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14th_new_jersey_infantry_primary_sources [2019/06/12 12:27]
14th_new_jersey_infantry_primary_sources [2019/06/12 13:24]
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-<​caption>​Upon the Tented Field, by Bernard A. Olsen</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +Upon the Tented Field, by Bernard A. Olsen\\  
-{{:{{ :​14th_nj:​20190127_130708.jpg |img}} +Letter of Albert C. Harrison
-<​caption>​Upon the Tented Field, by Bernard A. Olsen</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +Alberton, Howard County, Maryland\\ ​ 
-{{:{{ :​14th_nj:​20190127_130715.jpg |img}} +September 61862 5 1/2 PM.\\  ​
-<​caption>​Upon the Tented Fieldby Bernard AOlsen</​caption>​ +
-<figure label> +My Dear Mother You see that we are now about 12 miles west of Baltimore. We were at Monocacy Station about 3 miles south of Frederick from which place I sent you a few lines and I have only time now to tell you that I am safe well through. I have slept in the open air on the ground for the last two nights. The people here are in a great excitement. The rebels, 5000 strong, have taken the same camp ground that we yesterday vacated. We left about an hour before they came. We are expecting a cavalry raid tonight. Tell my dear Father not to be afraid but that I will act gallantly for I have experienced the hour before the battle several times and can stand the test. I will write fully as soon as possible.  
-{{:{{ :14th_nj:20190127_130721.jpg |img}} + 
-<​caption>​Upon the Tented Field, by Bernard A. Olsen</​caption>​ +One meal a day and riding all day and sleeping in the open air agrees with me. The Colonel says you would not know me I am so brown. I have not arranged my things yet until we get settled because we expect the rebels all the time. I will write fully as soon as possible.  
 +Your Affectionate Son Peter  
 +Elysville, Maryland\\  
 +September 6, 1862\\  
 +Dear friends at home I wrote you one letter while at Monocacy and as we left there the same night I will have to write again to let you know where I am so you can send a letter to me. We had orders to move here as the rebels were advancing on the place which we were at. There were about 30,000 of them coming so General !God thought it would be useless for us to stand against so many. And therefore ordered us away. from Elysville is 10 miles from the Relay House and 20 miles all Baltimore. This is a splendid spot I can tell you. We are well but sleepy tonight. When we were at Monocacy we  
 +{{ :14th_nj:​20190127_130700.jpg?​linkonly|}} 
 +Upon the Tented Field, by Bernard A. Olsen\\  
 +Letter of Albert C. Harrison 
 +were out all night expecting to see the rebels but nary one did we see. We are on the railroad 40 miles from the old place and our duty will be to scout around the country from here to prevent the guerillas from committing any outrages. I believe this is all as I only want to let you know where we are. After we get settled I will let you know all the particulars.  
 +Write soon as I want to hear from home. All the People here are Union. I slept in one of the houses last night and got my supper and breakfast and they would not take a cent for it. Remember me to all my friends and tell them I like this business better than anything I have ever been at yet. I believe this is all at present so goodbye and write soon.  
 +Camp Wood, Elysville, Alberton County, Maryland\\  
 +Sunday September 14, 1862\\  
 +My Dear Father  
 +How glad I am to know that you are apprised of our true situation and know that the many exciting rumors which have circulated in the Philadelphia press of disaster to our regiment are false. They were not entirely though, without foundation. The bridges over the Monocacy which we were sent to protect we have since learned from reliable authority have been blown up and we would have taken the same elevating tour if we had remained there. We heard heavy cannonading all day yesterday and understood last evening that our forces were shelling the rebels from Maryland Heights. We do not apprehend any sudden danger where we are now. Lt. Col. Hall has just returned from Washington this morning and says that a great battle is expected near Frederick today. There is no use in my writing war news though, because you know from the New York Papers, before we do. We arrest all travelers and make them give an account of  
 +{{ :14th_nj:20190127_130708.jpg?linkonly|}} 
 +Upon the Tented Field, by Bernard A. Olsen\\  
 +Letter of Albert C. Harrison 
 +themselves, and thereby gain sometimes a little news in advance, but we can hardly ever depend upon what we gain from such a source. We are very pleasantly located a mile southeast of Elysville in a beautiful orchard. The greatest obstacle to our enjoyment being the difficulty of getting supplies. I feel so thankful Father, that I did not accept the Quartermaster appointment. Poor Mr. Cowart cannot complain about the monotony. He has to keep on the go all the time, and even then owing to the tremendous influx of soldiers into Baltimore he meets with poor success. The men have been without bread and fresh meat for two days. I would not be Q. M. for five thousand dollars a year. Don't trouble yourself Father about my wants. I really want nothing more. I have too much to take care of now especially if we should have to take French leave again. My horse has apparently recovered from his lameness and both are looking fine and fat.  
 +[no signature]  
 +Elysville, Maryland Sunday, September 14, 1862  
 +Dear Pa & Ma  
 +I hardly intended to write sooner but better sooner than never. Since leaving Freehold the 14th has traveled a good ways and have had a hard time of it. We landed at Monocacy Thursday morning (by the way Monocacy is on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, a distance of 60 miles from Baltimore) and pitched our tents and was calculating on a stay of a month or two. But at night we received word that a strong force of rebels was crossing the Potomac at Point of Rocks, a distance of 11 miles above us. Company H was thrown out on picket and during the night nearly all expected we would be attacked. The next morning we got a dispatch from General Wood ordering us to fall back to Elysville a distance of 20 miles from Baltimore. We got out of the way just in time for the rebels reached our camp within 3 1/2 hours after we left. The health of the Regiment is good considering we have not had but one good nights sleep since we left Freehold. We have had plenty to eat but most of the time not of very good quality. All hands are in good spirits and looking ahead to better times which we will have when we get settled. I must not forget to add that I am very well, and I would like to hear from Grandpa and the rest of you.  
 +Yours, Marcus P.S. Just as I finish a train from Frederick Junction brings the news that the rebels are in strong force in and around  
 +{{ :​14th_nj:​20190127_130715.jpg?​linkonly|}} 
 +Upon the Tented Field, by Bernard A. Olsen\\  
 +Letter of Albert C. Harrison 
 +Monocacy and Frederick City. 
 +Alberton, Howard County, Maryland.\\  
 +Sunday night, 1862 past 7 o'​clock September 14 
 +My Dear Mother 
 +As I will have more time tonight I will commence scribbling you a few lines with my pokeberry ink, my own manufacture,​ in answer to your letter which I received this morning. I was glad to hear that you could say you were well, only a little nervous. But thank God you were well enough to write to me, and by his kind Providence may you continue so. Dear Mother I rejoice to think that I am a soldier not only in this glorious union army, but in the army of God, where there will be no fighting. And I thank God that there are some sol- diers in this, our own Regiment, that feel their need of a savior. We have a great many members of Churches of different de- nominations in the Regiment. We hold Prayer meetings every successive night until the taps of the drum to turn in. There was a happy time last night among us for our chaplain had just arrived, a finer young man you don't often crop or a smarter one. His name is Rose, he is from Trenton. We held a meeting this afternoon before the Colonel'​s tent, and had a reviving time. The boys are all in good health and excellent spirits, They are all anxious to Say a few words to the Rebels in the shape of bullets. But as things look in the land of Dixie, I don't think they will have a chance to Satisfy their wishes. There has been an old fashioned battle fought since last Friday. You will see it likely in the papers before you receive my letter. But I will tell you all I know about it. 
 +The Colonel sent 105 men yesterday to guard the provision train as far as Frederick Junction. When I wrote to Libbie the Rebels were 30,000 strong instead of 10,000 at that place, but three hearty cheers for the union. McClellan has given them Hail Columbia assisted by the Noble Burnside.  
 +The took 2000 Rebel Cavalry and 800 infantry at one haul and have the remainder of them surrounded without a doubt. Our boys returned tonight and said the provisions went through all right. There were about 3000 wagons ready to take the supplies on to McClellan. The bridge I spoke about in Libbies letter that we guarded is blown up. The battle was fought on our old camp ground. They said it was a sorry old spot. Some of the boys brought back swords, pistols, bayonets and all quantities of rubbish. There was immense excitement in the camp tonight when the boys returned. We heard they were all taken prisoners. But they came in all sound and whole. 
 +I suppose Libbie told you all the particulars of our leaving Frederick so I will only state to you that we are en- 
 +{{ :​14th_nj:​20190127_130721.jpg?​linkonly|}} 
 +Upon the Tented Field, by Bernard A. Olsen\\  
 +Letter of Albert C. Harrison 
 +camped in an apple orchard and a splendid position it is. The water is excellent. The trees are loaded down with fruit and we  are in an enemy country and on a Secesh farm. The owners ​ name is Dorcey and he is rank Secesh. He came over when we first came here, but had little to say as it was not well for him to say much. 
 +Monday morning, September 15, 1862 
 +I will commence again this morning and say a few words, as I have a few minutes to spare before going to break- fast. It is a little cloudy this morning but will be a scorcher by and by. We have breakfast at seven o'​clock,​ then get on our equipment at 9, drill until 11 o’clock, have dinner at 12 o'​clock,​ equip ourselves again and drill from 2 until 4 o'​clock,​ have a dress parade at 6 o'​clock lasting half an hour. We drill well for the short time we have been in the field. The colonel is beloved by all and in fact all the officers. Major Vredenburgh is on hand all the while. 
 +There were about fifty letters came yesterday morning for Company G, and you would have laughed to see the boys rush after me. Their faces were all pleasure. Some would receive 2, 3, 4 letters and turn away singing or whistling and some received none, they would turn away sad and dejected and wonder why there were none for them. 
 +I haven'​t had a chance to find fault yet except when we skedadled from Frederick. Then we had nothing but paving stones, some may call them soda crackers but I think they came without calling. Without a joke mother, I have gained 4 lbs. since I enlisted. My health is better than it ever was in that store. I don’t feel the least inclined to be there. When you write again Mother, let me know how the nine months men are getting along. I mean those men that were bought with a hundred dollars for fear of draft. 
 +I am not sorry that I am one of Uncle Sams sons. He uses us well, even if we do have to sacrifice home ties, and feather beds and all such like. I would like to drop in and see you all this morning. ​ You and Libbie especially. Give my love to her to her and tell her to be a good girl and I will come home and see her by and bye. The Southern Confederacy is nearly played out mother. You may make up your mind to that for Mother, I can more truth here than you can read in the paper in six months. There is only two cases of sickness in the regiment and they are in favorable circumstances of recovery. 
 +Charley White sends his love to you mother. He hasn't any hair on the top of his head, the place where the Wool ought to grow. He has his head shaved and looks like a "what is it." We talk of sending him to Barnums. William Byram is getting bald. Thompson says he never was better in his life but would like to have a drink of apple. But I can't see it. George White ways if it wasn't for Poke Berries it would cost me a pile for ink, but so be it, I am bound to write. The 12th NJ is within 3 miles of us, encamped at a place called Ellicotts Mills. I suppose you are aware of our being in Wood's Division. I think we will be Brigaded soon. Write when you have a chance. I must come to a close as it is time for squad drill and I must get out my squad. I must bring my letter to a close. 
 +From Your Ever Obedient and Affectionate Son,\\  
 +Albert C. Harrison 
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-<​caption>​Upon the Tented Field, by Bernard A. Olsen</​caption>​ 
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-{{:{{ :​14th_nj:​monmouth_democrat_thu_sep_11_1862.jpg?​400 |img}} + 
-<​caption>​monmouth_democrat_thu_sep_11_1862</​caption>​ +//Monmouth Democrat//, September 11, 1862 
 +Our Army Correspondence. 
 +From the 14th N. J. Regiment. 
 +MONOCACY, Md., Sept. 4, 1862. 
 +DEAR MAJORThe 14th N. J. Regiment arrived here this morning at about 7 o'​clock,​ after a journey of three days without rest or sleep. Everywhere, save in portions of Mary- land, we were received with enthusiasm.— Philadelphia—God bless her patriotic sons and daughters will never be forgotten by the 14th. We wanted there for nothing. I could write many pleasing incidents connected with our journey, but must defer them for another letter. 
 +Our camp is situated in the valley of the Monocacy; on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, about 63 miles from Baltimore and 3 1/2 from Frederick City. And a lovely spot it is— the wealthiest and most picturesque part of Maryland. The air is pure, and health abounds. Fine, cool spring water gushes out of the hill sides, and the Monocacy river runs within three rods of our camp ground. Here the buys can wash and bathe—no excuse for uncleanliness or contagious diseases. Just a few rods from our camp stretch high hills, from which we can view the country for miles around. A splendid place from which to watch the movements of secesh. 
 +This is a very important place, in a military point of view. Over this road passes all the supplies for our army at Harper'​s Ferry —which is twenty-three miles distant—and also for the army in the Shenandoah Valley. Hard by our camp runs the turnpike from Washington to Harper'​s Ferry. We were placed here to protect two bridges—one the railroad bridge running over the Monocacy, and the other the Georgetown turnpike bridge, over the same. Some months ago a party of rebel cavalry made an attempt to destroy these bridges, but did not succeed. They are again threatened by a large force, and the Colonel has orders from Gen. Wool to hold these bridges at any cost. So your readers can readily imagine the importance attached to this point.  
 +A party of the 5th U.S. light artillery— two guns, rifled, twenty-four horses and thir- ty men—have just arrived. For the present they are attached to the regiment. 
 +We found encamped here a company of the First Maryland Brigade. They have been encamped here three months. 
 +11 o'​clock,​ A. M— Now our tents are all up, and everything looks like camp life. We all look forward to a good night'​s rest, as surely we need it. 
 +Later in the day I find much excitement throughout the camp. Upon inquiring, I find messengers have come in, reporting Jackson, 30,000 strong, crossing at Edwards'​ Ferry on the Potomac, twelve miles from us, and that they intend blowing up the bridges at this point. Very encouraging news for a green regiment.—Looks more or less like fight every hour. But the boys are cheerful all the while and our much-loved Colonel is as cool as if all were safe. Now a dispatch has just been received from Gen. Wool, confirming the report 
 +that the rebels in force are crossing near us. 
 +The men ask many questions, and wonder how we will ever be able to contend with so many, Night comes on—three of our companies, in connection with the Maryland company, are thrown out as pickets; among the number Co. H, Capt. Stults, to which I am attached. At about 11 o'​clock at night Col. Truex received a dispatch to retire to the other side of the river, as the rebels were on us. Then came the confusion of hurrying across the river baggage, &c., some half-mile —and all by hand. Just at this moment our pickets commenced firing an alarm, rockets rose in the heavens from different directions, signals from where we knew not. You will agree with me, Major Yard, in saying that this is the hour which tries, more than any other, the mettle of old veterans, let alone inexperienced men, just from home and all its dear associations. Not a man flinched, not a nerve seemed to quiver, but all stood prepared for the worst. has matters stood ‘till morning—an awful suspense—but no rebels came 
 +Sept. 5—Early in the morning expressmen came in, reporting the rebels on the way.— The people were all fleeing before the dreaded Jackson. Later, pickets came in from the Maryland company, stating that they had been shelled by the rebels, and that one of their number was drowned in crossing a river. Everything looks dark. Now comes a dispatch from Gen. Wool, ordering us away, with despatch. Surely we could not be expected to contend against such odds. Rebel cavalry are within four miles of us, and we are not yet on the cars. 
 +But I am too fast. Previous to receiving the dispatch to evacuate, ​ Col. Truex called all the officers together, and told us to prepare for the worst. Then every man expected fight. Think you the 14th became nervous, and trembled? Not so. The Colonel said the men acted like heroes—that they had shown endurance beyond his expectations.— Remember, another night,and no sleep or rest; nothing but hard, fatiguing work, both of mind and body. 
 +Now we are all aboard, and off for some unknown point. 
 +At about 11 o'​clock,​ P. M., we halt at Elysville, eighteen miles from the "Relay House,"​ and twenty-seven miles from Baltimore, on the same road. Here we find another bridge to protect. This is quite a smart little place. The principal attraction is a large cotton mill, engage present in manufacturing tent cloth for government. Here is a small stream of water known as Patapsco Falls, fine for bathing. This is a delightful place. Good water—no contagious diseases rage here—and all in all, a pleasant exchange. The inhabitants are generous to a fault, and nearly all unconditional Union people. A Maine regiment was quartered here for some time. I trust the 14th New Jersey will leave behind them as good a name.  
 +Work is before us, as our pickets are to be thrown out seven miles. 
 +Our staff officers are becoming more and more popular every day. Major Vredenburgh and Adjutant Buckelew have an eye single to the interests of the men. They will make a mark yet. Yours in haste, W. D. C. 
 +ELYSVILLE, Sept. 7th. 
 +The rebels are crossing the Potomac at Edwards'​ Ferry, about twelve miles from here. A Union General has just come into camp, and we are planting cannon near our camp on a hill. We expect to have a large body of men here by to-morrow morning. Unless the rebels change tactics, we will be in a fight before four days. 
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-<​caption>​ocean_emblem_1862-10-01</​caption>​ +//Ocean Emblem//, October 1, 1862 
 +The 14th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers is now encamped at Camp Wool, Md. Capt Gowdy and some of his company esceorted several hundred rebel prisoners to Fort Deleware last week, and From the letters received here from our soldiers these poor beings are in the most wretched condition possible. They are almost naked and have been nearly starved for food. Some of them are sick of the war and others are eager to be exchanged that they may return to fight the Union army again.  
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14th_new_jersey_infantry_primary_sources.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/12 14:13 by admin