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Back to 60th New York Infantry

Ogdensburgh NY St. Lawrence Republican, November 5, 1861

The “Sixtieth” Off.

Friday morning the regiment encamped here for the past seven weeks, took their departure for the seat of war. The night previous, at dress parade, the order to march was read, and the men had spent the most of the night in packing up and getting ready to move. The railroad company had detailed a special train, consisting of eight- teen passenger cars, three baggage and three box cars, and two locomotives for the purpose. At 8 o'clock in the morning the men began to get aboard but it was something after ten before the train moved. The departure attracted a large number of the mothers, sisters, wives and friends of the soldiers, and gave Camp Wheeler an extremly lively appearance. The men were in excellent health and spirits, and left amid the cheers and hearty God speeds of the large crowd.

They go via Rouses Point to Albany where they will receive their cartridge boxes and the uniforms for the few men who have not already received them, and their arms, which are of the most efficient character,— They will remain in New York City over the Sabbath, and then move for the seat of war.


The Advance, November 22, 1861


BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 12.


The “60th” had a prosperous journey, on Nov. 1st, through to Rouse's Point. They were greeted by crowds at every depot, even where the train did not stop.

At 8 1/4 P. M., took two steamers, and landed at Whitehall at 4 the next morning. Passed on in the cars, reaching Albany Saturday noon, Took steamboat and two barges, and landed at New-York at 1 o'clock Sabbath p.m. On Monday, Nov. 4th, had a street parade, and received two more very fine flags. At 8 o'clock, went on board the cars at Jersey City, and lauded at Philadelphia about 8 o'clock Tuesday morning. Were furnished with the very best kind of a breakfast by the Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, (William M. Cooper, President.) and took the Baltimore cars at 8 o'clock, Arrived at Washington at 3 o'clock, Wednesday A.M. In the afternoon, went into camp on Kalorama Heights, three miles: from Washington, Tents were pitched in)the dark, and in the rain. Tuesday, the tents were moved ton different location, near by, On Friday afternoon, they were all “struck,” and the regiment bivouacked that night, all the baggage having been sent to Washington, Saturday morning, they — all started very early, took the cars at Washington, and were scattered along the railroad by companies, The last companies were forced to pitch their tents after dark, and in the rain. Company C now being on the left flank, (2d position in rank,) was the last one unloaded.

The regiment are very comfortably located, and determined to do their duty. — X. the_advance._november_22_1861.png

Daily Dispatch, November 23, 1861

There are three regiments now guarding the line of the railroad between Washington, Baltimore, and Annapolis. They are the Tenth Maine, the First Michigan, and the Sixtieth New York, and the whole in the discharge of this duty are under the command of Col. John U. Robinson, and known formerly in Baltimore as Capt. Robinson, of the regular Army, stationed at Fort McHenry. daily_dispatch_1861-11-23_4.png

Ogdensburgh (NY) St. Lawrence Republican, November 26, 1861

From the “Sixtieth.”

MARYLAND, November 14th, 1861.

MY DEAR SIR: - For the gratification of personal friends, many of whom can hear from me through the columns of the “Journal,” I desire a space to impart a little information of my whereabouts, and of the condition of the regiment.

I reached Washington on Saturday morning, at 8 o'clock, and found the Regiment drawn up at the Station, ready for a start North. I am sorry to say that no man seemed to feel amiable, but all, without exception were filled with wrath. They felt that they had been badly used. Perhaps some one who has been with them during their entire march will give the particulars of their hardships, I forbear to speak of things beyond my knowledge, and will leave it to others to state their own grievances. I am confident that the officers and men will receive ample satisfaction in the end, meanwhile they will try to possess their souls in patience, and their friends at home may rest assured that they will fearlessly discharge their duty in any contingency.

The Regiment is now doing picket duty on the Rail Road between this place and Baltimore, and at several bridges and Mills on the Turnpike. Government freight is accumulating so fast at Baltimore that the railroad, cannot even with the utmost exertion, send near all of it to Washington. It is therefore contemplated by the Administration to take possession of the Turnpike between the two cities, and put on a train of army baggage wagons, If this is done the entire line of the road will need guarding, as the rebels are on the look out for every opportunity to do damage. The 10th Maine and a portition of the 4th Michigan Regiments are encamped near us, and employed like ourselves.

Our camp has been over run with peddlers, some of whom would not only like to take our money, but also our lives. This morning as one of the men was about preparing to cook a cabbage, he had bought of our visitors, he noticed that a portion of the pith had been cut out, and some black powder-like substance bad been inserted, and the plug again nicely fitted to its place. Dr. Gale gave it as his opinion that judging from appearance, the foreign substance was Cobalt. It was sent to the city to be analyzed— Shortly after another vegetable of the same sort was found inserted in the same way, whereupon an awful decimation of Cabbage heads ensued. They were terribly cut up and scattered.

William H. McDonald of Brasher, a member of Captains Elliott's company, met with a sad accident yesterday morning at about three o'clock. He was stationed with two others on picket duty, and feeling unwell, called to a comrade to relieve him, intending to go to his camp and lie down, but thinking that a momentary rest would better enable him to reach camp, be sat down on the railroad between the tracks, and being suddenly overcome by sickness and fatigue, fell asleep. He was not noticed till just as a train was passing, the light on the locomotive revealed his position, but too late for his rescue. The cars passed aver his right foot, mangling it in a most shocking manner. He was brought to the hospital as soon as possible, and his limb amputated about midway between the knee and ankle. He is quite comfortable today.

The friends of Colonel Hayward will probably be interested in reading this, his first General Order after reaching Washington;-—

CAMP KALARAMA, Nov. 8th, 1861

General Order No. 13.

I. God has watched over, kept, guarded, guided and preserved us, without the loss of a man, to arrive at this our first camp in the field, “It therefore behooves us to give Him the thankfulness of our hearts, which the Colonel Commanding trusts will be done by every man in the regiment. Gratitude is due and should be expressed to so great benefactor and so true a friend.

II. In view of our taking the field on the morrow the Colonel hopes that every officer, non commissioned of d soldier will implore the continuance of the divine blessing heretofore so bountifully bestowed upon us, and that each and every one for himself will place himself under the wings of the Almighty.

III. It is recommended that temeperance societies, prayer meetings and singing clubs, be formed in each company for the purpose of refining, elevating and purifying the hearts of all of us, so that we may better discharge our several duties, By order of W. B. HAYWARD, Col, Commanding.
R. C. GALE, Adjutant

The men are all anxious to hear from home. For the present letters intended for them may be adressed thus : “St, Denis P. O., Baltimore Co., Maryland,” it will also save much confusion, as there are several of similar names in the regiment, to direct all letters in care of the Captains to whose company the person addressed belongs.

As you have never, I believe published a list of the principal officers of the Regiment, I send you this which is complete:

Colonel, Wm. B, Hayward, New York, Lieut. Col., Wm. B. Goodrich, Canton; Maj. Charles R. Brundage, Madrid; Adjutant, Rollin C. Gale, New York; Quarter Master, Edwin A. Merritt, […] Surgeon James C. Gale, Canton; Surgeon's Mate, Wm. B Chambers, Albany; Chaplain, Richard Eddy, Canton; Sergeant Major, George W. Hill, Russell; Quarter-Master Sergeant, B T. Bordwell, Morley; Commissary, D. M Robertson, Canton; Drum Major, John Gray Canton; Leader of Band, H. S. Wright, Madrid; Principal Musician, Sanford Blaisdell, North Lawrence.


Co. A, Captain Wm, Montgomery, Canton; 1st Lieut. B. C. Clark, 2d Lieut. M. Crowley.

Co. B, Captain David Day, Jr. Macomb, 1st Lieut John Snyder, 2d Lieut. not elected

Co. C, Capt. J.C. O. Redington, Ogdensburgh, 1st Lieut. James Young, 2d Lieut. T. Hobart.

Co, D, Capt. Winslow M. Thomas, Russell, 1st Lieut, James M. King, 2d Lieut. George M. Gleason.

Co. E., Cap Wm, H. Hyde, Malone, 1st Lieut, P. S. Sinclair, 2d Lieut, H. C. Reynolds.

Co, F., Capt. Thos. Elliott, Heuvelton, 1st Lieut. John Delany, 2 Lieut. M. F. Spencer.

Co. G, Captain Hugh Smith, Madrid, 1st Lieut. C. Foot, 2d Lieut. John Dundom.

Co. H. Captain J. M. Ransom, Champlain, 1st Lieut. L. E. White, 2d Lieut, M. L. Fitch.

Co, I, Capt. Jesse H. Jones, Brasher, 1st Lieut, Guy Hogan, 24 Lieut, Lyman M. Lhedd.

Co. k, Capt. Abel Godard, Richville, 1st Lieut, H. O, Eastman, 2d Lieut A. P. Shipman. Respectfully Yours,


St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, December 3, 1861

From the “Sixtieth.”

MARYLAND, November 26th, 1861.


DEAR SIR: - In a previous letter I detailed to you some of the grievances our men were suffering. As there is now a desire on the part of the company commissioned officers, that friends at home shall understand the unanimous feeling on the subject of the general embarrassment of our condition, I am favored with a copy of the following which you will greatly oblige us by publishing:

CAMP MORGAN, Relay House, MD.,
Nov. 23, 1861.


SIR: On the 16th day of November, inst. the undersigned officers of the 60 Regiment N. Y. S. V., respectfully addressed a letter to Col. Wm. B. Hayward, commanding 60th Regiment, N. Y. S. V., of which the following is a copy:


The undersigned officers of the 60th Regiment, N. Y. S. V., would most respectfully submit to you the following facts: By our united efforts we raised a regiment, of men in Northern New York, from the sturdy farmers, mechanics, hunters and laborers of our own immediate neighborhoods; men who felt that the call of their country was pa[…] amount to all other claims, and they left their homes with strong hearts and willing hands, determined to do their duty in any contingency, You were recommended to these men as their leader, and though a stranger, relying upon those recommendations, they received you with open hearts trusting that you were the man to maintain the good reputation of the regiment, for no men undrilled ever went into the field with a better reputation, which reputation they maintained until we reached Washington.— Since that time our regiment has become completely disheartened. The following are in our opinion the principal causes: You Colonel, have shown a want of coolness and discretion, and excitability and irritability, a disregard for the comfort and welfare of the men, and an utter want of humanity, which combined with your overbearing conduct and lack of common courtesy to the men and officers is the immediate cause of all this dissatisfaction and discouragement. In fact the men and officers have entirely lost confidence in you as a commander, and the sentiment is universal that you are not the man to give them confidence and courage in the field. We do not wish to particularize, but your own sense ought to teach you that you cannot expect men to become good and efficient soldiers, with such feelings existing inst their commander. We, therefore, in view of these facts, most respectfully, as a body, and as individuals, ask you to resign and vacate your position as Colonel of the 60th Regiment, N. Y. S. V. We ask it as a duty which we owe to the men we have brought into the field, and to the friends they have left behind, and to the Northern part of the State of New York, the interests of which we represent. We ask this too, as the only possible means of restoring confidence and courage to our men, now completely broken down and discouraged.

Yours respectfully,

DAVID DAY, 2nd Capt. Co. B.,
WM. H. HYDE, Capt. Co. E.,
HUGH SMITH, Capt. Co, G.,
JESSE H JONES, Capt, Co. J.,
J. M. RANSOM, Capt Co. H.,
J. C. O. REDINGTON, Capt. Co. C.,
ABEL GODARD, Capt, Co, K.,
JAMES M. KING, 1st Lieut, Co, D.,
H. C. REYNOLDS, 2d Co. E.,
A. B. SHIPMAN, 2d Co. K.,
GUY HOGAN, 1st Co J.,
M. F. SPENCER, 2nd Co. F.,
JOHN DELANY, 1st Co. F.,
M. H. CROWLEY, 2d Co. A.,
ORSON M. FOOTE, 1st Co. G.,
P. S. SINCLAIR 1st Co. B.,
JOHN SNYDER, 1st Co. B.,

To this letter we have had no reply, unless a communication addressed to the officers, in which no allusion was made to our letter, might be considered a reply. We have waited patiently for Col Heyward to give us an answer, at the same time hoping that a better state of feeling might exist, and a stronger faith in our Colonel might result from delay. This hope has failed; this faith can accomplish nothing. We have now nothing left us to do but to complain to you as our acting Brigadier, re-affirming all contained in our letter, and adding that, unless some immediate action is taken in this matter, our Regiment, in which we once took so much pride, must become completely disorganized; and our men, the best from our part of the State, in whom we had so much confidence, will become entirely worthless as soldiers.

We, therefore, without prefering specific charges against Col. Hayward, most respectfully ask you to enquire into the condition of the regiment, and give us such counsel as you may judge our case demands.



The Advance, December 13, 1861


CAMP REESE, BALTIMORE, Md., Dec. 5, '61.

The “60th” is an erratic body, the necessary business attending which makes letter-writing difficult. Co. F (Capt. Elliott) is now stationed some four miles below the Relay House; Co. A, (Captain Montgomery,) a mile or two nearer Baltimore; Co, H, (Capt. Ransom,) near the Viaduct Bridge; Co. D, (Capt. Thomas) at the Mount Clare Freight Station, in the city; Co. C, (Capt. Redington,) near the Camden Passenger Station, in the city—a part of the company boarding at the rooms of the Union Relief Association, and having charge of the shipping regiments which pass through Baltimore; and Co. I, (Capt. Jones,) at the Locust Point Freight Depot. A part of Captain Day's company (B) are at Ellicot's Mills, above the Relay House. The remainder of Company B, and Companies G, (Capt. Smith.) E, (Capt. Hyde.) and K, (Captain Goddard,) are at “Camp Rathbone,” a little beyond the Viaduct Bridge. These four spend their time in drilling.

Quite a number of some of the companies are sick with the measles. The men endure the exposure well. There has been but one death in the regiment— Henry W. Powers, of Russell, drummer in Company C.

The regiment are to be paid off to-day.

If any wish to send articles to members of Company C, they can do so by sending them to Clemons & Redington's Music Store, at Ogdensburgh. A box will leave there probably in a few days, for the company.

Allow your correspondent to suggest to the friends of the regiment that mittens from the young ladies would be most pleasant institutions for men on guard there cold nights. X.


St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, December 17, 1861

Items from the Sixtieth Regiment.

The regiment is still guarding the Railroad in the vicinity of Baltimore, although the boys are anxious for quarters farther South.

One of the seminal of, the Sixtieth accidentally shot one of the Maryland Home Guards. They were playfully encountering each other at their sentry Posts, when the Marylander stepped back and snapped his unloaded rifle at the sentinel of Capt. Day's company of the Sixtieth, whose rifle had been loaded without his knowledge. In going through the same manoevre his rifle was discharged, and the Marylander shot near the heart. He lingered about three hours. Before dying he told his fellow sentinel not to feel bad, laying the whole fault on himself, but the poor fellow fainted on being informed of the result of tho accident.

The whole of the Sixtieth has been paid off.

Invoices of mittens, shirts and towels to the different companies will be gladly received.

We regret to learn, as we do by telegraph, of the death of private HENRY W. DUNN, Company G, 60th New York Volunteers. Mr. DUNN died in camp near Baltimore, of intermittent fever; on Wednesday, the 11th inst. Thus has fallen, a young man in the prime of life, who had voluntarily gone forth with high aspirations and strong hopes to serve his country in its hour of peril. The deceased was a son of JOSEPH DUNN, of Morristown, to whose family the news of his death will bring sorrow and distress, but amidst their affliction it will be a consolation to know that he died in the service of his country, universally beloved and esteemed by all his companions in arms.


CAMP RATHBONE, Md., Dec. 24, 1861.

MR. EDITOR: I wish through the columns of your paper to tender to my friends Edwards my sincere and heartfelt thanks for the generous bestowal of a beautiful and useful gift. I cannot but be grateful for the thought, much beloved friends, that you have my well being at Heart, when you have thus presented me with so effective a weapon for the defence of my life, as this superb revolver. And how much soever I may regret the dreadful use of such instruments of death, I assure you I shall highly prize it both as a means of self preservation and also for the donors. Friends, I received from the hands of Mr. Brodie, with a heart overflowing with gratitude, that beautiful testimonial of your esteem, and it has inspired me with renewed determination to acquit myself honorably in our common country’s cause, in doing battle for the great demands of humanity. While thus committing my grateful sentiments to the public eye, our regiment is situated in the midst of danger, and perhaps before the dawn of to-morrow morning, the report of some gun will inform us that some base and treacherous rebel is in or about our camp. Should this be the case, I can assure you, the N. Y. 60th Regiment, S.V, will soon find it out and govern themselves accordingly.

Now, friends, good bye; rest assured that you have my best wishes, and I remain your faithful friend.


Courier and Freeman, December 18, 1861

From the Sixtieth.

The following are extracts from a letter of R. A. Church, dated the 10th inst., addressed to us, from this regiment:

“The 60th is doing guard duty on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, between Baltimore and the Relay House. It is exceedingly important that this railroad, over which nearly all the subsistence of the army of the Potomac passes, be watched and protected. But as one of this command (and I think I utter the sentiment of every officer and soldier,) I should unhesitatingly prefer to be placed where I could be of more service to my country than I am here. The prospect is, however, that we shall remain here three years, or during the war, for we have had orders to build barracks for winter quarters. The weather here is very mild as yet. There have been but few nights cold enough to freeze the ground, and snow is a thing entirely unknown. We have in our camp some fifteen or twenty cases of measles, but I have faith to think that none will terminate fatally. With the exception of this malady, which is gradually increasing, we are free from those infectious diseases that so often prevail in the camp. The regiment, as a whole, is in a good state of health, well fitted to do any duty that may be imposed upon it. I hope that our course may not be such as to merit the disapprobation of the good people of St. Lawrence county, at whose hands we have been the recipients of so many favors.”

The soldiers of the 60th regiment, says a correspondent of the Advance, encamped at Mount Clare Station, Md., recently had a card of welcome and encouragement presented to them by the loyal citizens of Baltimore, to which they responded in fitting terms. And this in the same city where soldiers last Spring, on their way to defend the capital, were shot down in the streets by a secession mob. Truly the Union cause grows stronger every day.

The whole regiment have been paid off except Capt. Jones' company, where the paymaster is now at work.


The Baltimore Sun, December 23, 1861

The Railroad Guard —A few nights since the sentinels of the New York Sixtieth Regiment detected suspicious parties near the railroad track towards Washington, who were supposed to have designed obstructing the road, or interfering with the safe passage of the trains. The interlopers were fired at, but in the darkness made their escape. The efficiency with which their important duties are performed by the regiments between Baltimore and Washington, under the general command of Brigadier General John C. Robinson, (late of the United States army,) have enlisted the attention of travelers between Baltimore and the capital. The First District of Columbia Regiment is posted between Washington and Bettsville, the First Michigan between Beltsville and Annapolis Junction, the Tenth Maine between Annapolis Junction and the Western Junction at Relay, and the New York Sixtieth from the Relay to the Locust Point and other stations of the road in Baltimore. Col. Wm. B. Hayward, of the latter regiment, has 960 efficient men under his command. He has lately issued to them a printed circular of instructions, by which they are required to assiduously guard all the bridges, culverts and switches; to patrol the line by day and night; to prevent obstructions being laid on the track by malicious persons, and to warn off all interlopers at all doubtful in their purposes.— These duties seem to be effectively performed, although involving considerable exposure to the men at this season.


St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, December 24, 1862

From the “Sixtieth.”

Maryland, December 13th, 1861


On the 5th inst., Paymaster Smith came down from Washington and brought us our pay for services up to Nov. 1st. The total amount paid to the regiment was about $15,000. Of this sum the following amounts are known to have been sent home by the officers and men of hte several companies as follows:

Co. A $1,324.00 Co. B 840.00 Co. C 700.00 Co. D 1334.23 Co. E 1,180.22 Co. F 295.00 Co. G 375.25 Co. H 556.00 Co. J 593.27 Co. K 853.95 Total $795,362

Most of this was sent by Express, and it is probably that more was sent my mail than I have any account of; also that quite an amount was sent by the Field and Staff Officers. In addition to all thus accounted for the sum of $460 has been paid to the band for the purchase of instruments. About $500 more will be needed to complete their set, and it will be cheerfully given out of the January payment.

Another death occurred in our regiment this morning, Aaron Gear, a resident of Pitcairn, and a member of Co. D, died of Typhoid Fever. Hugh Adrian of Heuvelton, a member of Co F, is lying very sick with the same disease. He is at the City Hospital, and has every possible care and attention. Several who have been very sick with fever are rapidly recovering. The measles are very prevalent in camp. About forty are now in different stages of sickness. Dr. Gale and his assistant are meeting with good success in their treatment of this so much dreaded disease. In many camps about us it has been attended with great mortality.

We are now making active preparations for winter quarters, having received orders to erect barracks. Our camp is located on the Southern bank of a fresh water pond, from which the Susquehanna Ice Company gets its sock in trade. The pond is also famed as the place where the notorious Winans experimented with his cigar-shaped steamer.

Last Thursday night at a little past ten o'clock, we were startled by a very heavy explosion, followed immediately by that peculiarly whizzing sound, which is said to those familiar with such things, to accompany the passage of a bomb. That it was a bomb, the Corporal of the guard, who was going the roads with his relief, was very confident, for the thing struck the ground only three feet from him. Of course a scampering ensued, for no one cares to be near a bursting projectile. But after a moment or so had passed, search was made for the missile, when it was found to be a piece of a locomotive boiler flue, about three feet long and weighing perhaps fifteen pounds. Several of us immediately started for the Railroad, distant about three hundred rods in the rear of our camp, and there saw that a locomotive had exploded, and was in fragments. The force of the explosion had thrown it from the track, and whatever remained that was combustible about it was on fire.

Col. Hayward sent down several officers and about twenty men to extinguish the flames, and render such other assistance as might be needed. Capt. Ransom was standing on the steps of the locomotive at the time of the explosion, having but just got on for the purpose of riding down the length of his lines to see how well his men were doing their guard duty. He providentially escaped unharmed.

A soldier connected with one of the Wisconsin regiments was on the locomotive. He must have been thrown an enormous distance in the air, as his body was found deeply imbedded in the clay about two rods from the locomotive. The fate of the engineer was however most surprising. His body was found in a field 650 feet distant from the locomotive. The dome of the engine, weighing about one ton, was found about eighty feet beyond the engineer.

The train to which this powerful locomotive was attached, was made up of Government freight cars, and had just started for Washington. It was a very heavy train, and was moving very slowly, which fact alone prevented a great destruction of property. As it was, but one car was demolished. Its cargo, however, hay pressed in bales, was uninjured.
Yours, &c., R. EDDY.


The Advance, December 27, 1861





DEAR SIR: I have just received your letter, intimating that I am to expect a receipt of the Advance. I assure you it will come welcome to us, and our company will watch Captain Eddy pretty closely. We are hungry for your local columns, and what of interest. may be transpiring around our old homes in the far-off North.

With respect to our company, or matters of our regiment, there is not much of importance to transmit, The most of moment is our company's sick-list, which amounts to eighteen, We are having a rather hard run of the measles, and there are one or two cases of typhoid fever; but we do not give up any of them to die as yet: we hope that by good care they may weather the gale and sail clear of the dark gates of death: we cannot lose them. As a company, we have determined, whatever others may do, to behave ourselves, and are much attached to each other, have earned a name for honesty, and have been kindly cared for during our sickness, by kind-hearted Union friends in Baltimore, for which we take every opportunity to thank them.

Since my last, we have moved our quarters, and are now in two brick buildings, built for engine houses, have plenty of air and room, and sleep comfortably: nor can our fare now-a-days be complained of. We have bread, beef, pork, beans, potatoes, rice, “Hominy!” sugar, coffee, and, last, though not least—tea. Our bread is the Baltimore aerated, unfermented article, and is the best bread I ever saw: but, nevertheless, please tell Gen. Judd that we've seen the time when we should like to sit around his table at old Camp Wheeler; and some of us feel a “leetle” on the grateful side. Any way, we promise the General a hearty shake hands, if we meet him again.

Yesterday, Sergeant Adams of our company, and myself, obtained leave of absence for the day, and had a fine old time visiting the war preparations in the vicinity of this great city. We got a skiff and rowed across the smooth waters of the Bay, and from thence down to Fort McHenry. We walked around that nest of iron bull dogs, found the garrison in good spirits and in fine military order, walked up the beach, and had a good view at the vessels-of-war lying in the harbor, and a splendid prospect of the city. It is a magnificent sight–its tall towers, its lofty spires, its huge edifices, tastefully-built dwellings, its finely-laid out streets; its endless labyrinth of foundries, factories, and storehouses; the perfect tamarack-swamps of masts, spars, bowsprits, and rigging, whose long hulls lay to the gunwale in water, or, more buoyant, lie by themselves asleep on the light blue surface of the Chesapeake: whose make and rigging warrant: that they were built for more active business; for on close inspection, certain “square holes” were discovered, from which is wont to come forth fire, smoke, and cannon balls, is, altogether, an array worth one's while. I pity those who, from fear of far off danger, would not enlist: for their loss of what they might have enjoyed is bitter punishment.

One company is detached on railroad guard duty, and our task is arduous, standing on post every other day four hours on and eight hours off, for twenty four hours. But there comes one day of rest, which is improved in writing, going down town, and in some cases coming back “pretty much how d'ye dew:” washing, mending, tearing, wrestling, jumping, &c., &c. Indeed, I wish you could […]st step into our “shanty” this minute; I'd like to see you enjoy the picture presented, the phazes of which are in ludicrous order. Letter-writing is now the general business, and most are engaged, from the rapid penman all the way down to the tug-and-pull genius who hooks from right to left like a combative cow, while he speculates whether the queer looking mazy labyrinth he is perpetrating will convey his hard-drawn ideas.

I was at headquarters of the regiment to-day I saw most of the officers, and think they are looking finely. Lieut.Col. Goodrich is becoming much liked by the entire regiment; and permit me here to signify in behalf of our company our unanimous thanks for the kind manner in which he carries himself toward us.

Major Brundage still maintains the high popular position he earned in our opinion. He is a military man, and a gentleman: not in that distant and dignified sense which places a deep and vast abyss between him and those lower in office and station, but in that just sense which true Northern freemen so much prize—an easy and unaffected native simplicity of manner.

Adjutant Gale continues to issue orders in the same quick, sharp, and prompt voice as usual, besides finding time to greet us with a hearty “good day.” Ah! we wouldn't swap him for any one else for his position. Our Quartermaster's and Commissary's department is well filled officially. I canot particularize all, but grading down from where I left off, we are as well suited as we could ask, especially in company commanders.

Yours &c.,

Death in the Sixtieth.

BALTIMORE, Dec. 13, 1861.

Another one of the sixtieth has yielded to the “destroyer.”

Aaron Geer of Company D,, (Capt. Thomas), died of typhoid fever yesterday morning at nine o'clock, at the hospital at headquarters. He was from Pitcairn, and stood well in his company. His age was twenty-two. The funeral will be attended at one o'clock this (Wednesday) P. M, at the Loudon Cemetry.

The life of exposure here is a hard one, each man being out every other night, but the men of the sixtieth are enduring it well. X.


To his friends we would, as a company, say that our lamented comrade has borne his illness with a “fortitude worthy of a brave man and a soldier; that he was punctual and trusworthy on duty, kind to his fellow-soldiers at all times, and that we beg to share with his relatives in the consolation that he died in the discharge of his duty, and in the service of his country. CO. D.

Judson & Powell received a telegram on Saturday evening from Captain Thomas Elliott, of the 60th regiment, at Baltimore, that Mortimer Stevens was, dead. Mr. Stevens volunteered from, Heuvelton,–was the son of Moses Stevens, and we learn was a fine young man and very much esteemed by his comrades. He died a true patriot, defending his country's honor. His remains are soon to arrive here. May their kind Heavenly Father grant comfort and consolation to hearts so sadly bereaved by this affliction.


Frontier Palladium, January 2, 1862

Company E, 60th Regiment.

Company E, Capt. WM. H. HYDE of Bangor, 1st Lieut, P. S. SINCLAIR, of Malone, in the 60th Regiment of New York State Volunteers, is now stationed at Camp Robinson, three miles east of Baltimore. The Regiment is guarding the Baltimore and Washington Railroad, between Baltimore and the Relay House.

One member of the Company, SAMUEL P. MELVIN, of Franklin, died Dec. 19th last.

In December the Company was paid by the Government for service down to Nov. 1st, embracing a period of about one and a half months. Out of the funds so paid, the members forwarded to Malone to their friends the sum of ten hundred and ninety one dollars and thirty cents. This fact speaks well for the members.

Lieut. Sinclair is now at Malone, and has a recruiting office, here to fill up vacancies in the Regiment.


The Baltimore Sun, January 7, 1862

Private W. H. Morgan, of the Sixtieth New York Regiment, doing picket duty on the line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, was fired upon near the suburbs of the city on Saturday night, and shot through the two middle fingers of his right hand by some concealed person, who escaped. Morgan was conveyed to the National Hotel hospital, where his wound was dressed.


The Baltimore Sun, January 10, 1862

Fatal Railroad Accident—A Picket Killed on The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.—About 10 o'clock on Wednesday night, after the last tonnage train left the Camden Station on its way to Mount Clare, and when near Russell's Curve, the engineman, J. Buckey, discovered something on the track in front of the engine. Before the speed of the train could be checked, the engine and six cars passed over the object. The train being stopped, the engineman went Back, and found rolled up and horribly mangled the body of a man, which proved to be that of Edwin T. Porter, a private in Captain Ransom's company of the Sixtieth New York regiment, at present guarding the railroad track. The deceased was one of the pickets at the above point, and must have been sitting upon the track asleep. When struck his musket was thrown some distance from him, and it was afterwards found not much damaged. The body was removed to the headquarters of deceased's company, at the foot of Eutaw street, where an inquest was held by Coroner Battee at two o'clock yesterday afternoon. verdict of accidental killing was rendered, and exonerating the railroad company.


The Advance, January 10, 1862





On December 29th, 1861, Holley Meacham died of “Typhoid Fever. He was a member of Company K, (Capt. Goddard,) and formerly resided at Hopkinton, He was buried yesterday.

On Jan, 1st, 1862, Louis Dussie, of Co, A, (Capt. Montgomery,) died of Measles, He was a resident of Potsdam; age, 21, He was buried to-day.

Company C last evening received with great cheers a well-filled box, from the ladies of Brier Hill, Most thankfully are such tokens of affection accepted by all soldiers.

Col, Hayward has resigned. X.


St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, January 14, 1862

From the “Sixtieth.”

Maryland, January 2d, 1862

The regularity with which the copy of the Journal you are so kind as to send me comes to hand, is a constant reminder of my obligations to you, and an incitement to send you a few items for its columns, though I sometimes fear that my letters can have but little interest to your readers. Camp life is somewhat monotonous, though a very busy one to such as are disposed to do their duty. An attempt to write of anything of importance outside the camp would be labor lost since the telegraph instantly reports about all that is worth knowing.

The latest and most exciting topic of news among ourselves is the resignation of Col. Heyward, which was forwarded by letter last night to our Brigade Head Quarters at Annapolis Junction. In conversation with the Colonel this morning, he informed me that reasons wholly of a “private nature,” had induced him to take the step. What those reasons are, it of course concerns no one to know without Colonel Heyward's consent. It is, however, well known to your readers, that the Regiment has ever since its arrival South, been dissatisfied with its commander. No one here, at least no considerable number, impute and wrong motives to him, but while all concede that he has probably endeavored to do what was for the best, and that his intentions have been good, the opinion is very general that he has frequently fallen into mistakes, and has failed to regain the confidence which was so enthusiastically placed in him at the time he took command at Camp Wheeler.

Having written the above, it is due to Col. Hayward that, I add, that in what ever he has done, he affirms that he has acted under orders from his superiors, and that he is in no way responsible for many things for which he is blamed, and that also whatever seeming overbearance has been manifest at times, it has never proceeded from any studied effort to be arrogant, but was produced by mental excitement caused by bodily ill health, exposure, want of sleep, and all the circumstances which cause and attend nervous and physical debility.

The resignation will doubtless be accepted. No ill-will, I trust, will follow the Colonel when he leaves us, but, on the contrary, a sincere and earnest wish that some happier lot than he has known while among us may be bestowed on him, and that peace and prosperity attend all his days.

We get no information of the doings of our Recruiting officers. If any have been detefred from enlisting by any rumors of sickness among us, as is intimated to me, I have only say that aside from the cases of measels, which have now about had their run, the health of our men has been better than the average of troops. With the measels, as I think I have previously written, our surgeons have, more than usual good success. As soon as the barracks, now in process of erection, are completed, our men will have comfortable quarters, and be as well off as any soldiers can be. Let our ranks then be filled up, and a hearty aid given & those we have sent North for that purpose.

I regret to announce that we have had two deaths in Camp this week, Holley E. Meachand, of Hopkinton, member of Co. K, and Lewis Dupra, of Parishville, member of Co. A. The former had been sick some weeks with a bronchial difficulty, and died Tuesday, at about 10 A. M, the latter died suddenly of measels at 3 A. M. on Wednesday. Young Meachand was well aware of his condition for same hours before his departure, and was much resigned to his death, retaining consciousness and speech till the last moment. Dupra was to all appearance doing well up to 9 P. M. on Tuesday, when he began to strangle by an accumulation of mucus in his lungs and instantly loosing consciousness so remained till the last. Both were good and efficient young men, ever ready for duty, and much esteemed by their comrades. Their bodies repose side by side in Loudon Park Cementry. May those who mourn their departure be comforted by the assurance that their spirits have returned to God who gave them. Yours truly,

From the 60th.

MOUNT CLARE STATION, Baltimore, Jan, 6, 1862.


I beg leave to say to the friends in St. Lawrence that the New York Sixtieth are fast recovering from the effects of the measles which we have pretty generally had.

We were much surprised on the first day of January to receive as our New Years gift, the resignation of our Colonel. I believe him to be an honest man of undoubted and undisputed patriotism, who made a great sacrifice to serve his country, but of his capacity - the deponent saith not. He undoubtedly made a good Clerk. I have known some men who would make excellent deacons, but very poor ministers.

The rank and file are every day becoming more and more attached to the field staff and line officers. As a regiment we feel determined to do our whole duty in any place or capacity assigned us; determined never to tarnish the honor of the county from which we hail.

We hope yet to make our mark and teach our Southern brothers that the sturdy sons of St. Lawrence will perish to a man or see the old time honored flag wave over their soil.

Most of us regret that Mason and Slidell are given up. Better to sacrifice a million of lives and thereby secure to future generation a nation's name, honored and dignified, than grant an unjust claim made upon us, and that too when engaged in suppressing rebellion at home. In my opinion a nation compromises more dignity in granting an unjust claim, made with a view of taking advantage of its crippled condition, than it would to grant the same claim when conscious of its supreme strength.

Yesterday I visited Washington and there learned that Gen. McClellan intends to make an onward movement within a few days.

As yet we have seen no snow. The weather is beautiful in the extreme, resembling very much the weather we generally get in September and October at home.

Yours truly, G. M. G.


St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, January 21, 1862

The Resignation of Col. Hayward.


Col. John C. Robinson, Commanding Railway Brigade, Annapolis Junction.

SIR: Considerations of a private nature influence me to tender, through you, to his Excellency, E. D. Morgan, Governor of the State of New York, to Major General Geo. R. McClellan, Commanding Army of the Potomac, or the Adjutant General of the United States Army, my resignation of the commission of Colonel of the Sixtieth Regiment New York State Volunteers.

From the date of the commission until the persent moment, I have the innate consciousness of having obeyed every superior order, and having conformed in spirit and letter to Revised Army Regulations and to the Articles of War.

The love of country beats as warmly in my heart now as when a young Second Lieutenant in the United States Army, and as when having declined the Colonelcy of another regiment from conscientious motives, I sacrificed private and pecuniary considerations to accept this position.

Need I, therefore, say that when my services are demanded by my country in any exigency, I shall be ready to make any sacrifice for that sake.

I have the honor to be, with much respect, your most obedient servant,
Colonel Sixtieth Regiment N. Y. S. V.

January 10, 1862.

DEAR SIR: Your resignation as Colonel of the Sixtieth Regiment New York State Volunteers, having been accepted, it affords me much pleasure to state that I have always found you prompt, ready and willing to obey and execute all orders and instructions that have been communicated to you during your connection with this brigade — Our private intercourse, renewed after a separation of more than twenty years, has been of the most pleasant kind, and in your retirement to civil life you carry with you my esteem and kindest wishes for your success and welfare. Very truly yours,

Colonel Commanding Brigade.


The Advance, January 24, 1862


[From the Baltimore Sun, January 10.]

A few nights since, the sentinels of the New York Sixtieth Regiment detected suspicious parties near the railroad track towards Washington, who were supposed to have designed obstructing the road, or interfering with the safe passage of the trains. The interlopers were fired at, but in the darkness made their escape. The efficiency with which these important duties are performed by the regiments between Baltimore and Washington, under the general command of Brig.-General John C. Robinson (late of the United States Army,) has enlisted the attention of travelers between Baltimore and the Capital. The First District of Columbia Regiment is posted between Washington and Beltsville, the First Michigan between Beltsville and Annapolis Junction, the Tenth Maine between Annapolis Junction and the Western Junction at Relay, and the New York Sixtieth from the Relay to the Locust Point and other stations of the road in Baltimore. Colonel William B. Hayward, of the latter regiment, has 960 efficient men under his command. He has lately issued to them a printed circular of instructions, by which they are required to assiduously guard all the bridges, culverts, and switches; to patrol the line by day and night; to prevent obstructions being laid on the track by malicious persons, and to warn off all interlopers at all doubtful in their purposes. These duties seem to be effectively performed, although involving considerable exposure to the men at this season.


The Advance, January 31, 1862


RATHBONE, BALTIMORE, Jan. 13th, 1862.


You undoubtedly have heard of the feeling which has existed in our regiment ever since we left Camp Wheeler, toward our Colonel. I think it would be safe to call it almost hatred, for I think there is not a single officer or private in the whole regiment, but what has looked upon him with contempt.

We were however in receipt of news this morning that greatly lit up the dim future, which seemed before us. At an early hour this morning as the different companies were drawn up for inspection, they were told that their Colonel's resignation had been accepted, and he, Col. W. B. Hayward had been discharged from the service in Uncle Sam's Army.

At this announcement of good news, there arouse three of the heartiest cheers mad a tiger, that has been given since we left Camp Wheeler. At ten o'clock we were called for dress parade, where the paper of discharge was read by the Adjutant, and had it not been just before divine service, I think the boys would have given him three times three and tigers. Just before parade was dismissed Lieut. Col. Goodrich (who by the way is a great favorite in the regiment and a perfect gentleman,) made a few remarks appropriate to the occasion.

As our new barracks are about completed, and our granny Colonel about to depart, each man seems invigorated with new life, and I think ere long our regiment will be among the A., No. Ones. The health of the regiment is fast improving and the measles seems to be growing among the things that were. The weather is at present delightful, and as warm as September. We have had but one cold snap which lasted only a few days and made ice two inches thick, which is the thickest we have seen this winter. My health was never better and sogerin seems to agree with me.

We have a splendid set of new instruments and are getting so that that we think we can play some.


Camp Loan, near Baltimore, Jan. 22, 1862.


The 60th is moving on in the even […] of its way. All the companies on the Railroad are snugly ensconced in barracks, and the four companies at the head quarters of the regiment are moving into theirs to-day. All will then be well off for soldiers. Recent occurrences have not been of any very alarming interest. A few men have shot off fingers and thumbs, but have satisfied themselves and all concerned, that the thing doesn't pay.

Mr. Hayward, (former Colonel) left the Regiment on Jan. 13th. There seems to be a unanimous desire that Lieut. Col. Goodrich be promoted to fill the vacancy. This gentleman has won the esteem and confidence of the regiment in an unusual high degree. A petition for his appointment has gone on to Albany.

It is the universal wish that Major Brundage be promoted to the Lieutenant Colonelcy, if a vacancy does occur; and also the general desire that the senior Captain, (David Day 2d, of Macomb,) be appointed Major.

Sickness has considerably diminished, and the spirits of the men are highly hopeful and prompt for duty.

The men are being paid off to-day, and will soon remember their friends at home with different quantities of the needful.

Yours, &c., X.


The New York Reformer, February 1, 1862


near Baltimore, Jan. 28, 1862.

Hoping a few lines from the Sixtieth may be interesting to your readers, I will try to address them a few.

The weather, for the past few days, has been very stormy: heavy falls of rain, mingled with snow—but to-day “old shiner” has come out, rapidly dissolving the snow and fine hail which fell last night. Our sentinels came in this morning covered with snow, having been on post four hours.— Those not provided with rubber overcoats were wet through. They took it all in goop part, feeling that they were doing it for their country.

Our regiment is now in comfortable quarters. We are about 2 1-2 miles from Baltimore—that is, four companies are here this we call “Headquarters.” The other companies are stationed along the railroad, at convenient distances, for relieving sentinels. The people around here tell us that “more than half of Baltimore are secessionists;”—be that as it may, we think it would be a hard matter for any of them to tear up any portion of the road.

The health of the regiment is very much improved. A month ago, some 200 were reported “not fit for duty,” but now, we are glad to say, that number is much reduced: those in the hospital are reported “convalescent.” We have lost but nine in all by disease.

A man of company H, a few nights ago, was run over by the cars, and instantly killed. John Forward of company K, while doing duty on the railroad, was struck, knocked down, and somewhat injured in the head, hip and ankle, but there is no doubt he will recover.

The United States Paymaster paid us a welcome visit the other day, distributing dimes and “shiners.”

We find a great difference between plowing, planing and book-keeping, and followlowing a soldier's life. Whatever the probabilities may be of our returning home in a few months, we want to stay and see the fight out. The “boys,” as well as the press, are anxious to hear the command, “forward, march.” We are well provisioned and clothed, and expect to have a new suit in a few days.

Capt, Godard started for home (Richville) yesterday, to be gone a few days.

Since the resignation of Col. Wm. B. Hayward, we have been under the command of Lieut. Col. Goodrich,

Yours, D.


St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, February 4, 1862

From the Sixtieth.

From Our Regular Correspondent.



We have now got fairly moved into our barracks, though, as the women folks sometimes say about housekeeping, we are not yet settled. You see by the above that we have got a new name. It comes a little odd to use it at first, but as it belongs to a man whom we all esteem and honor, the pen soon gets used to writing it with ease.

It seems that were too late in making our position to Governor Morgan for our new Colonel. He sent us back word of his personal satisfaction with our nominee, and of the personal pleasure it would have given him to have gratified our wishes, but added that the position had already been tendered to a man of excellent qualification who had been ordered to report himself here for duty.

To-day at noon, Col. GEORGE SEARS GREENE was introduced to Lieut. Colonel GOODRICH, as our commandant, by a note from acting Brigadier General ROBINSON. The antecedents of Colonel GREEN I am not at all familiar with. I have been told that he is a man of military education, and has seen service as an officer in the Regular Army, but for a few years past has been engaged as an engineer in connection with the Croton water works in the City of New York. I hope that he is the name we need. If so, he will I am sure, gain the esteem, confidence and affection of the entire regiment. If appearances should indicate that is not, then I fear […] happy results, both for him as ourselves. His position just now is not an enviable one. I have most earnest hopes for his success and shall rejoice if he proves himself to be just the man for the place, and the time. Every man here ought to cooperate with him in everything that manifests […]iness, and whatever indicates efficiency in military affairs.

The Colonel's arrival absorbs all interest to-day, and I am doubtful if there is any other news with us. Our regiment, however, has been paid off since I last wrote, and a very large amount of money is being sent North. The amount remitted by each company, will be stated as soon as we can get around to it.

A private in Company K, the name is now out of my mind, had a very narrow escape from death on Tuesday last. Walking on his guard-beat, he noticed a train coming on the track where he stood, and immediately stepping off on another track to avoid danger, was struck by the Locomotive of an Express train, coming from an opposite direction. He was violently thrown quite a distance, but providentially escaped with only a few flesh wounds, and a very severe shock to his nervous system. He is now doing well.

Lieut. Sinclair and Sergeant Willson reached camp with their squad of recruits yesterday morning. A new and larger recruiting party left for the North last night.

Yours truly, RICHARD EDDY.


Frontier Palladium, February 6, 1862

From the Sixtieth Regiment.

CAMP ROBINSON, MD., Jan. 29, 1862.

EDITOR PALLADIUM: Perhaps a word from […] the sixtieth N. Y. S. Volunteers might be met with some pleasure by those who have an interest in our welfare.

“We are now in the above named camp, about three and a half miles south of Baltimore city, near the railroad leading from Baltimore to Washington, on the east side of the rail-road, with wood and water in abundance and near the camp. The health of our company at this time is quite good, there being only about four […] and of that number but two in […] considered very dangerous.

Our officers are all good, in fact we think and […] better than any other in our regiment. Our Captain, WM. H. HYDE, is a man who is worthy of the position which he holds, […] and respected by all in […] and one that will do to rely on in […] One word about our First Lieutenant P. S. SINCLAIR. He is a noble and […] hearted man, and has won the affections of the whole Company, and is qualified to lead the bravest hearts to action. Second Lieutenant HOSEA C. REYNOLDS, is a young man of intelligence, mild and gentle in his disposition, and will be fierce as a lion when called into action. I sincerely believe and know he will stand by the Company as long as there is one man left. […] he has gained the esteem of all who know him.

We have not had any fighting to do yet, but when we are called on you may expect a good […] the “bloody Sixtieth,” as we have […] have the true grit.



Courier and Freeman, February 12, 1862

Army Correspondence.

MESSRS. EDITORS:—I hope you will pardon a sick soldier for addressing you a few lines. have been in hospital over four months having typhoid fever, the diptheria, and am now suffering with paralysis of lower extremities. My object in writing is to inform our friends in New York State how we are used in military hospitals. I know the people in the country have awful ideas about such institutions!

This hospital and four others constitute the general hospitals of Alexandria. The medical director is Dr. Porter, an able and experienced army surgeon. He exercises supervision over the whole, signs requisitions, &c., and sees that things are carried on properly. The physician in charge of this hospital is Dr. Robertson, a Scotchman, a graduate of University and Royal College, Edinburgh.

It would astonish our New York friends to see how nice things are in the house—everything so clean—our merest wants attend, ed to. We have 120 beds, and they are always full. The patients do so well that the surgeons of several of the New York regiments try to get their patients sent here; the 27th New York, tor instance; has 23 men here. Although the patients are very sick when sent in, all the cases being typhoid fever or typhoid pneumonia, yet the mortality is very small, only one death having occurred in 35 days, and he was dying when sent in. for he did not live 30 hours. For the past three months, since Dr. P. took charge, not a single case of typhoid fever has resulted fatally.

We had a most happy time of it Christmas and New Years; the convalescents decorated the wards with evergreens; the effect was fine and hag a happy influence upon the sick. A fine dinner was prepared, and I am certain some of your first-class hotels would not have been ashamed of our bill of fare. We had turkeys, cranberry sauce, celery, prunes, peaches—in fact, everything nice, and all who were able to go about enjoyed themselves amazingly, and those in bed had the nicest dainties. We are proud of our hospital, for at the other hospitals they had no decorations, no nice times, at New Years. If all the military hospitals were conducted like this, if they had such a kind and skillful physician, if they had such amiable and attentive nurses, soldiers, I believe, would get sick on purpose to be sent to them. The fame of this hospital has gone abroad. God bless the government, for providing such asylum for the sick. If all were like the Fairfax street hospital, the friends of the sick soldier need have no fears as regards their comfort or treatment.

N.C. PELSUE, 16th Regt, N. Y. S. V.

We give below an extract from a letter written at Camp Elliott, by a volunteer, to his father in this county:—

* * You want I should give you a description of camp and camp life, do you? Well, our camp or barracks are much like those at old Camp Wheeler. The bunks are much more roomy, and occupied by two only. The fronts are boarded up, and in front is a neat rack for the guns. The sabres, belts, cartridge boxes, &c., of each man are hung upon his gun. At the head is a shelf for the knapsack, haversack and cap. The men in barracks are divided into sections, each section in charge of a corporal, whose duty it is to make them observe order in all things, and Keep themselves clean, &c. We have a jolly row occasionally. Last night sabres were drawn by some drunken fellows in my platoon, while trying to enforce order at “taps,” but the sight of a shining row of rifles brought them to time.

The life of the soldier in the N.Y. 60th is about as follows:

lst. Man that is born of woman and enlisted in the 60th, is of few days and short of rations.

2d. He that cometh forth at “reveille” is present also at “retreat;” yea, even at “tattoo,” and retireth, apparently, at, “taps.”

3d, He draweth his rations of the commissary and devoureth the same. He striketh his teeth against much hard bread and is satisfied. He mounteth the cars and placeth the mouth of the canteen at the bung of a whisky barrel and after a little while he goeth away rejoicing at his strategy.

4th. Much soldiering hath made him sharp; yea, even the seat of his breeches are in danger of being cut through.

5th. His tent aboundeth in potatoes, cabbage, and other delicious morsels not to be found in the commissary department, and many other things not in the “return,” and which never will return, Yea! for a surety, the New York 60th never take anything which they cannot reach.

5th, The grant of a pig, or the crowing of a cock, awakeneth him from the soundest sleep, and he sauntereth forth, until halted by the guard, when he instantly clasps his hands upon his bread basket, and the guard: in commiseration alloweth him to pass to the rear.

6th. No sooner hath he passed the sentry's beat than he striketh a bee-line for the nearest hen roost, and seizing a pair of plump pullets returneth, soliloquizing to himself— The noise of a goose saved Rome; how much more the flesh of the chicken sustaineth the soldier. At such times he giveth freely to his comrades, yea, and withholdeth not from the lank, expectant hoosier, of the Maine tenth. Amen.

The above is a right description, I reckon. They are the facts as I know them. When thou requireth more information of military matters, please let me know.

Here is some of our drill exercise. The company is drawn up in line of battle, and the Orderly begins, “Attention, squad! Load in nine times, load. 1st motion, handle-cartridge; 2d, tear. cartridge; 3d, charge cartridge; 4th, spring rammers; 5th, […]; 6th, prime; 7th, ready; 8th; aim; 9th, fire, “Load! Where the devil are yer rammers?” “Why, air, don't you see them in the target; sir? You didn't gie the order, “return rammers,” so we just fired 'em off.” That was a good one on the sergeant, wasn't it?

I am writing at 2 o'clock A. M., sitting in my bunk, (am on duty to-night,) by the light of a nice wax candle. I had a dozen presented to me by a man who procured a box of them last night; also some fine apples and a little white sugar. I understand my friend has a barrel of each.

Our rations, 'tis true, are not very palatable at all times. For supper we have bread and coffee, and for breakfast meat is added. Most, of us buy molasses, and sometimes butter and cheese. With these and what the Lord provides we fare quite comfortably.

Last night, when the rain was pouring down in torrents, and the wind raging its highest, an alarm was As sounded by the pickets. Bang! bang!—”Officer of the guard, double quick!” The bold corpus rushes out into the storm and darkness, never halting lee he reaches the “pickets who sounded the alarm, where he finds the bold soger boy all excitement. ‘What's the trouble, here?” “Why, I halted a feller, and he didn't stop, so I shot him,” “Where is he?” “Right over there in the lot; I heard him groan. just now.” Cautiously the place is searched, when lo! the mortal: remains of a bloody bull-calf met their enquiring eyes.

Next morning when, the relief came in my bold soldier was assailed by an hundred anxious enquiries after “that delectable bull,” and he will probably not soon hear the last of it.


St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, February 18, 1862

From the Sixtieth.

From Our Regular Correspondent.



Since writing my last, two deaths have occurred in our ranks. Ozro C. Dunton died of Typhoid Fever on the 28th of January. - He had been sick several weeks. Edmund Mason died suddenly this morning of Congestion of the brain, having been sick but a few hours. These were both members of Co. K.

We have never had so few on our sick list as now; but the sudden death this morning, warns us against raising too many hopes of exemption from mortality, from the mere fact of our present healthiness.

Last week seems to have been a peculiarly favorable one for sick soldiers. There were no deaths at either of the army hospitals in Baltimore, although at the National Hotel there are 243 patients, and at the Adams House 80.

The weather during the past few days has been very unfavorable to health, but our men have learned to take better care of themselves than formerly, the measles have had their run, and we can stand bad weather. On Monday we got a fall of snow, about four inches, it was calculated, but it has nearly all gone now, the rain of to-day promising to wipe out all we can now see.

Since we got into our winter-quarters, the men seem disposed to avail themselves of the opportunities offered for general improvement. A Literary Society has been started, a Temperance organization is being effected, prayer meetings are held, and one company has started a spelling school. Everybody seems to be cheerful and contented. Col. Greene has made a very favorable impression and must, I am sure, from his bearing, win the respect of all.

Of the money received at last pay-day, the following amounts have been sent from here by Express and otherways, chiefly to Northern New York:-

From Field and Staff officers $1449.00
From Members of the Band 651.60
From Co. A 1762.00
From Co. B 1200.00
From Co. C 1000.00
From Co. D 1777.00
From Co. E 1579.00
From Co. F 1000.00
From Co. G 1434.30
From Co. H 1350.00
From Co. I 1587.25
From Co. K 1630.00
Total $16,521.15

I am not sure that the above statement includes all, but it is as near as can very well be estimated. Companies B. and F. have probably sent more, and the amount may be safely set down in round numbers, as Seventeen Thousand Dollars. Its circulation in your region will do not a little towards relieving many from burdens, softening the rigors of winter, and making many helpers to each other. May it do such good.
Yours Truly,


St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, February 25, 1862

From the Sixtieth.

From Our Regular Correspondent.



Soon after sending you my last, I learned that Company H had sent home more money than I had credited them with in my report. The amount sent by them was fourteen hundred and thirty-five dollars. I make the correction with much pleasure and chiefly because Companies H. and I, who have done so well are more exposed to temptations to spend their money foolishly than any of the rest of the men are. They are located in the city, a city which, as some of your readers may have heard, has not a remarkable reputation for sobriety and morality. All honor to the young men who have given such tangible proof of their integrity.

I am glad to inform you that we have none at present who are considered dangerously sick. There are several cases of sore throats, but none that awaken any fearful apprehension. Two or three of our men are sick in the city, but favorable results are anticipated. by the following, which I take from the Clipper of Monday, you will see that the same absence of death is noticed last week, as I alluded to as reported the week before:

“U. S. ARMY HOSPITALS. - During the past week there has been admitted in the National Hotel Hospital 20 patients, and 57 returned to duty. There are at present in the hospital 202 patients. During the same length of time there has been admitted to the Adams House Hospital, 5 patients, 12 returned from duty, and 2 discharged from service. There are at present 63 in this hospital. No deaths have occurred in either hospital during the past week. Both these hospitals have during the past week been scrubbed and thoroughly scoured from top to bottom, and everything looks as clean and as neat as a parlor.

The Adams House is under the charge of ants, and the National under charge of Dr. Bartholow, late of Fort McHenry, and is ably assisted by Dr. F. T. Dade, Dr. B. B. Miles, son of Col. Miles, Drs. Knowles and Dare.”

We are very much elated by the recent victories under our flag. A few more such, and we should begin to see some indications of the end.

The weather for a few days past has been very delightful. Everyone about me seems to rejoice in the warm sunshine. Doors and windows are thrown open and the bushes and trees about the quarters are ornamented with quilts and blankets, submitted to the hygienic influences of the air and sunshine. The mud of which we have had such a super abundance, is drying up and unless we get another drenching storm, the ground will soon be firm under our feet again.

We have a new installment of pants. The men were getting quite shabby, in appearance and are very much improved by their new clothes. The drum has just beat for afternoon drill and the men fall into line as thought they were glad to get out.



St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, March 11, 1862

From the Sixtieth.

From Our Regular Correspondent.



Some of our men who have seemed to think that the army is a place of unrestricted license to do evil, were suddenly taught very differently last Tuesday morning, when an order for a General Court Martial was read, and put into execution. I give your readers a few specimens of the charges, findings and sentences then made public.

A member of Co. E., was charged with, and found guilty of the following: “Drunkenness when upon post as a Sentinel, profance and disrespectful language to his superior officer, and riotous conduct.” He was sentenced “to forfeit all pay and allowances now due, or hereafter to become due to him from the United States, to be dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States, and to be drummed out of the camp of his regiment.”

A member of Co. K, was found guilty of, “disorder and mutinous conduct and ordered to undergo a stoppage of all pay and allowances, to be dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States, to be drummed out of the camp of his regiment, and to be confined at hard labor in the Penitentiary in the District of Columbia for a period of two years.”

A member of Co. D., was convicted of absence from guard without leave, conduct subversive to military discipline, contemptuous and disrespectful language to his superior officer, violation of ninth article of war and conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline.” He was sentenced “to forfeit all pay and allowances now due, or hereafter to become due to him from the United States, to be drummed out of the camp of his regiment, to be confined at hard labor on the public works of the United States for the period of one year, and a ball and chain, during his confinement weighing twelve pounds, attached to his leg by a chain six feet in length.”

Rum drinking was the cause of trouble to these men. Our guard houses would all be empty if it was not for intoxicating drinks, but I am pained to write that more men will in all probability be ruined by liquor while engaged in this war, than will be maimed or killed by powder and ball. And yet, if the officials who have the absolute control of all intoxicating drinks within the reach of any camp, would be do their duty by the use of their power, no soldier could obtain the ruinous beverages. The Provost Marshals have as complete control of the vending of liquor in reach of the army as the Commissioners of Excise have in your country.

I do not suppose, however, that your readers will be much entertained by the above comparison, but having had some experience with the civil power, I doubt not but that it will interest those with whom I have tried to labor in that field, to be informed that the same infection of time serving duplicity and dishonesty has gotten hold of, and is paralyzing the military arm.

I am happy to say, in closing this letter, that the general health of the regiment is most excellent. Our sick list was never so small as now. Lieut. Eastman, of Co. K., is perhaps the sickest man we have got. He is prostrated with Typhoid Fever, but appears better to-day than he has for some time. He is a man much respected by all, and will receive every attention possible.


St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, March 18, 1862

From the “Sixtieth.”

From Our Regular Correspondent.

CAMP PRESTON KING, near Balt., March 12th, 1862.


I think I wrote you in a recent letter, that judging from appearances, the 60th would soon get marching orders. They have come, but they were not the kind we expected.

Our regiment is now more scattered than ever, no two companies being in one place. Our line of guard duty is extended, reaching now from three points in the city of Baltimore to Annapolis Junction, a distance of about sixteen miles. Companies D, E, C, F, B, H, A, and G are out of this city, D, being sufficiently near to guard the Mount Clare Station, and the remaining seven scattered along the line in the order in which I have placed their letters, Co. G being the last, and having its quarters at Annapolis Junction.

Co's. H and I, remain where they have been for some time past.

Colonel ROBINSON of the 1st Michigan, who has been our acting Brigadier, has gone off with his regiment and Col. MILES, of Bull Run notoriety, takes his place over the Rail Road Brigade.

At Head Quarters we have the Field and Staff Officers, the Band and a guard from Co. E. The quarters formerly occupied by Co. K. are being fitted up for Hospital purposes, and by to-morrow we shall have our sick moved here. EMSLOW, of Co. A, is the sickest man we have. The Surgeon thinks him somewhat improved this morning, but as he has Typhoid fever, his condition is yet critical.

Lieut. H. C. EASTMAN, of Co. K of whose sickness I advised you in my last, died last Saturday. He was an excellent man, quiet, and unobtrusive, but ever prompt in duty, and true to every trust and obligation. In moral worth he ranked high, and though a man of few words his life was a constant example of rectitude. By it may he being dead speaks for the rebuke of evil doing, and the encouragement of those who do well.

Our band is received with favor in Baltimore. They have visited the city and played on several occasions, and always with great credit to themselves.


Frontier Palladium, March 27, 1862

From the Sixtieth Regiment.

March 19th, 1862.

MESSRS. EDITORS PALLADIUM:—A number of important changes have been made of late in our Rail Road Brigade and Regiment, which may interest a portion of your readers and friends of the 60th. Col. Robinson, ex-acting Brigadier General, has been removed and ordered on to Fortress Monroe with his command, and Col. Miles has taken his place, and gives perfect satisfaction so far. Our Regimental Headquarters are nearly deserted, the Companies being occupied guarding the line of Railroad, excepting Capt. Hyde's Co., which is stationed near Headquarters. At Headquarters, two miles south east from Baltimore, are the Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel, Major, and Staff, guarded by Capt. Hyde's Company alone. Though hard, it is done by the men with cheerfulness and with a will. One of his Lieutenants is on the same as the men every other day, and ig relieved by Capt. Redington's 2d Lieutenant. Our Colonel, Geo. S. Greene, was at first received by officers and men politely, but with coolness, being a little distrustful of strangers. That feeling has entirely died away, and all like him, and have more and more confidence as one day follows another, that he is capable of his position, and just the man to lead us into battle. He is a man of few words, but polite and pleasant, of a strong mind, with firmness and decision. He is a grand-son of the brave and distinguished General Greene of old. He has a son now in command of the Monitor and was second in command in the fight with the Merrimac, The Colonel is very strict and orderly, and has good discipline. The Lieut. Col. is equally as well liked, and the Major is a great favorite with all. Our Chaplain is very popular, with us all. Quartermaster Merritt gives us the best of satisfaction, and no one complains of not having enough to eat, and that the best that is to be had at all times, such as better beef than Franklin county can produce every other day, good potatoes, the best of baker's fresh bread, beans, rice, &c., &c. Adjutant Gale is one of the most popular officers in the Regiment, and does his duty thoroughly.

We of course now have no Battallion drill or Dress-Parades, and I presume your readers will care little to hear of other Companies than Co. E., (Capt. Hyde's.) The Quarters of this Company are about one hundred rods south of Headquarters, on a beautiful rise of ground overlooking the whole of the city of Baltimore—a pleasanter and healthier location than which could not have been selected. By order of Capt. Hyde the parade and grounds around the camp have been put into a state of the highest perfection, by leveling off, wheeling on coarse gravel, giving us at all times a dry and neat footing.

Our Company is in a healthy condition, and so might I say of the Regiment, for the climate and season. There is only one man in the General Hospital—Charles D. Willard, who has been very sick, but is now newly recovered and ready to be out doers, Andrew Smith, who has for along time been dangerously sick with the Typhoid Fever, returned to us a few days since, and was last week taken with a relapse, but is again recovering. Luther S. Gage is still in Hospital from broken bones, bruises, &c., that he received by Railroad cars while picketing about two weeks since. He is about on his crutches now and is improving very rapidly. Corporal Thompson and private Canfield are well again, or nearly so. I believe those mentioned include the whole of our sick list.

Our Company drills two hours every day; inspection every Sunday. Have services or Prayer meetings every Thursday night.

All members of Company E take great pride; as soldiers, in keeping themselves neat and tidy. Arms and accoutrements are kept in the best of condition and ready for immediate action, which I am afraid we shall not see, but I say, and say we all—we enlisted in the cause at our country, to obey orders and to do our duty, and if the Government sees fit to keep us on this kind of duty, though we would greatly prefer something more active, we will do it with is a will, and to the best of our ability.

The Company have now formed an association for instruction, improvement of the mind, &c., which is founded strictly upon temperance principles, and about seventy of the Company have taken part.

Capt Hyde is untiring in his efforts to promote the welfare of the Company, and to him, is due the credit for the many improvements already made.

Lieut. Reynolds, being a good accountant as well as officer, has been promoted by Col. Miles to Assistant Adjutant-General of his Brigade; he commenced his duties as such on Monday, March 17th. He was a general favorite with the Regiment as well as with the Company, and will, I presume, be with the General, and I fear that we shall lose him for good. His absence makes the Captain and let Lieutenant work a vast deal harder, and they of course miss his services as well as his company.

We have lost one commissioned officer in our Regiment. Lieutenant Eastman, of Co. K, died in a private house near camp on the 8th of March, of Typhoid Ammonia; the next Sunday after, his remains were escorted to the depot with military honors, where they were left to be forwarded to his friends in St. Lawrence Co. Lieut. E. was a true man and a good soldier.

Our facilities for obtaining news are of the best. The news boys are here with the Baltimore Clipper within half an hour after they are from the press. Our men are all fond of reading, and would be pleased if their friends would send them a home paper occasionally. S. S. P.


Courier and Freeman, April 23, 1862



CAMP MILES, near Relay House,
Headquarters 60th April 16.

To the Editors of the Courier & Freeman:

When I last wrote you I expected to have been in the land where fighting is the prevailing element, long ere this; but here we are, and as disappointment is, more or less, the common lot of all mankind, I will not be the first to murmur.

Since last you heard from me, we have been moved from the great city, distant about nine miles, to what is known as the Relay House. Having always lived in the quiet of the country we like it much better than living in the city. Although we miss the theatre, the museum, and many other places of amusement which served to cheer our lonely hours, yet they are not to be compared, in my humble opinion, to the lovely scenes and pastimes which may be enjoyed in the country. I suppose we shall enjoy the pleasures of home much better after being deprived of them for three long, dreary years—years ears of constant exposure and fatigue in the end of which time, doubtless, home will be dearer to us all.

Our guard duty is slightly lessened since coming here. Instead of having to do duty once in two days, as before, it is now once in three; but this deficiency is amply made good by drill, which consists of from four to six hours good smart drilling daily—there is no half way work about it. But this is what we want and what we must have.

Four companies are now at headquarters; the rest of the regiment guards the railroad from Baltimore to Annapolis Junction.

The health of the regiment was never better since we left Camp Wheeler. There are a few cases of rheumatism and fewer of fever.

One of our (Co. D's) men had the misfortune to accidentally discharge his rifle while on guard, the ball passing through his left hand, thence through the fore-piece of his cap—a narrow escape indeed. It is thought he will lose his arm.

We like Col. Green exceedingly well. He is doing all he can to get the 60th in a more desirable position. Since he has taken command, there has been a great change wrought in the looks and appearance of the regiment. So long as Hayward commanded, anarchy prevailed; instead of having respect for our Colonel, as is at present the case, we entertained feelings of absolute hatred, and of course could not conscientiously with his requirements. But now there is not a regiment in the vicinity of Baltimore which has as good discipline, or makes as fine an appearance, as the 60th.

Our pay, which we have long been expecting, has not yet arrived, but we do not despair, for it is a well-known fact that “good things come slow,” and what can be better for the soldier than a little money now and then? Twenty-two men who have been recruited for the 60th since January, arrived here last Friday. The rest are expected in a few days, together with the officers. These men have been in the Albany barracks seven weeks.


St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, May 6, 1862

From the Sixtieth.

From Our Regular Correspondent.

CAMP MILES, RELAY HOUSE, Md., April 25, 1862


Since I last wrote you our position has not materially changed. Our Headquarters have been moved, but the regiment is still scattered, and the prospect of our being brought together, is by no means encouraging. The men impatiently chafe at this railroad duty, but the higher powers do not see fit to give us any relief. It has the appearance of being wrong that regiments, in no way fitted for duty and seemingly armed in a very incomplete and incompetent manner, should be sent at once into the field, while the Sixtieth, furnished with the most formidable weapon which the infantry carry, and having experience in some branches at least of the drill, are kept here to do a work which unarmed citizens could as well perform. But as the presumption is that the authorities are doing everything for the best, we can only suppose that we err in judgment.

A terrible accident occurred last night at the barracks of Co. A. at Annapolis Junction, Elderkin Rose and Wallace Smith, both privates in Co. A, were engaged in playing cards, when Rose playfully said to Smith at the suggestion of another private, that if any attempt was made to “nig,” he would attend to him with a pistol, which he laid in his lap. Both the players had been snapping the pistol a few momenta before, and supposed, from its not discharging, that it was unloaded. Rose made a play, which Smith, followed, taking the cards, when the former, raising the pistol, asked the latter what he did that for, at the same time daring. The contents of the pistol took effect in Smith's right breast, who simply exclaimed “Oh, Rose!” and almost instantly expired.

The melancholy affair has produced a most painful sensation, not only in the company, where the deceased was a very general favorite, but throughout the entire command. Unfortunate Rose, who stood in the relation of most intimate and sincere friendship to the deceased is almost heart-broken, being overwhelmed with sorrow. A court of inquiry was ordered this morning, but nothing different from the facts noted above was elicited. Funeral services have been held this afternoon, and the body forwarded by Express to his parents. May the God of all comfort sustain and help them!

We are about to lose our Colonel. He has been nominated to the Military Committee for promotion to Brigadier General. In all probability his name will go before the Senate ere this reaches you, and of his confirmation there is little if any doubt.

Col. Green has been a very popular commander, and a very general regret is expressed at the prospect of his leaving us. I think him eminently qualified for the proposed position, or indeed for any other that requires coolness, judgment and determination. I wish we might retain him, but since it is otherwise ordered, I am glad that when he leaves us it is that he may go up higher.

Yours Truly, RICHARD EDDY.


St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, May 27, 1862

From the Sixtieth.

CAMP MILES, RELAY HOUSE, Md., May 19, 1862


After an absence of over three months from the regiment I am at last permitted to return and am happy to say that I never saw the men looking better. The rules of cleanliness are strictly enforced, no doubt conducing much to the healthy condition of us all. There are but few cases of sickness at present and those not of an alarming nature.

An almost universal feeling of satisfaction with the officers, both field and line, is apparent. The only cause for complaint at present is that we should be kept guarding this railroad while other regiments of no better material or more perfect in drill, sho'd be sent forward into more active service,— Twice since my arrival the monotony of the camp has been broken and the hearts of the men made glad by the report that we were soon to be ordered to Winchester to join Gen. Banks', division, but both times it has proved unfounded.

Maj. Edward C. James arrived to-day but has left for Washington where he will report and then return for duty. The change of officers caused by the promotion of Col. Green, is well received and I trust will add to our efficiency and better prepare us to cope with the enemy-an event which we all anxiously wait for.

Many of the sick and wounded Yorktown and Williamsburg, are now in the different hospitals at Baltimore. I visited them a few days ago and while my feelings were touched in the tenderest manner at the sight, of broken limbs and wounds of every description, I could not suppress a feeling of vindictiveness and thirst for revenge, when, they told me how cruelly the enemy treated our wounded and mutilated the dead In many instances, when they fell into their hands. I cannot see why we should not deal more rigorously with an enemy who violates every usage of civilized warfare. A lieutenant of the Massachusetts Fifth, who had his leg taken off by a shell, told me that he found a New Jersey captain, who had $700 in gold on his person when he went into the action, wounded in the leg by a rifle shot, with his skull knocked in, stripped of everything valuable about his person.

I cannot see why Congress hesitates to pass acts confiscating all the property of disloyal men, when such unprecedented acts, of cruelty and barbarity are perpetrated at every opportunity. Are they not yet convinced that we are dealing with a foe as reckless as fiends from the infernal regions and relentless as death? Could stern justice take the place of undeserved mercy, they would soon come to the conclusion that this was a war in reality.

Yours, &c., G. M. G.


Frontier Palladium, May 29, 1862

The 60th Regiment.

SERGT. FELLOWS, of the 60th, returned home yesterday, having received his discharge, on account of sickness. He informs us that six companies of the Regt., including Co. E, Capt. Hyde, started for Harper's Ferry, on Sunday night last, to reinforce Banks.


Courier and Freeman, June 4, 1862

Bolivar Hights, 60th N. Y. Reg.
May 29th, 1862.


When I wrote you last, I had nearly given up the idea of ever having an opportunity of leaving the B. & O. RR, but I was slightly mistaken in that respect, for we are now in pretty close proximity to the warring elements—in fact. we are with them. Last Saturday morning at two o'clock, our camp at the Relay House' was aroused from its peaceful slumbers with orders to be in readiness to leave for Harper's Ferry at eight o'clock, with three days' rations in our haversacks. Accordingly, we found ourselves in the required situation at the above named hour. The hour came and passed, and we remained in this plight until eleven o'clock, Sunday morning at dress parade, when an order come to march as soon as practicable. At three in the afternoon, we bid a last adieu […]ly Camp Miles—though we shod no tears—and commenced our march for the seat of war. We took the cars and, after the usual amount of switching off and on, and leading of baggage, started at six. I would like to give you a description of the country between the Relay House and our present situation, but have not time; besides I could not do it justice, therefore I forbear. The distance to Harper's Ferry from where we were is 70 miles. We arrived at the Ferry sometime in the morning. Through the day, Monday, stragglers were returning from the late battle with horrid tales of the defeat of our men and the cruelties of the rebels to our sick, wounded and prisoners; telling, too of their overwhelming forces, for which we of course made all due allowance on account of their fright. It is useless for me to give you a detailed account of these reports, as you are doubtless as well posted as we are in this matter. Tuesday morning we came to our present camping ground. It rained a very little yesterday and was not very agreeable to us as we have no tents up. It soon cleared off, however, and the weather is exceedingly beautiful. So long as good weather lasts we want no tents, as we expect hourly to march. Our camp is about two miles from the Ferry. The Blue Ridge mountains show their green heads about a mile distant in our rear, while the Alleghanies faintly show their tops in the misty distance in front - altogether the scene is delightful. Our boys are in good spirits and apparently eager for the fight. I doubt not there will be pale faces when they are drawn up to face and return the enemy's fire, but fear not of their turning back. There was a skirmish, with the rebels at Charleston yesterday in which the 111th Pa, 78th N. Y. 1st Md., and one or two other Regiments were engaged. Our men drove them out of the town in the first place, then, to decoy them to this place, slowly retreated and arrived at camp about four or five o'clock. They, however, did not think it advisable to try us on, so they, fell back to their former position. Nothing has been heard from them this morning that I am aware of. Our force here at present is not more than six or seven thousand, though reinforcements are continually arriving. We are of course in Bank's division though we may have another general. Our Brigadier General's name. is Saxton from New York. I believe he is inexperienced in actual service. We doubt not our success. I forgot to tell you that only six companies are here now, but the others are expected daily, having been sent for. Companies A, D,E,F, H, and K, are now here. We have enough to eat and good times generally. The next time I write you I hope we shall have captured the whole force of the-enemy. It is a pretty sure thing that they can not get away in the end for we are after them in too many directions. I have given you an outline of affairs in this vicinity as nearly correct as possible under the circumstances, and must now close for want of time.



St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal, June 10, 1862

From the “Sixtieth.”

From Our Regular Correspondent.

CAMP HILL, HARPER'S FERRY, Va., June 1, 1861.


A week ago to-day Companies A, D, E, F, H, and K, left the Relay House for Harper's Ferry. We reached Sandy Hook early Monday morning, and lay there till Tuesday forenoon, when we marched over at the head of the column, to Harper's Ferry, and on two miles beyond, to Bolivar Heights, where we formed in line of battle. In the night an alarm was given, at which our men instantly took position and awaited an attack. No enemy appeared. The behavior of officers and men was most admirable. The next day a reconnaisance was made by the Seventy-Eighth New York and the Eleventh Pennsylvania, accompanied by a squadron of Maryland cavalry. They pushed on about three miles; when they found that our advance pickets were being driven in by the the rebels, whose force they could not ascertain, as they kept mostly to the woods, and only showed their artillery, which attempted to shell them, but without any further result than killing one of our cavalry horses. The forces made a good return, coming in in common time, and with bands playing. The rebels followed up pretty sharply till they came, within range of our batteries on the Heights, which opened upon them with shells, some of which were seen to strike among then. About midnight it was reported that they were advancing in force, but the enemy-made no advance. On Thursday frequent skirmishing revealed the enemy's position as being the same as on the day before, but, towards midnight reliable information, as was supposed, was obtained of an attempt, to outflank us. To avoid this, we left Bolivar Heights and fell back to this place, which, whatever the original circumstances of its being named, is now very appropriately being called Camp Hill. On Friday night the enemy it was thought was advancing. We opened upon them with an enormous seige-gun, which dropped a large shell directly on their line of battle, whereupon they followed their usual custom and skedaddled! How far they have gone I do not know, but am informed that the skirmishers get no trace of them for six or eight miles out. Possibly they may come again at any time, but we feel that whenever they make their appearance we are ready for them.

The Sixtieth are in good spirits and ready for fighting, the chief and only regret being that some of our comrades have been left behind. I hope they may soon be with us.

Our new Major is with the companies left behind. To him the change from the active and dangerous field to the quiet of mere railroad, guard is doubtless for a time very pleasant and agreeable, but I am confident he will have no regret if ordered to join us.

It will gratify our friends at home to know that We have been Brigaded; and have the Right, the post of Honor. Ours is the Second Brigade in Gen. Saxton's Central Division. Col. John P. Slough, who raised a regiment of Colorado Volunteers and marched them two hundred and thirty miles in four days, to relieve Col. Canby at Fort Union, New Mexico, and who, for that, noble action has just been made Bridgadier General, is here on duty, and we, I am glad to say, are in his Brigade.

Col. Goodrich has appointed Sergeant Clark of Co. D, and Corporal McAvoy of Co. H, color bearers, and Corporals Byron, Co. A, Fifield, Co. F, Wells, Co. H, Gallagher and Ferris, Co. E, Harrington, Co. K, ad Nobles Co, D, color guard. These men may be depended on to stand by the flag.

Adjutant Gale has been detailed by Gen. Slough. (pronounced Slo,) as Acting Assistant Adjutant-Genera), and Lieut. Shipman as Aid-de-Camp. Lieut. Dickinson is acting Adjutant of this Regiment.

I have no space here in which to say anything of the promotions and appointments made necessary by our losing Gen. Green, except that Col, Goodrich's promotion was expected, and that his bearing, coolness and unwearied efforts for the comfort and welfare of his command, have satisfied officers, and men of the wisdom of their action when some months ago they sent a petition to. the Governor for his Promotion. Lieutenant Col. Brundage always was a favorite among the men, and they, regard his promotion as an honor Well bestowed. Major James will} be appreciated as he becomes known, and only then, for though from our own country, he is still a stranger to a majority of the regiment.

This is Sunday, and is a day of rest, we needing quiet more than anything else. As I close this, at dark, we get a report that Gen. Seigle will be here in the morning to take command of this division. Depend upon it he will be most enthusiastically received.



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