, and have had but one dress parade in several days; had one this morning, and the orders were, that hereafter our duties will he slightly changed; the arrangement is now as follows: Dress parade, at eight o'​clock,​ A.M., guard mounting immediately after; drill from ten till
 +twelve, and from two till four, P.M. Capt. H. S. Warner, who has been commanding our company for a short time past, has resigned his commission and is honorably discharged from the service of the United States. I am sure that I speak the sentiments of the whole company in saying that we are sorry to have him leave us, but we hope he will meet with a hearty "​welcome home."
 +Yours Truly,
 +Abner Van Dyke
 +Co. E, 1st Michigan Infantry
 +And the generations yet unborn, will bless the heroes name: letters and poetry of Abner Van Dyke, 1st Michigan Infantry, 25th Michigan Infantry, U.S. Colored Troops\\ ​
 +Letter of Abner Van Dyke
 +Sunday, Jan. 19.
 +It is a very dark, rainy day—had our inspection in quarters this morning; nearly the whole company were in the ranks, and the guns and clothing were in good order, making due allowance for the wet weather and the poor health of the company. Last evening, a few of us were invited to the Colonel'​s quarters, and had the pleasure of listening to a lecture by Capt. Kendall, who has been for some years past in the service of the United States, acting as an explorer. He exhibited several varieties of cotton, which grows mainly on the West coast of South America, from Bolivia to the western confines of Patagonia, and on and between the coast and interior ranges, far above the snow line. It grows on trees and needs no cultivation,​ is very hardy and does well in the Northern and Western States. He had a sample sent in a letter from Canada, (grown there) which is superior in texture to any ever raised in "the Land of Dixie."​ The lecture was very interesting and instructive,​ and we all enjoyed it after so long an absence from such intellectual feasts. Cotton is no longer "​King;"​ and even if the rebels are brought to terms, it will he many years before they will recover from their wretched state sufficiently to supply us, (say nothing about the rest of the world) with cotton, consequently we must raise it ourselves or find a substitute. But I will leave this to older heads and more experienced pens. My purpose is simply to give your readers the little incidents of a life in camp, and not a treatise on political economy. I notice in the letters sent from other Regiments, a great deal of boasting, but the "​gallant First" speaks for itself. Wherever we have been stationed thus far, we have received many compliments for our good conduct, neatness of appearance and superior intelligence. We owe much of our reputation to Lieut. Col. Roberts who is the Col. of the Regiment, and is constantly labor for our advancement and improvement in the military art, and at the same time is very kind and attentive to the sick and unfortunate. Mrs. Roberts is a "Good Angel" to the sick and afflicted; dispelling by her kind and genial ways, much of the gloom and loneliness common to a camp hospital. I offer her the tribute of a grateful heart for those kind words and a "​friendly grasp,"​ when fever burned my brow, and assure her that her acts of mercy are felt and appreciated by many - a manly heart. Our friends in Michigan have sent us books, tracts and magazines, from time to time, for which we thank them. I will simply suggest that papers would be more interesting,​ and more generally read by the Regiment. ​ Please call attention to this matter. Detroit and "​home"​ papers please us most, send then along, friends. "The living present"​ is the soldier'​s field, and the newspaper, fresh from the press, he eagerly devours. ​
 +Yours truly,
 +Abner Van Dyke
 +Co. E., 1st Michigan Infantry.
 +And the generations yet unborn, will bless the heroes name: letters and poetry of Abner Van Dyke, 1st Michigan Infantry, 25th Michigan Infantry, U.S. Colored Troops\\ ​
 "Camp Michigan "Camp Michigan
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-Letter of William McMurphy, for sale online ​https://​​products/​details/​LTR-540+Letter of William McMurphy, for sale online\\  
1st_michigan_infantry_sources.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/06 13:14 by admin