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units:20th_new_york_state_militia_sources [2019/08/07 13:12]
units:20th_new_york_state_militia_sources [2019/08/08 12:17]
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 __**Primary Sources for the 20th New York State Militia**__ __**Primary Sources for the 20th New York State Militia**__
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-<​caption>​Letters for sale</​caption>​ 
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 {{:​20th_nysm:​monticello_ny_republican_watchman_july_3_1861.jpg?​linkonly|}} {{:​20th_nysm:​monticello_ny_republican_watchman_july_3_1861.jpg?​linkonly|}}
 +//Windham (NY) Journal//, July 4, 1861
 +Extract of a letter from the 20th Regiment.
 +HEAD QUARTERS, 20th Regt.,​\\ ​
 +June 22, 1861.
 +DEAR BROTHER —Not knowing when I shall write you again, I will do so now. During the forenoon the 20th Regiment has been all excitement and activity, preparatory to marching at a moments notice, in consequence of, of an order received this morning, from the powers that be—ordering the Colonel to hold his regiment in readiness for immediate service. Within one hour after the order was received the entire Regiment was all packed, and in marching order, excepting the tents,​—now we await the approaching steam horse, to "stack tents,"​ get on board and be off. God only knows where.
 +Probably to the scene of action, soon to be, (if not already,) inaugurated on the "​sacred soil" of the, once justly, proud "​mother of Presidents;"​ but now, alas! polluted by the tread of rebels and traitors, to the generous government which made them all they are or ever will be.
 +There has been many rumors hereabouts, as well as at home. I understand that we are to go home, to Baltimore, to Annapolis, where we were first located, &c, So says rumor; but in my humble judgement the only move we will make, if any within the next four weeks, will be as above suggested, to the front.
 +You cannot imagine the extreme desire among our men to move forward, All are ready and eager for fight; and should they be fortunate enough to be accomodated,​ woe be unto the traitor'​s band that stands before them, At present I have charge of the Hospital, established for the Regiment here—a fine commodious dwelling house situated on a knoll, in a fine and airy position, about one fourth of a mile from the camp,—in fact, just the place for such an institution. When I announced our orders to the patients this morning, I advised them to remain quiet at least until the train was ready to start—and to remain there, if not well enough, as I feared some would not be. The spontaneous answer of the eight was, "​never! When the 20th goes, we go also, sick or well." This shows the stuff of which our Regiment is composed, give them a chance and I will be responsible for their valor.
 +There are constant rumors here of battles on the front, in Virginia, of success and reversion between the contending powers; but there is nothing certain.
 +We are expecting that a powerful and decisive move will soon be made. This is all the satisfaction I can give you at present. When I shall be able to write you again I cannot tell—perhaps,​ never; If not, my friends shall have the satisfaction of knowing that my life, though but short and uneventful has not been entirely in vain. Should our Regiment not be permitted to return to their homes, and former associations;​ should they be destined to fall on the battle field, in the defence of our time honored flag, and the institutions under which the American nation has become one of the greatest and happiest nations upon earth, tell the friends of the 20th to stand ready and willing to take our places, and battle for the right until treason and rebellion, ceases in our land; which eventually it will, if the administration stands firm, and an opportunity is given to the American people to show their strength in the defense of liberty and justice, which they so dearly love, Wishing to be remembered to all who may inquire,
 +I remain your affectionate brother,​\\ ​
 + {{ :​20th_nysm:​windham_ny_journal_7-4-1861a.jpg?​linkonly |}}
 +//Windham (NY) Journal//, July 4, 1861
 +From The 20th Regiment.
 +As we are formerly from the town of Windham and vicinity, we thought a few lines would be interesting to our friends and fellow citizens. We have just taken our breakfast, and now are seated on the shady side of our tent, to give as good an account of ourselves as circumstances will admit of.
 +We have had orders, within a few days, to be in readiness for a march at an hour's notice; and yesterday we took it for granted the hour had arrived. Our knapsacks were quickly thrown up on our shoulders, haversacks put up, tents taken down, and our canteens filled, (with water only) but alas! our wishes and expectations were immediately put to an end, as far as all prospects of leaving were concerned, by an order from one of our officers to "fall in for battallion drill."​ We have thus been disappointed several times, and now we have come to the conclusion to remain here until further orders, which are hourly expected. Our boys from Greene county are unusually well, and complain but little. The weather is very warm, thought the Marylanders say:
 +"I reckon, you, have not seen the hottest."​ The mercury yesterday stood at 90 in the shade, with a prospect of getting higher. W. A, M. received a box from Windham last week, which upon being opened was found to contain articles. which a soldier knows only how to appreciate, The cake, &c, were quickly distributed to our boys,. who gave three hearty cheers and a tiger for the ladies of Windham. The bottle of "​Costar'​s Rat Exterminator"​ was soon opened, and the "​rats"​ went in. The donators will please accept the thanks of said "​rats."​ We are happy to learn an Aid Society has been organised in Windham as well as other towns in the county. It is one of the best institutions,​ we think, that ever was established,​ and shows a feeling of kindness never to be forgotten by the soldier, Over six thousand troops passed through here the past week, en route for the seat of war, and more are daily expected. You are as well posted, probably, in regard to the movements of troops and war news as We are; therefore we deem it unnecessary to comment any farther upon the subject, The sun is getting the advantage of us, and we must soon come to a close. It will be useless to forward us any more boxes, as we know not at what moment we will receive orders to move. Though letters will be thankfully received as heretofore, it will be well enough to write on the envelope, "To follow the Regiment."​ Hoping this will reach you in safety, we remain Yours, &c.
 +W. A. M. & L. S. O.
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units/20th_new_york_state_militia_sources.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/09 09:53 by admin